Bug#728062: vorbis-tools: mailcap of ogginfo

Kevin Ryde user42_kevin at yahoo.com.au
Sun Dec 14 06:46:10 UTC 2014

Martin Steghöfer <martin at steghoefer.eu> writes:
> It seems
> to implement the "cat" action properly, while not disturbing the "view"
> action (thanks to the low priority).

Yes.  At low priority there's not much damage can be done.

This ogginfo would be a final fallback for "view" action too, if nothing
else better exists.

In theory that could be if the user has no audio output device, or no
permissions on it, but the player programs I can see in the mailcap
(including ogg123) don't have a test="..." to check that -- instead
they're chosen by "see" or other mailcap runner and then error out.

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