Plone upgrade problems?!

Christoph Anton Mitterer calestyo at
Tue Oct 17 22:32:40 UTC 2006


I've just updated the following Plone/Zope packages:
[UPGRADE] zope-archetypes 1.4.0-1 -> 1.4.1-1
[UPGRADE] zope-atcontenttypes 1.1.1-1 -> 1.1.3-1
[UPGRADE] zope-atrbw 1.4-1 -> 1.5-1
[UPGRADE] zope-cachefu 1.0-1 -> 1.0.1-1
[UPGRADE] zope-cmf1.6 1.6.1-1 -> 1.6.2-1
[UPGRADE] zope-cmfactionicons1.6 1.6.1-1 -> 1.6.2-1
[UPGRADE] zope-cmfcalendar1.6 1.6.1-1 -> 1.6.2-1
[UPGRADE] zope-cmfcore1.6 1.6.1-1 -> 1.6.2-1
[UPGRADE] zope-cmfdefault1.6 1.6.1-1 -> 1.6.2-1
[UPGRADE] zope-cmfdynamicviewfti 2.0.0-1 -> 2.1-1
[UPGRADE] zope-cmfformcontroller 2.0.4-1 -> 2.0.5-1
[UPGRADE] zope-cmfplacefulworkflow 1.0.0-1 -> 1.0.2-1
[UPGRADE] zope-cmfplone 2.5-1 -> 2.5.1-1
[UPGRADE] zope-cmfsetup1.6 1.6.1-1 -> 1.6.2-1
[UPGRADE] zope-cmftopic1.6 1.6.1-1 -> 1.6.2-1
[UPGRADE] zope-cmfuid1.6 1.6.1-1 -> 1.6.2-1
[UPGRADE] zope-dcworkflow1.6 1.6.1-1 -> 1.6.2-1
[UPGRADE] zope-extendedpathindex 2.3-2 -> 2.4-1
[UPGRADE] zope-externaleditor 0.9.1-3 -> 0.9.2-1
[UPGRADE] zope-genericsetup 1.6.1-1 -> 1.6.2-1
[UPGRADE] zope-groupuserfolder 3.52-1 -> 3.54-1
[UPGRADE] zope-kupu 1.3.7-1 -> 1.3.8-1
[UPGRADE] zope-marshall 1.4.0-1 -> 1.4.1-1
[UPGRADE] zope-mimetypesregistry 1.4.0-1 -> 1.4.1-1
[UPGRADE] zope-pas 1.2-1 -> 1.4-1
[UPGRADE] zope-passwordresettool 0.4-1 -> 0.4.1-1
[UPGRADE] zope-ploneerrorreporting 0.11-6 -> 1.0-1
[UPGRADE] zope-plonelanguagetool 1.3-1 -> 1.4-1
[UPGRADE] zope-plonepas 2.0.1-1 -> 2.1-1
[UPGRADE] zope-plonetranslations 2.5.0-1 -> 2.6.0-1
[UPGRADE] zope-pluginregistry 1.1-1 -> 1.1.1-1
[UPGRADE] zope-portaltransforms 1.4.0-1 -> 1.4.1-1
[UPGRADE] zope-pts 1.3.1-1 -> 1.3.3-1
[UPGRADE] zope-resourceregistries 1.3-1 -> 1.3.2-1
[UPGRADE] zope-securemailhost 1.0.4-1 -> 1.0.4-2
[UPGRADE] zope-statusmessages 2.0-1 -> 2.0.1-1
[UPGRADE] zope-validation 1.4.0-1 -> 1.4.1-1
[UPGRADE] zope2.9 2.9.4-1 -> 2.9.5-1

After that,.. I did the migration procedure,... (and everything worked 

In the ZMI at /plone_site/portal_quickinstaller I found that for some 
products the "Version at Install time" differed from the "Product version".
I asked limi what to do and he said I should use the reinstall button 
for those products. It worked fine (now the versions are the same and no 
longer printed in red) but for some buttons there qas no checkbox 
available and thus no reinstall possible (even uninstall is not possible).
limi said that might be a packaging related problem,.. so does anyone of 
you have an idea about this.
Please look at the image at to see for my current 
status in the ZMI (and which packages are not available for reinstall).

Thanks in advance.

Best wishes,

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