[Pkg-xfce-devel] Bug#728717: Bug#728717: xfce4-terminal: Fails to forward terminal size information

Yves-Alexis Perez corsac at debian.org
Mon Nov 4 20:08:36 UTC 2013

Control: tag -1 unreproducible moreinfo
On Mon, 2013-11-04 at 17:54 +0100, Alexander Heinlein wrote:
> The applications affected are for example: top, screen, htop, ncmpcpp,
> abook.
> Interestingly the following applications seem to be not affected: aptitude,
> mutt, nano, joe.

top and screen work just fine for me.
> This only happens with xfce4-terminal. Other terminals I tested don't show
> this strange behavior, including: xterm, gnome-terminal, lxterminal, rxvt.
> Hence I assume this issue is related to xfce4-terminal or one of its
> dependencies.

Can you try with sakura too? Also, it might be helpful to try with a
different user (or more exactly an empty terminal config).

Also, I wonder if the shell can be involved here. Can you tell us which
one you use?

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