[Pkg-zenoss-team] [Zenoss] #1760: zenplugins: there's no GPL v 2.1

Zenoss trac at zenoss.org
Mon Jul 9 14:49:29 UTC 2007

#1760: zenplugins: there's no GPL v 2.1
 Reporter:  bzeimetz    |        Owner:  chris 
     Type:  defect      |       Status:  closed
 Priority:  blocker     |    Milestone:        
Component:  zenplugins  |      Version:  2.0.1 
 Severity:  Days        |   Resolution:  fixed 
 Keywords:  copyright   |  
Changes (by chris):

  * status:  new => closed
  * resolution:  => fixed


 (In [5880]) fixes #1760: update the banners to refer to GPL v2

Ticket URL: <http://dev.zenoss.com/trac/ticket/1760#comment:2>
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