Bug#636046: squishdot is now pending removal!

Luca Falavigna dktrkranz at debian.org
Sat Aug 27 12:14:51 UTC 2011

reassign 636046 ftp.debian.org
retitle 636046 RM: squishdot -- RoQA; buggy, dead upstream, low popcon
severity 636046 normal
tags 631386 - moreinfo

Il 13/08/2011 01:56, Luca Falavigna ha scritto:
> I haven't heard anything back, so I plan to ask squishdot removal from
> unstable within the end of August. Please shout if I should wait.

No comments so far, I'm then proceeding with removal request.
This is your last opportuinity, please speak *NOW* if you want to keep
squishdot in the archive.


 :  :' :   Luca Falavigna <dktrkranz at debian.org>
 `.  `'

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