[Pkg-zenoss-team] [Zenoss] #1732: zenping: DOS-like behaviour on large networks

Zenoss trac at zenoss.org
Wed Jun 27 20:44:38 UTC 2007

#1732: zenping: DOS-like behaviour on large networks
 Reporter:  bzeimetz   |       Owner:  ecn         
     Type:  defect     |      Status:  new         
 Priority:  high       |   Milestone:  zenoss-2.0.1
Component:  ZenEvents  |     Version:  2.0.0       
 Severity:  Days       |    Keywords:  zenping     
 Running autodiscovery on a large network (/16) resulted in a DOS-like
 attack on all involved switches as the arp tables were flooded way too
 fast, scanning needs to be way more relaxed on such large networks. Also
 after some time (I think when the network was finally broken down - but
 I'm not sure on this) the zenping process totally went amok and didn't
 even react on kill -9.Zenping really needs to slow down on large networks.

 This issues kept the network admins at DebConf7 under stress for some
 time, as my laptop was running amok while I was sitting in a talk ;)

Ticket URL: <http://dev.zenoss.com/trac/ticket/1732>
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