QA before uploading zope packages

Arnaud Fontaine arnau at
Tue Nov 8 14:08:18 UTC 2011


Gediminas Paulauskas <menesis at> writes:

> There may be other bugs that are to be solved in the future.
> But first  there is a  finished dh_python2  transition that has  to be
> uploaded.
> Then we  can fix whatever  else issues come.  Upgrade to ZTK  1.1. Add
> manpages. So on.


>> Another quick   workaround if  nobody  has time  to  investigate  the
>> issue would   be to  drop  debian/clean  and  ignore the   content of
>>  *.egg-info   directory   when   generating  the    diff   by   using
>> --extend-diff-ignore option  of  dpkg-source. This  can   be done  by
>> adding  something  like that  in debian/source/options:
>> extend-diff-ignore = ".*\.egg-info/.*"
>> Not the  best  solution  but at least  it gets  things  done (I  have
>> just tested  and it  works well,  e.g.  zcml  files are  included and
>> double  build  works well)  without   uploading  packages which  will
>>  trigger serious bugs soonish. What do you think about that?
> I  do not  see this  as a  workaround. Looks  like an  option intended
> exactly for such purpose.
> The regex does not need to be enclosed in ".*" "\.egg-info/" works and
> is cleaner.
> I have tested this with zope.i18n and it solves both issues.


>> Exactly,  that's  why  I  fixed  a  lot  of  packages myself   before
>> uploading them.  But, this kind   of things has  to be done  at  some
>> point, better be sooner  than  later IMO.  About  source/format,  yes
>>  it was   too  risky considering the  issue we now have,  sorry about
>> that.
> First  I wanted  debian to  catch up  to ubuntu.  Then do  those other
> things.
> That's why I  wanted them uploaded sooner rather than  after some more
> changes.

I understand, sorry about that. I was too fuzzy I guess.

>> Could you please list the packages which have to be uploaded? Thanks.
> The tool that we Build-Depend on in some packages, van.pydeb, is still
> not  uploaded. It  should  be  uploaded FIRST.   Then,  all the  other
> packages that have been changed recently.
>   $ ls */debian/clean

I have  just got your  email and replying  now. I have  already uploaded
them all. As  the Build-Depends was not bumped to  the latest version of
van.pydeb, I guess that's ok...

Arnaud Fontaine

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