updating build dependencies for zope3 packages (dh_pycentral -> dh_python2)

Brian Sutherland brian at vanguardistas.net
Wed Jul 28 15:48:47 UTC 2010

On Wed, Jul 28, 2010 at 01:24:59PM +0200, Matthias Klose wrote:
> On 28.07.2010 12:41, Brian Sutherland wrote:
>> On Wed, Jul 28, 2010 at 03:50:59AM +0200, Matthias Klose wrote:
>>> this only affects zope3, please ignore for zope2* packaging.
>>> I'd like to get rid off the python-central (build-)dependencies, and
>>> would like to replace it by dh_python2.  The changes look mechanical, but
>>> I'd like to see van.pydeb converted first, and then start to convert the
>>> other zope3 packages. Any objections on this proposal?
>> Er, Google is very unhelpful showing what dh_python2 actually does. I
>> can't even find the source code...
>> What does dh_python2 do?
> it's intended as a packaging helper which doesn't add/remove files within 
> the maintainer scripts, but always ships all files/symlinks within the 
> package itself.

Ok, that's something I've been waiting for for quite some time.

So, +100 to your proposal.

>> Why do we want to use it over python-central?
> we can use dh_pycentral, but in this case, we should build using  
> DH_PYCENTRAL=include-links.

To be clear, I definitely wasn't raising an objection. I was just trying
to figure out why this would be a good thing.

Changing to dh_python2 is probably the same amount of work as building
with DH_PYCENTRAL=include-links as you have to touch all the packages.

You seem to have a clear opinion that dh_python2 is the better way to
go. I have no opinion on this, so let's go with yours:)

>> I've seen a hint on google that dh_python2 parses requires.txt, in that
>> case would we be able to replace our use of van.pydep with it?
> I didn't intend on replacing van.pydep.

Yeah, I realized that :)

I was just asking if dh_python2 could do that.

I looked at the code of dh_python2. It seems like it has code to try
attempt a translation based on "dpkg -S". That seems weird, but I don't
understand the intention well enough to comment.

I may be wrong, but it also seems to not handle setuptools extras which
zope.* packages use heavily.

So, I guess my question is answered, it's not a drop-in replacement for
van.pydeb currently.

>   Matthias

Brian Sutherland

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