TODO for zope2.12 package?

Jonas Meurer jonas at
Thu Apr 28 10:46:48 UTC 2011


On 28/04/2011 Gael Le Mignot wrote:
>  >>> Also, I have a question which may sound stupid though: how do you
>  >>> find out  which  Python  modules to  include  directly into  the
>  >>> tarball  and the ones which  should be put into  Depends field? I
>  >>> thought it  might be related to comments  in the buildout recipes
>  >>> where it is stated  which module APIs are not backward compatible
>  >>> anymore and will break... Or is it by just comparing the versions
>  >>> in Debian and the buildout recipe, and if newer, then add them to
>  >>> the  tarball after checking  that it's not actually  working? Any
>  >>> hint?
>  >> i think  this is  a change  remaining  to be  done: as  far as  i
>  >> remember, we decided to not use any packaged zope eggs at all, but
>  >> use local  copies in the zope2.12 orig tarball  instead for all of
>  >> them.  i guess  that the  variable DEB_SATISFIED  in debian/rules
>  >> controls, which  zope eggs  are fetched  by  get-orig-source, and
>  >> which are  excluded. this whole exclusion code  is not required if
>  >> we  use local  copies of _all_  eggs. thus michaels  scripts unter
>  >> debian/build-scripts can be simplified a lot.
>  > By  _all_  eggs,  you mean  only  the  Zope  eggs, or  even  third-party
>  > dependencies such as ClientForm  and mechanize for examples?  The former
>  > solution may break at some point though...
> For third-party  modules (not inside the  ztk or zope  itself) we should
> use  system   packages  (the  existing   .deb)  as  much   as  possible,
> IMHO.  That's part  of  the goals  of  using .deb  for  Zope instead  of
> buildout : using the system python libraries.

Yes, that was my understanding of our decision as well. But which third-
party modules are we talking about? the zope2.11 packages had:

Depends: python2.4 (>= 2.4.3), python-tz, lsb-base, libc6 (>= 2.3), python-support (>= 0.90.0), debconf | debconf-2.0
Pre-Depends: zope-common (>= 0.5.21)
Suggests: python-unit, zope-book, zope-devguide

Did this change significantly for zope2.12? A quick scan through revealed, that
appart from the zope eggs (ZTK, etc.) the following additional python
dependencies are required:

python-clientform, python-docutils, python-mechanize,
python-transaction, python-tz, python-zconfig, python-zc.lockfile,
python-zdaemon, python-unittest2, python-lxml, python-sphinx,
python-pygments, python-roman

To be honest, I didn't think about possible conflicts regarding these
dependencies yet. But to my knowledge, python modules keep backwards
compability much better than zope eggs do, right? In this case we really
should use external dependencies.

And what about ZODB3 (python-zodb)? Do the maintainers care about
backwards compability?

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