[pkg-xmule] (pas de sujet)

Daniel Leidert daniel.leidert.spam at gmx.net
Tue Feb 13 15:57:32 CET 2007

Am Montag, den 12.02.2007, 17:47 +0100 schrieb lupe:
>  crypto++/sha.h... no
> hello,
> how can i change this error?

By installing the -dev package, that contains the sha.h header file? 

$ apt-file search crypto++/sha.h
libcrypto++-dev: usr/include/crypto++/sha.h

But don't you think, that what you give, is just the parody of an
information? Please give real information, like e.g. the _full_ output
of the configure run, _informative_ parts of the make run output,
_exact_ information about which version you try to compile, where it
stops/fails, if you use the Debian packaging files of the last Debian
package, which packages you installed to compile the application. The
above mentioned problem can have many causes and based on the
non-existent information you give, I can only make a wild guess, what
your problem is.

Regards, Daniel

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