[Pkg-zope-developers] new zope2.7

Igor Stroh igor@rulim.de
Fri, 15 Oct 2004 14:33:06 +0200

A Mennucc wrote:

>>Works fine here (I just installed it, no recompile or anything), only
>>that dpkg said that installing 2.7.2-1 would downgrade the currently
>>installed 2.7.2-0-3...
> ?? where did you find zope2.7 version  2.7.2-1 ??

Hmm... that's a good question... seems like I built it myself some time
ago using your .deb as template.

> (and I will look into this ASAP)

Note that you'll have to replace /usr/lib/zope2.7/skel/etc/zope.conf.in in
order to make it work -- I added the possibility to pass http/ftp ports as
command line args and had to change the skeleton.

Basically my script has only few improvements compared to the
original one:
     - readline support (usefull for path queries)
     - configuration of http/ftp port (see above)
     - nicer (imho) output

I'll add a zeo-instance-creator later, the bin/* stuff for ZEO instances
need to be patched beforehand.
BTW, ist /var/lib/zeo2.7/instance a good choice, or should I rather use
