[pkg-xmule] PARTNERSHIP

PANG LEE pang_lee508 at hotmail.com
Sun Nov 27 14:19:26 UTC 2005

Prospective Agent,

Compliments of the day to you.

Japan National Arts & Crafts Import/Export. Corporation.,are
a group of business men who deal on Art and Crafts and
export into the Canada/America/Europe.We are searching for
who can help us establish a medium of getting to our customers
in the Canada/America/Europe as well as making payments through you to
us. Please if you are interested in transacting business with us
we will be very glad.

Subject to your satisfaction we will proceed with
further Official protocol.

Please if you are interested forward name,residential/postal address
and phone/fax numbers.

Below is respective consultant of the company you can
contact for further details:-

Mr.Lee Pang (leepang2000 at yahoo.com)

Thank You.,

Biglobe Inc.,Japan.

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