[Pkg-xfce-devel] xfwm4 - WindowButtons -- improvements

Die Optimisten inform at die-optimisten.net
Sat Sep 6 11:15:19 UTC 2014


1) Nice window-manager!

Panel WindowButtons:
2) It would be nice to sort the list inside the window-groups, (but not 
the buttons on the bar),
or sort (all), but also allow drag-and-drop (just new windows are 
inserted at sorted position, nothing else changed!
and "sort now" in Panel-Prefs
3) How can I set the min+max width of the Buttons?
4) Perhaps if button-list grows to long, only buttons with most windows 
are grouped (till count of buttons fits into desktop
5) if grouped items (in one button) exceed desktop (high), the group 
could be split in 2 (or more).
  -> prevent lock, if spliting leads to oversizing desktop-width... ;-)

Please also ADD me to CC: inform(AT) die-optimisten.net , because I#m 
not in this mailing-list  !!!

Thanks a lot

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