[Pkg-xfce-devel] Bug#882792: Bug#882792: xfce4-panel: some icons not appearing in notification panel

Julian Gilbey jdg at debian.org
Mon Nov 27 14:04:48 UTC 2017

On Mon, Nov 27, 2017 at 11:50:41AM +0100, Yves-Alexis Perez wrote:
> control: unreproducible moreinfo

Unfortunately, I've now managed to reproduce it :-(

See below....

> On Sun, 2017-11-26 at 21:00 +0000, Julian Gilbey wrote:
> > This is a bizarre one, and I can't reproduce it on another machine,
> > but I can't seem to fix it on this one, so I'm reporting it....
> It's not really helpful, you know. Maintainers time is scarce and we're not a
> support channel, reporting stuff “just because” doesn't really work for us.

I know; I too am a maintainer :/  I did lots of obvious things before
I reported it (purging and reinstalling xfce4-panel for example).

> That beeing said:
> > 
> > My notification panel has, for some reason, stopped showing all of the
> > icons it should be.  It is no longer showing the bluetooth icon, even
> > though I have a bluetooth USB adaptor; it isn't showing the safeeyes
> > icon (see bug #881171 - which maybe should be merged with this bug),
> > and I don't know what else it isn't showing.  But it is showing icons
> > for notes, orage, dropbox, libreoffice and parcimonie.
> Just to be sure, are the bluetooth applet and that safeeyes processes actually
> running?

Yes, they both are.

What's even weirder is that I cleared the known applications using the
Notification Area preferences, and now they have both reappeared in
the list (image attached).

I have just purged the whole of xfce4 (that's every xfce4-related
package that I could find, and moved .config/xfce4 out of the way, so
it's entirely fresh) and reinstalled everything.  While xfce4 was
purged, and I used the MATE desktop, safeeyes and bluetooth showed
perfectly in the notification area.  But now that I've reinstalled
xfce4, these icons are once again not showing: I'm attaching a
screenshot of the whole screen.

And worse than that, something's now gone wrong with the theming as
well: menu titles now crash into each other, and the drop-down menus
are not meaningfully styled, as is visible in the screenshot of the

And reproducibility: I tried this on another machine: I purged the
whole of xfce4 etc., as described above, and I have ended up with the
same problems, both the icons not appearing in the notification area
and the menu titles crashing into each other.

I'm totally flummoxed.

Best wishes,

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