Bug#767554: Bug#769853: /769854: unblock: python-persistent and python-zodb

Adam D. Barratt adam at adam-barratt.org.uk
Fri Dec 12 19:51:40 UTC 2014

Control: tags 769854 + confirmed moreinfo
Control: tags 769853 + confirmed moreinfo

On Fri, 2014-12-12 at 12:44 +0900, Arnaud Fontaine wrote:
> Hi,
> Julien Cristau <jcristau at debian.org> writes:
> > I don't think that's ok.  Can't  you remove the conflicting files from
> > python-zodb, and make it depend on python-persistent?
> Thanks  for the  suggestion. I  talked  with upstream  authors and  this
> should  be fine.   However, python-persistent  in the  archive (4.x)  is
> incompatible with ZODB < 4.0.0a4 and  thus with the version available in
> the  archive (3.9.7).  Therefore, I  had to  backport some  patches from
> upstream so that python-zodb could depend on python-persistent.
> I have  attached the  debdiff with the  packages currently  in unstable,
> would you consider unblocking these changes  if I upload the packages to
> unstable?

If the upload can be made soon, that should be fine. Please remove the
"moreinfo" tags once the packages are in unstable.



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