[Pkg-zenoss-team] Zenoss package: roadmap for unstable

Bernd Zeimetz bernd at bzed.de
Wed Jun 20 17:13:32 UTC 2007

> 3) upgrade issues -> I think the current mechanism for upgrading is a bit
>     too liberal: for example executing 2 times in a row "dpkg -i" on the
>     zenoss package will attempt an upgrade. I do not think this is what
>     we want. Moreover, the upgrade does not work: it seems it is
>     attempted when zope is down. Bernd, can you please look at this?
sure. I thougt the migration stuff should run while zope is down, I'll
takre care of it.
> All the above three issues need to be solved before the package can be
> uploaded to unstable. Anything else?

yes, the zen.* daemons need proper start/stop scripts.

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