[Pkg-xfce-devel] Bug#711224: additional info

alberto maurizi a.maurizi at isac.cnr.it
Thu Jun 6 09:02:05 UTC 2013

This is to let you know that all of the other options of "When power button
is pressed:" work (Nothing, Suspend, Hibernate, Shutdown). Only "Ask" fails
(it performs a shutdown without asking anything).


Alberto Maurizi
              a.maurizi at isac.cnr.it	ISAC-CNR
          Phone n. +39 051 639 9615	via Gobetti 101
            Fax n. +39 051 639 9658	40129 Bologna, Italy
home page:		http://bolchem.isac.cnr.it/staff:alberto_maurizi.do
bolchem project:	http://bolchem.isac.cnr.it

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