PROSPER AMEND prosper_amend at
Mon Oct 25 13:02:11 UTC 2010

Good Day,

I am a Senior Auditor working with a Bank here in
Malaysia,I have a deal of $8.5m are you in interest to
receive this fund into your Bank Account or your open up a
new Bank Account to receive the usd$8.5m and we share
50/50% after you have receive sum into your bank account.

The $8.5m left behind by a late customer, a Iraq citizen
Mr Mohamat H Ammar who died with his entire family in Iraq
War before it is declared unserviceable by my Bank.

Firstly, I will like to clearly make you understand,that
is legally, you have nothing to worry about, as far as
this inheritance claim is concerned.As a banker with Twenty years of
experience,I make bold to say with full authority,that this business is
100% legal, and safe.Can we use this opportunity and make
money together as we all need money. I have decided to
remit this sum following my idea that we have a
deal/agreement and I am going to do this legally.Please
let us have this deal done.

              MY CONDITIONS.

1. You will give me 50% of the total contract funds as
soon as you confirm it in your designated bank account.

2. This deal must be kept secret forever, and all
correspondence will be strictly by email / telephone, for
security purposes.

3. There should be no third parties as most problem
associated with your fund release are caused by your
agents or representative.

If you AGREE with my conditions, l advise you on what to
do immediately and the transfer will commence without
delay as I will proceed to fix your name on the Payment
schedule instantly to meet the three days mandate by my
bank. I hope you don't reject this offer and have the
funds transferred. Reply to my Alternative Email
(prosperamennd at

Waiting for your reply soon.

Yours Sincerely.

Dr. Prosper Amend
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