[Pkg-zenoss-team] How much is left on the packaging?

Bernd Zeimetz bernd at bzed.de
Thu Jun 28 19:00:19 UTC 2007

> I can't answer to the overall packaging progress since I'm only doing
> documentation.  However, I do know that there's a version in SVN that
> builds cleanly.  The init scripts aren't done yet, but everything seems to
> work if you start the daemons manually,
right, except for the init scripts most stuff should be done yet.
> One catch is that it depends on some programs that aren't in etch or
> lenny, so be prepared to do your own backports (or run sid).  Here's a
> slightly modified version of the steps I used to build it:
as soon as everything works in Lenny, we'll provide backports for Etch
on backports.org. But first goal is to have stable and working packages
in Lenny.
> $ svn checkout svn://svn.debian.org/pkg-zenoss
> $ cd pkg-zenoss/packages/zenoss/tags/2.0r5780-1
> $ debian/rules get-orig-source
> $ tar xvzf zenoss_2.0+r5780.orig.tar.gz
> $ mv zenoss-2.0+r5780.orig zenoss-2.0+r5780
> $ cp -r debian zenoss-2.0+r5780/
> $ cd zenoss-2.0+r5780
> $ dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot
more easy if you use svn-buildpackage:

svn checkout svn://svn.debian.org/pkg-zenoss/zenoss/trunk zenoss
mkdir tarballs
mkdir build-area
cd zenoss
debian/rules get-orig-source
svn-buildpackage -rfakeroot

> The only step you should need to repeat if you get build dependency errors
> (after resolving them, of course) is the last one.

all build-deps should be in experimental, same for all other missing

> You'll need to start the daemons through the Zenoss web interface for now.
>  It's under [Management / Settings] -> Daemons.
otherwise you could use /var/lib/zenoss/bin/zenoss (I think that was the
right  name, don't have an installation here at the moment)
> I had to create /var/lib/zenoss/perf and chown it to zenoss, but I haven't
> had a chance yet to determine whether that was the result if something I
> did wrong.
probably just the reason why rrd does not work. I'll have a look into
that and add the directory to our zope skeleton.


Bernd Zeimetz

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