[pkg-xmule] Re: debian xmule packaging still active

Daniel Leidert daniel.leidert.spam at gmx.net
Mon Apr 17 22:03:32 UTC 2006

Hello Noèl,

Am Sonntag, den 09.04.2006, 14:34 +0200 schrieb Noèl Köthe:

> since some month there is now activity in the xmule package. Is there
> still interest/time for this task on your side (David, Daniel?)?

David already signed off the lists and I never heard anything from him.

> If not I would mark xmule for adoption in wnpp.

I'm still active. The current problem is, that I want to fix some issues
in upstream first, before I make the new package. The list of patches is
too long and I'm tired of patching the same buggy configure script again
and again. ATM I'm a bit busy, but still active.

My suggestion: Give me two weeks to go for upstream changes. But then I
would like to search for at least one more (co-)maintainer to help with
this package. The reason is simple: I'm in a net, where P2P is not
allowed. So it's getting harder for me to test the application. But I
still have upstream access, so I can merge patches to upstream.

Give me a short hint, what you think.

Regards, Daniel

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