[pkg-xmule-commits] CVS xmule/debian

CVS User dleidert-guest pkg-xmule-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org
Sat, 18 Jun 2005 02:46:38 +0000

Update of /cvsroot/pkg-xmule/xmule/debian
In directory haydn:/tmp/cvs-serv17106

Modified Files:
	changelog control 
Log Message:
xmule (1.10.0b-2) unstable; urgency=low

  * fixed: package should conflict with amule (<< 1.2.6+rc8-3) or installation
    can fail (Closes: #314716)

This is a possible solution for bug #314716.

--- /cvsroot/pkg-xmule/xmule/debian/changelog	2005/06/17 19:57:14	1.14
+++ /cvsroot/pkg-xmule/xmule/debian/changelog	2005/06/18 02:46:37	1.15
@@ -10,6 +10,8 @@
   * fixed: 99_fix_general_build_issues - minor additions to fix a compilation
     problem and really use CFLAGS as determined in debian/rules to compile the
     xMule binary
+  * fixed: package should conflict with amule (<< 1.2.6+rc8-3) or installation
+    can fail (Closes: #314716)
   * minor fixes in debian/control and debian/rules
  -- xMule Package Maintainers <pkg-xmule-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org>  Wed, 15 Jun 2005 15:09:39 +0200
--- /cvsroot/pkg-xmule/xmule/debian/control	2005/06/15 13:16:25	1.8
+++ /cvsroot/pkg-xmule/xmule/debian/control	2005/06/18 02:46:38	1.9
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
 Package: xmule
 Architecture: any
 Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, wget
+Conflicts: amule (<< 1.2.6+rc8-3)
 Description: eMule client for the edonkey2000 network
  A linux/unix port of the eMule client (see http://www.emule-project.net)
  using wxWindows class library. Formerly know as lmule.