[Pkg-zenoss-team] [Zenoss] #1732: zenping: DOS-like behaviour on large networks

Zenoss trac at zenoss.org
Mon Jan 21 20:18:02 UTC 2008

#1732: zenping: DOS-like behaviour on large networks
 Reporter:  bzeimetz   |        Owner:  ecn       
     Type:  defect     |       Status:  closed    
 Priority:  medium     |    Milestone:  zenoss-2.2
Component:  ZenEvents  |      Version:  2.0.0     
 Severity:  Days       |   Resolution:  worksforme
 Keywords:  zenping    |  
Changes (by ecn):

  * status:  new => closed
  * resolution:  => worksforme


 zenping largely re-written to use AsyncPing and NJobs, which should limit
 the number of pings in flight.

 Please reopen if the problem is seen again.

Ticket URL: <http://dev.zenoss.org/trac/ticket/1732#comment:4>
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