[Pkg-zope-developers] Re: Debian + Zope
Jonas Meurer
Sun, 12 Jun 2005 16:37:59 +0200
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On 12/06/2005 martin f krafft wrote:
> My plan is to move all Zope-related packages under the custody of
> the pkg-zope team on alioth, which will make it a whole lot easier
> to push the necessary changes to make Zope work nicely on Debian.
> I am planning to do this during Debconf 5 in the second week of
> July.
> [...]
> - if you would like to become a part of the pkg-zope team to
> continue work on your package, please let me know.
> [...]
i'm currently maintainer of 6 zope product packages, and i plan to
package at least one more soon:
zope-cookiecrumbler 1.2-2
zope-rdfgrabber 0.4-5
zope-replacesupport 1.0.2-3
zope-tinytableplus 0.9-6
zope-verbosesecurity 0.6-3
zope2.6-verbosesecurity 1:0.5-4
and planned:
zope-mysqlda2.0.9 2.0.9b3-1
i like the idea of managing the zope development for debian in a team,
and i'dd like to join this team to help with issues and bugs related to
i've also already prepared versions of all my zope packages which build
with dh_installzope. zope-verbosesecurity and zope2.6-verbosesecurity
will be renamed to zope-verbosesecurity0.5 and zope-verbosesecurity0.6.
i already discussed on the pkg-zope-developers mailinglist, the most
common way to support multiple releases of a zope product.
It seems like the better solution are package names like zope-package0.3.2
or whatever the upstream version is.
zope2.6-package or zope2.7-package seems depreciated.
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