[Pkg-zope-developers] Re: Zope 2.7 packages for testing purpose?

Andreas Tille tillea@rki.de
Wed, 5 May 2004 10:22:42 +0200 (CEST)

On Wed, 5 May 2004, A Mennucc wrote:

> zope 2.7 is happily rotating its logs for my web site, since it was installed
> some months ago
> The problem with log rotation in zope 2.6 is not exactly with  /etc/logrotate.d/zope
> The problem is that zope 2.6 has some bugs, and the latest changes in
>  /etc/logrotate.d/zope try to cope with that.
> Zope 2.7 has a perfect call '<instance>/bin/zopectl logreopen'  that does the job.
Fine - I just wanted to make this sure ...

> you have found two bugs at once
> 1) The above upgrading-path does not stop old zope.
>  I think that apt does the right thing : it deconfigures zope 2.6
>  (and then stops it) before  deleting zopectl
I'll see how it works if I use an apt repository according to Gregor's hint.

> 2) a problem with postinst; please add '|| true' after  'find .... | xargs rm'
>  in /var/lib/dpkg/info/zope.postinst
>  and retry, and tell me
I's do this but, I'm more or less at vacation for the next seven days.  I just
do not issue a vacation message on debian-private because I'll have net access
on the conference in Valencia, but I will definitely not fiddle around with
local zope packages there ...

Kind regards and thanks for your work on Zope 2.7
