Future of python2.6 in Debian

Arnaud Fontaine arnau at debian.org
Wed Jun 6 01:27:39 UTC 2012


Toni Mueller <toni at debian.org> writes:

>> +1.  Time  to retire Python 2.6.   From Bernd's reply it  sounds like
>> the Zope upgrade needn't block this.
> please DON'T!
> I am  a heavy  Zope user,  and, as others  stated already,  the Debian
> packages for  Zope are useless. Sorry  to say it that  way, but that's
> what it is. This has nothing to  do with the way the Zope packagers in
> Debian work, just with a gross mismatch of release cycles.

Could you  please elaborate on  that? It would  be really useful  to get
some feedbacks from users actually ;-). Thanks.

Arnaud Fontaine
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