[Pkg-zope-developers] ZopePackaging: SoC status

Fabio Tranchitella kobold at debian.org
Mon Aug 15 13:43:08 UTC 2005

Hi Matthias,
  I've just completed to upload all my zope product packages (and all
our zope server packages, which actually include 2.7, 2.8 and 3) into my
repository. All these packages are zope-common enabled and have been
built with dh_installzope{instance} from zope-debhelper.

  I think they are consistent, but we do need a lot of testing before
uploading them into unstable. This is the scope of my email: I need some
help to test if everything works in different environments and different

The packages are available also in my personal repositories:


The latter one containes also CPS from Nuxeo. These packages haven't
been uploaded in debian experimental because of missing dependencies
(zope-externaleditor and zope-epoz, which aren't yet zope-common

This is the implementation plan from the SoC proposal:

 [OK] Add support to run different zope instance with different users.
  **  (see dzhandle -z ZVER make-instance --service-user user:group ...)

 [OK] Move plone into main
  **  (packages ready to be uploaded)

 [OK] zope-cps packages
  **  (done ready to be uploaded)

 [OK] dzhandle must be checked to handle multiple zope versions, 
      such as products that work only with 2.7, only with 2.8, 
      or products that work with both.
  **  (see ZopeVersions in .dzproduct files)

 [OK] implements dzhandle remove-instance and purge-instance.
  **  (done)

 [OK] Enable the zope3 support in dzhandle
  **  (done)


 [  ] Identify a set of zope3 products that are worth shipping 
      for breezy
      (I have no idea about which products worth shipping)

 [  ] Add test suite for dzhandle
      (see below)

 [  ] Write dzhandle documentation

 [  ] A migration guide has to be provided for users to upgrade 
      their zope versions & products. Currently it's assumed that 
      we are able to move the Data files from a zope2.7 to a 
      zope2.8 installation.
      If zope 2.8 is releasedin time for breezy, possibly 
      move stable zope into main, need a transition guide for 
      2.7->2.8 products & extensions. 
      Zope instances will have to migrated to zope 2.8, which will 
      be done automatically, but by running the migration scripts 
      from the ZMI. We would check that products are the right 
      version, and provide instructions for the instance owner 
      to migrate.

I'm just wondering to use piuparts as dzhandle test suite, what do you
think about this?

I'm starting to write the documentation for dzhandle and the migration
guide for zope2.7 -> zope2.8.

I'm going out for a few hours, so let me know if you are available for
an IRC meeting this evening or tomorrow to discuss the next steps.

Thanks for your help,

Fabio Tranchitella <kobold at debian.org>                        .''`.
Proud Debian GNU/Linux developer, admin and user.            : :'  :
                                                             `. `'`
   http://people.debian.org/~kobold/                           `-
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