[Pkg-zenoss-team] [Zenoss] #1763: copyright issues - again

Zenoss trac at zenoss.org
Mon Jul 23 15:43:48 UTC 2007

#1763: copyright issues - again
 Reporter:  bzeimetz                |        Owner:  ecn       
     Type:  defect                  |       Status:  closed    
 Priority:  blocker                 |    Milestone:  zenoss-2.1
Component:  All                     |      Version:  2.0.2     
 Severity:  Days                    |   Resolution:  fixed     
 Keywords:  copyright zenoss-2.0.4  |  
Comment (by ecn):

 sorry about the bad wiki markup: here's the comment again:

 Ok, I think I've got everything nailed down:

  - Cisco mib removed.
  - CNRI udp/ip python decoding libs replaced with pyip
  - FormCollect?.js
  - to be re-written: see #1844
  - Added Trac-LICENSE.txt, MochiKit-LICENSE and scripaculous.js files to
 hold copyright information
  - query.js: added copyright reference for code derived from trac
  - coverage.py removed
  - inst/COPYRIGHT.txt: limited to GPL version 2
  - ZenWidgets/license.txt removed
  - zenpacks have the new header
  - documentation (admin guide) clarification: separate Ticket #1743
  - removed Zentinel header that refer to version 2.1 of GPL
  - removed unused jsolait javascript in zenmodel
  - updated pynetsnmp copyright to standard copyright

Ticket URL: <http://dev.zenoss.org/trac/ticket/1763#comment:19>
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