[Pkg-zope-developers] runzope crashes

Fabio Tranchitella kobold at debian.org
Mon Aug 8 13:25:26 UTC 2005

Il giorno gio, 04/08/2005 alle 16.47 +0200, Andre van der Vlies ha
> Hi,
> I'm lost...
> I want to make a new instance. When I start 'bin/runzope' in the instance
> directory it throws an error at me:
>    TypeError: unbound C method must be called with OOBTree 1st argument
> I have no clue what to look for or at...
> I'll include a traceback....

Could you please give us more information about versions of zope related
packages? It would help to understand what is happening.

Fabio Tranchitella <kobold at debian.org>                        .''`.
Proud Debian GNU/Linux developer, admin and user.            : :'  :
                                                             `. `'`
   http://people.debian.org/~kobold/                           `-
1024D/7F961564, fpr 5465 6E69 E559 6466 BF3D 9F01 2BF8 EE2B 7F96 1564
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