[Pkg-zenoss-team] Physician Contact List in America

Brooke Dooley lockwood5birdlike at ee.fujitsu.com
Sun Jan 27 23:58:23 UTC 2008

Certified Physicians in the United States 

788,001 in total <> 17,131 emails

Many popular specialties like Emergency Medicine, Plastic Surgery, OBGYN, Oncology, Pediatrics and more

Can easily be sorted by 16 different fields

Price for this week only =  $394

=== If you order by the end of the week you can take all the items below for fr ee ===

==> Database of American Pharma Companies
  47,000 personal emails and names of decision makers

==> American Hospitals
  23,000 Admins in more than 7,000 hospitals {a $399 value]

==> Listing of American Dentists
  A complete Contact List or dentists and related services (valued at $399)

==> US Chiropractor Listing
  100k Chiropractors offices with full contact data including email, postal address, phone and fax

send email to:      john_2008.jh at hotmail.com


above expires on Jan 26

to manage your subscription settings send an email to the address above with 757 in the subject

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