Bug#616650: Info received (2011h is available)

Arnaud Fontaine arnau at debian.org
Sat Sep 17 07:14:27 UTC 2011


> I have checked on difference of 2011h from 2010b:
> *  API changes  are  minimal and  seems  to be  backward compatible  *
> primarily it is an update of timezones information
> I saw no harm of updating unstable with it, so I did a sloppy uupdate,
> cloned  original bugreport  to leave  3k compatibility  on  TODO list,
> tested  the  package  (lintian  warnings remained),  and  uploaded  to
> 10-days delayed. (if you don't mind, I could re-upload to 0-delay ;) )
> If rejected/objected, NMU and its  backports for all recent Debian and
> Ubuntu releases could be found at neuro.debian.net

Indeed, I was waiting for Gediminas  to confirm that there is no problem
with updating  the packages in  pkg-zope SVN repository  (which includes
pytz) to  ZTK 1.1.2 before  uploading these packages...  Gediminas: have
you had time to look at that?

While the  upload of pytz seems  harmless, I would prefer  to follow ZTK
1.1.2 versions  (unless Gediminas  disagrees of course),  which suggests
pytz 2011g (even if it's  just a small change).  Moreover, after looking
quickly at your package, it includes egg-info into the diff.gz... (maybe
I'm just being too fuzzy ;))

Arnaud Fontaine
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