[Pkg-zope-developers] Re: zope 2.7 - 15

A Mennucc mennucc1@debian.org
Tue, 1 Jun 2004 17:23:55 +0200

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very good ideas

I add this one:

we need to split a package zope-common from zope, containing
 the zope policy
 the zope debconf question regarding the restarting of zope=20

btw: my zope2.7 was refused, on the point that the license ZPL must
 be included in /usr/.../zope/copyright and not in a separate file
(puzzling ... the zope 2.6 package does not comply to this).
I will repackage and resend ASAP


On Tue, Jun 01, 2004 at 04:43:51PM +0200, Andreas Tille wrote:
> On Mon, 17 May 2004, A Mennucc wrote:
> > sorry for wasting your time: the problems below are solved in
> > the version in experimental; I did not know that it would take
> > so long to have it public, so now I put it at
> >
> >  deb  http://tonelli.sns.it/pub/zope/debian/sid ./
> >  deb-src  http://tonelli.sns.it/pub/zope/debian/sid ./
> Thanks, this works fine.  While beeing offline I had an idea which
> might be worth discussing:
>   1. Packages containing Zope products should install to
>       /usr/share/zope/products/<product-name>
>      or similar directory name.
>   2. The postinst script should check for
>       /usr/lib/zope<version>
>      and create a directory for the product in the apropriate place.
>      Then it shoud put a symlink for each single file of the product
>      (or only to directories if they do not contain any Python files).
>      Then the Zope version in question should be restarted to byte compile
>      the python files.
> Rationale behind this suggestion:
>   1. LFS issues are solved because files go to /usr/share
>   2. You can have Zope versions which depend from different Python versio=
>      because the byte compilation is done by the appropriate version.
> I don't know whether this is a sane suggestion but I wanted not hide this
> idea.
> Kind regards
>          Andreas.
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Andrea Mennucc
 "one houndred and fifty - the chicken sings"
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