[pkg-xmule] Bug#370524: About the future of the xmule package

Adeodato Simó dato at net.com.org.es
Mon Jun 5 17:01:35 UTC 2006

Package: xmule


I want get rid of dpkg-divert usage in the amule package, and replace it
with update-alternatives. For this, I planned to send a patch for xmule
implementing the change, but when I had a look at the xmule package, I
noticed that is in a very sorry state: several RC bugs open for more
than a year, various releases behind upstream, ...

So I would like to know if either of you still has any interest in the
xmule package, and would fix the existing bugs, and perhaps update to a
new version, at the same time that applying my patch, or if not, if
you're okay with requesting removal from the archive. I need this as
opposed to letting the package rot because Policy prevents me from
making amule Conflict: xmule if it exists in the archive (and I can't
leave things as are now, because I want dpkg-divert to go away).


Adeodato Simó                                     dato at net.com.org.es
Debian Developer                                  adeodato at debian.org
                                    Listening to: Luke Vibert - Slowfast

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