TODO for zope2.12 package?

Arnaud Fontaine arnau at
Mon Apr 25 13:35:29 UTC 2011


Today, Gaël and me tested the  package of Zope 1.12[0] following the IRC
meeting where it  has been decided to have a  tarball containing all the

Besides of minor changes committed in that repository, the package seems
to work very well as I was able to create an instance without any glitch
(Kudos  to Michael Mulich,  Jonas Meurer,  Fabio Tranchitella  and Bernd
Zeimetz for their great work on the package!).

So,  as I'm  quite new  to Zope  packaging, I'm  wondering what  are the
remaining things to do before  actually uploading the package? Are there
any remaining important issues to address?

Also, I have  a question which may sound stupid though:  how do you find
out which  Python modules to include  directly into the  tarball and the
ones  which should  be put  into Depends  field? I  thought it  might be
related to  comments in  the buildout recipes  where it is  stated which
module APIs are not backward  compatible anymore and will break... Or is
it by just comparing the versions in Debian and the buildout recipe, and
if newer,  then add  them to  the tarball after  checking that  it's not
actually working? Any hint?

Thanks much!

Arnaud Fontaine


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