[Pkg-xfce-devel] Bug#842712: Bug#842712: xfce4-notifyd: fails to start because of missing DISPLAY variable

Simon Frei freisim93 at gmail.com
Tue Nov 1 11:25:12 UTC 2016

So problems also appeared with gnome-keyring. It is probably due to a
recent (auto)installation of dbus-user-session. I added

    dbus-update-activation-environment --systemd --all

in shell initialisation and all problems disappear, I even get more
notifications now (e.g. from icedove). So this is clearly not a
xfce4-notifyd problem and this can be closed - sorry for the
inconvenience and thanks for your help.

On 31/10/16 17:17, Yves-Alexis Perez wrote:
> I'm not sure what is your setup, but it works just fine here.
It would be great if you could tell me whether you have
dbus-user-session installed.

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