Bug#437093: vorbis-tools: time overflow in oggenc

anton repko trcheton at gmail.com
Fri Aug 10 12:29:10 UTC 2007

Package: vorbis-tools
Version: 1.1.1-6

When encoding raw pcm with length 63324.9 s from named FIFO, this appears:

anton at tethys:~/Documents/radia$ oggenc -r -b 64 audiofile -o hkr2.ogg
Encoding "audiofile" to
at approximate bitrate 64 kbps (VBR encoding enabled)
        Encoding [114m47s so far] \

Done encoding file "hkr2.ogg"

        File length:  -567m -46,0s
        Elapsed time: 114m 48,0s
        Rate:         -4,9458
        Average bitrate: -113,4 kb/s

anton at tethys:~/Documents/radia$

Created file is OK, the only problem is text written above.

My system:
Linux 2.6.18 #1 Fri Jul 6 23:36:40 CEST 2007 i686 GNU/Linux
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