r2147 - in zope2.12/trunk/debian (changelog patches/deb-zopeconf.patch)

pumazi-guest at users.alioth.debian.org pumazi-guest at users.alioth.debian.org
Tue Nov 30 20:35:31 UTC 2010

    Date: Tuesday, November 30, 2010 @ 20:35:15
  Author: pumazi-guest
Revision: 2147

Reapplying the commenting syntax for the zope.conf zodb storage configuration. This syntax allows the zope creation scripts to enable the proper storage type while leaving the other commented out.


Modified: zope2.12/trunk/debian/changelog
--- zope2.12/trunk/debian/changelog	2010-11-24 18:32:04 UTC (rev 2146)
+++ zope2.12/trunk/debian/changelog	2010-11-30 20:35:15 UTC (rev 2147)
@@ -1,12 +1,19 @@
 zope2.12 (2.12.11-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  [ Michael Mulich (pumazi) ]
   * New upstream release. A tarball version of Zope 2.12.11 is available.
   * Added pip to the deb-satisfied list, which prevents get-orig-source
     from fetching it.
   * Updated the patches.
- -- Michael Mulich (pumazi) <michael.mulich at gmail.com>  Wed, 24 Nov 2010 13:30:25 -0500
+  [ Michael Mulich ]
+  * Reapplied the commenting syntax for the zope.conf zodb storage
+    configuration. This syntax allows the zope creation scripts to
+    enable the proper storage type while leaving the other commented
+    out.
+ -- Michael Mulich <mulich at psu.edu>  Sat, 27 Nov 2010 20:22:59 -0500
 zope2.12 (2.12.10-1) unstable; urgency=low
   * Adding myself to the package Uploaders.

Modified: zope2.12/trunk/debian/patches/deb-zopeconf.patch
--- zope2.12/trunk/debian/patches/deb-zopeconf.patch	2010-11-24 18:32:04 UTC (rev 2146)
+++ zope2.12/trunk/debian/patches/deb-zopeconf.patch	2010-11-30 20:35:15 UTC (rev 2147)
@@ -225,12 +225,91 @@
    # force-connection-close on
-@@ -1065,7 +1068,7 @@
- #   <zeoclient>
- #     # See .../ZODB/component.xml for directives (sectiontype
- #     # "zeoclient").
+@@ -1028,15 +1031,42 @@
+ #          IMPORTANT: At least one database with a mount-point of "/"
+ #          must be specified for Zope to start properly.
+-<zodb_db main>
+-    # Main FileStorage database
+-    <filestorage>
+-      # See .../ZODB/component.xml for directives (sectiontype
+-      # "filestorage").
+-      path $INSTANCE/var/Data.fs
+-    </filestorage>
+-    mount-point /
++# ZODB: <zodb_db main>
++# ZODB:     # Main FileStorage database
++# ZODB:     <filestorage>
++# ZODB:       path $INSTANCE/var/Data.fs
++# ZODB:     </filestorage>
++# ZODB:     mount-point /
++# ZODB: </zodb_db>
++# Other storage examples
++# ZEO client storage:
++# ZEO: <zodb_db main>
++# ZEO:   # The full mount-point syntax is:
++# ZEO:   #
++# ZEO:   # mount-point <localpath>[:<remotepath>]
++# ZEO    #
++# ZEO:   # localpath - the path where the storage is mounted in this instance
++# ZEO:   # remotepath - is the path to the object in the storage where it is mounted
++# ZEO:   #              from. This defaults to whatever is supplied for localpath.
++# ZEO:   mount-point /
++# ZEO:   # ZODB cache, in number of objects
++# ZEO:   cache-size 5000
++# ZEO:   <zeoclient>
++# ZEO:     # See .../ZODB/component.xml for directives (sectiontype
++# ZEO:     # "zeoclient
++# ZEO:     server $ZEO_SERVER
++# ZEO:     storage 1
++# ZEO:     name zeostorage
++# ZEO:     var $INSTANCE/var
++# ZEO:     # ZEO client cache, in bytes
++# ZEO:     cache-size 20MB
++# ZEO:     # Uncomment to have a persistent disk cache
++# ZEO:     #client zeo1
++# ZEO:   </zeoclient>
++# ZEO: </zodb_db>
+ <zodb_db temporary>
+     # Temporary storage database (for sessions)
+@@ -1047,35 +1077,6 @@
+     container-class Products.TemporaryFolder.TemporaryContainer
+ </zodb_db>
+-# Other storage examples
+-# ZEO client storage:
+-# <zodb_db main>
+-#   # The full mount-point syntax is:
+-#   #
+-#   # mount-point <localpath>[:<remotepath>]
+-#   #
+-#   # localpath - the path where the storage is mounted in this instance
+-#   # remotepath - is the path to the object in the storage where it is mounted
+-#   #              from. This defaults to whatever is supplied for localpath.
+-#   mount-point /
+-#   # ZODB cache, in number of objects
+-#   cache-size 5000
+-#   <zeoclient>
+-#     # See .../ZODB/component.xml for directives (sectiontype
+-#     # "zeoclient").
 -#     server localhost:8100
-+#     server $ZEO_SERVER
- #     storage 1
- #     name zeostorage
- #     var $INSTANCE/var
+-#     storage 1
+-#     name zeostorage
+-#     var $INSTANCE/var
+-#     # ZEO client cache, in bytes
+-#     cache-size 20MB
+-#     # Uncomment to have a persistent disk cache
+-#     #client zeo1
+-#   </zeoclient>
+-# </zodb_db>
+ # Product configuration (product-config) section(s)
+ #
+ # Description:

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