QA before uploading zope packages

Gediminas Paulauskas menesis at
Mon Nov 7 11:22:14 UTC 2011

2011/10/17 Arnaud Fontaine <arnau at>:
> Hi,
> Gediminas Paulauskas <menesis at> writes:
>>> *  Format  in  debian/copyright   must  be  versioned,  for  example:
>> Why do  you think it must  be versioned? Maybe it  made sense earlier,
>> but   the    format   is   not   expected   to    change   any   more.
>> is the  official URL of the proposal,
>> and is a HTML page instead of text.
> Re-read it, for example:
>  Format
>  Required  single line:  URI  of the  format  specification, such  as:
> And:
>  A  possible  debian/copyright  file  for  the  program  "X  Solitaire"
>  distributed in the Debian source package xsol:
>  ...
> Moreover,  at least with  the latest  version of  lintian, it  reports a
> warning if you don't use a versioned URL.

This warning is seen only with --pedantic flag. From lintian manpage:

              Pedantic tags are Lintian at its most pickiest and include
              checks for particular Debian packaging styles and checks that
              many people disagree with.  Expect false positives and Lintian
              tags that you don't consider useful if you use this option.

I am very disappointed that I was forced to change the correct URL to
an obsolete one just because there is a pedantic tag in the latest
version of lintian. And yes, I disagree with this tag.

> I'm not saying  your packages are not lintian-clean,  I'm just saying to
> check it before  I upload them (for example for  the DEP5 comment above,
> with the latest version of lintian, it displays a warning).

The latest version of lintian does NOT display this warning.

If you have pedantic in your lintianrc, please remove it. It does not
help to get things right, quite the opposite.


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