[Pkg-zsh-commits] [zsh] branch upstream updated (79abe00 -> f8ae47f)

Axel Beckert abe at deuxchevaux.org
Mon Aug 11 19:01:28 UTC 2014

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

abe pushed a change to branch upstream
in repository zsh.

      from  79abe00   unposted: update version to 5.0.5 Also correct typo in compsys.yo for texinfo.
      adds  908ef4a   unposted: update version to 5.0.5-dev-0
      adds  3267b45   32238: suppress error output completing after ip
      adds  a34754e   32238: suppress error output completing after ip Missing ChangeLog entry.
      adds  d26461a   users/18298 (tidied up): add {<char>..<char>} expansion
      adds  8fd6d57   32245: complete more mpc arguments
      adds  ed44dda   32246: option "shift -p" pops arguments from end of array
      adds  ff74ffb   32255: complet for python under some pythonN.M names
      adds  41c68d5   32257: updated zypper completion
      adds  70af7dd   32265: better handling of large package lists.
      adds  82a3591   32264: vcs_info, hg: Support detecting repos using ShareExtension
      adds  3e199e5   32267: use explicit path to modinfo for completion
      adds  790664a   32271: fix matcher-list example
      adds  1584318   32283:  fix crash in menu selection when number of terminal lines is small
      adds  23f98c3   32285: restart the fheap search in freeheap if the current fheap arena is about to be discarded; fixes crash
      adds  4777c07   users/18335: avoid passing to "functions" those typeset options that it does not accept
      adds  3e06aea   32294: prevent buffer overflow when scanning very long directory paths for symbolic links
      adds  6c603a4   unposted: reformulate 32285 to lift the fheap->sp test out of the loop, improve commentary
      adds  22b8fd6   32299: add use of underscores on arithmetic output for spacing
      adds  1fc2593   use LPAR() instead of parens in sqrt example
      adds  a0c9da7   unposted: update 31983 to suppress stdout from cmp, too. Gets rid of unnecessary messages building patchlevel.h.
      adds  a2098b0   users/18368: compromise to restore partial path completion inadvertently removed by 31159
      adds  c56f5ae   32308: Improve initialising of vi change. Better handling when entering viins on entry to editor. Slightly changed since post to use vi command a.
      adds  584ea88   32303: simplistic completion after $x:
      adds  8d3d34c   Merge branch 'master' of git://git.code.sf.net/p/zsh/code
      adds  0ab7834   32316: complete new ssh key type
      adds  1531d04   32300: new od completion
      adds  779ad93   32322: display a message when completion is interrupted from the keyboard
      adds  a8c4ed6   32314: merge undo events corresponding to vi change in the vi-cmd-mode widget so undo from insert mode is useful again
      adds  f3e7cfe   32337: change initialization of some special parameters for emulation compatibility
      adds  ff201da   32338: create empty help.txt so lack of helpfiles does not break the build
      adds  3882c30   32340: improve error messages for "read -c" / "read -l"
      adds  620b915   Fix leading whitespace in a comment
      adds  71b235b   32341: heuristic initialization of ZLE_RPROMPT_INDENT
      adds  36ce87d   Minor indexing changes to generate more consistent page layouts
      adds  2cd3b9a   32334 (modified so KEEPSUFFIX is unchanged for vi-cmd-mode; based on Jun T: 32324, 32330), 32347, Jun T: 32344, 32349: add split-undo zle widget for configurable breaks in undo sequence
      adds  e1bc9d0   32342: fix overstrike for vi mode and use varying vi commands at line start
      adds  137b15a   32355: document and test vi mode undo changes
      adds  1af0d64   18406: New completion for system_profiler
      adds  045b241   32356: fix a typo
      adds  ba58bfe   32365: another stab at the heuristic for initializing rprompt_indent
      adds  5c89c4c   32377: change keybindings and PTY control for vi-mode tests to make them more reliable
      adds  7274ea8   Fix character transposition typo
      adds  90916c4   32361: don't reset lastline before completion
      adds  ae0b56c   32389 (with Jun Takimoto): additional PTY and keybinding adjustments
      adds  956d35e   32388: zparseopts -K preserves individual associative array elements
      adds  76ab661   unposted: document interactions of "fc -R" etc. with "fc -l" and $HISTCMD
      adds  946a99a   32396: _git: fix __git_committish_range_{first,last} and __git_is_committish_range
      adds  139ee0e   32395: _git: diff: refactor and fix wrong completions
      adds  f8e874e   32397: _git: fix __git_submodules to only use the actual name of the submodule
      adds  b97808f   32398: _git: completion updates up to latest git v1.9.0
      adds  71d3065   update zshcontrib for latest helpfiles
      adds  8ffbfc0   use env to find perl for helpfiles
      adds  bc160bc   remove old example from helpfiles: code is integrated with distribution
      adds  cf02c2f   prefer col -bx to colcrt in helpfiles
      adds  5a8de90   remove hard tabs from btrfs completion
      adds  55232af   minor typo in btrfs completion
      adds  b9f1072   updated subcommand completion for btrfs
      adds  be47852   new forms of completion for btrfs
      adds  73db206   32414: improved error message for missing delimiters. For glob qualifiers "u" and "g".
      adds  7e04c1a   32427: avoid busy loop on closed descriptors for "zle -F" handlers
      adds  afe7ff6   32642: improve bzr completion with directory path
      adds  e5b55eb   Fix outdated npm completion
      adds  52f7208   users 18531 plus doc etc.: new expand-absolute-path widget
      adds  079540c   users/18485: add .. as an auto-removable suffix in git revision ranges
      adds  7c31413   users/18498: observe add-space style in _expand_alias so suffix can be disabled
      adds  3971741   unposted: duplicate local statement was printing variable value
      adds  4149d0a   unposted: fix typo in documentation
      adds  7d72424   32435: improved quoting for ignore-line completion style
      adds  f798f13   Fix merge conflict
      adds  973e5dc   32412 / 32415: New giga- and terabyte units for glob qualifiers
      adds  965d730   32453: fix zcalc default base handling
      adds  e6d9975   users/18550: matcher-list documentation clarifications
      adds  b5fcc04   32436: allow = to be used in ZLS_COLORS patterns if it is quoted or inside parentheses
      adds  1f290a3   32439: add new show-ambiguity style
      adds  97115e0   32448: fix seg fault if $WIDGET is accessed after recursive-edit is interrupted
      adds  f62bd9c   32450: make get-line widget set the history number that was saved with the line
      adds  7d301a5   32441: add completer for file extensions
      adds  3c25cb2   32289: Doc: Add zsh version to footer in HTML documentation.
      adds  ff6d811   Merge branch 'master' of git://git.code.sf.net/p/zsh/code
      adds  38be9fe   32468: save/restore match/mbegin/mend when doing pattern lookups against zstyle contexts
      adds  ba44ba6   32480: Fix crash in vi mode with too few previous changes
      adds  de68b6b   32472: new pgrep completion options
      adds  d91732a   32471: handle BSD process management in pgrep completion
      adds  89c2342   32471: tidy up pgrep completion
      adds  a06cd17   32479: POSIXTRAPS and implicit return values. With POSIXTRAPS never propagate implicit return value. In any case if not forcing a return value don't use lastval from within the trap, use the one from the surrounding code.
      adds  458e665   32482: fix character translation issue with some versions of Yodl
      adds  6ebb9f6   unposted: document effect of 32479 on POSIX_TRAPS
      adds  2dcf053   Fix zypper commands completion [zypper <TAB>].
      adds  8c9df2c   Fix zypper commands completion [zypper <TAB>].
      adds  35475f0   Merge branch 'master' of ssh://git.code.sf.net/p/zsh/code
      adds  53e9e26   32493: some man page formatting fixes
      adds  848065a   32494: Yodl hack to fix indents in manual page output
      adds  da57ddb   32497: avoid using comptesteval in the middle of a series of tests
      adds  fd4ac0a   unposted: in Perforce path completion complete depots after //
      adds  86873ed   users/18644: bindkey -s doc should have forward reference. Indicate there is documentation for the argument strings.
      adds  8672d19   32500: handle interrupts during pattern matching
      adds  9c3733e   Merge branch 'master' of https://git.code.sf.net/p/zsh/code
      adds  ab917d4   32502: fix typo in argument list for git completio
      adds  cd2eb07   m0viefreak: users/18655,18657,18660: assorted auto-removable suffix fixes
      adds  4dfe626   32505: improved Solaris compatibility for pgrep completion
      adds  eb4c70d   32528: vcs_info: Add check-for-staged-changes
      adds  ccc8404   32528: vcs_info: Document 'post-backend' hook and bzr 'check-for-changes' support.
      adds  141f569   32521: document that LOGNAME comes from getlogin()
      adds  fe40b9c   complete zfs ... -o multiple times
      adds  d397599   32532: completion for "apt" command
      adds  60bedea   32533: add completion for "apt-mark"
      adds  f61037a   32531: fix memory leaks detected by valgrind
      adds  21d0100   unposted: fix typo
      adds  2be3ff5   Fix email address
      adds  47c440a   32527: zcalc-auto-insert key binding for use in zcalc
      adds  08d4a61   addition to 32527: also update .distfiles
      adds  1410892   Merge branch 'master' of git://git.code.sf.net/p/zsh/code
      adds  31e2ae3   32540: in doexpandhist(), discard saved line position data rather than restoring from it (updates 32531).
      adds  d993591   32546: better handling of ignored files with _path_files -W prefixes
      adds  8189e12   32552 (updated by 32560): fix segfault when using process substitution in anonymous function argument list
      adds  848bada   32568: consistency in handling of errflag condition during substitutions
      adds  9da5923   32569: lastval ($?) should not be reset between word list substitution and loop body execution in for/select
      adds  315c607   32558: _XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED now OK on OpenBSD
      adds  7b1b1db   32562: updates for bzr completion
      adds  979f721   32580: avoid indefinite wait in lockhistfile() by checking for lock file time stamp in the future
      adds  9cd7ffe   Fix merge conflict
      adds  0da28f3   32592: add CORRECT_IGNORE_FILE variable
      adds  6a201af   32597: vcs_info git: Describe detached heads symbolically.
      adds  f5fe52c   32600: in _arguments, "-" is not an option letter after another "-"
      adds  e1ff0a8   32603: fix documentation of status after try / always
      adds  9d47e83   32609: [[ $var ]] behaves as [[ -n $var ]] for bash/ksh compatibility
      adds  3ff598b   users/18827 plus tweaks to original comments: hg bookmarks extraction improvement
      adds  d082827   32616: bad printf arguments for limits
      adds  bb27121   32619: vcs_info svn: Use the revision of cwd
      adds  55d5fee   32621: vcs_info svn: 'Fix set-branch-format' when in subdirs
      adds  e65a221   32620: Typo fix after commit eb4c70d
      adds  1cc3424   unposted: use DIGBUFSIZE for pipestatus numeric buffer
      adds  5554cf8   users/18860: man -M overrides manpath
      adds  880020c   32624: use correct scaling factor (clock ticks) for times
      adds  501f200   32640: (#q) in [[ ... ]] forces globbing
      adds  10ae77c   users/18857: add (Y) glob qualifier to generate only one match per pattern
      adds  19f3161   32634: add POSIX_ARGZERO option
      adds  f5ad1cc   32653: complete files with the ".phar" extension as well as ".php"
      adds  06a4913   users/18870: fix glob scanner insert counting check. Was causing problems with globs in paths with (Y) glob qualifier
      adds  b85b09b   32662: vcs_info git: Fix stagedstr for empty repos
      adds  09f29ef   Fix merge conflict
      adds  b3e5284   36526: when __APPLE__ is defined at compile, normalize Unicode filenames in zreaddir()
      adds  108fc82   Numbers transcribed in last commit message:  article ID should be 32656.
      adds  4664dad   unposted: restore cond_match() in case used in add-on module
      adds  5cfe186   32681: formatting issue in zle doc
      adds  9381bb6   32694: the number of matches to find is the suffix argument of (Y) qualifier
      adds  69378db   32708: glob qualifier (Y) implies (oN)
      adds  92f62fe   32711: run "continue" test in a new shell
      adds  2ba4aa2   32755: move incorrectly placed line in grammar.yo
      adds  c41287b   32716: properly test iconv return values for error conditions
      adds  32756f7   32723: add braces around some if/else branches
      adds  605cc1b   19939: hg committable files
      adds  7f6dc0f   32682 with tweaks: Add INC_APPEND_HISTORY_TIME. Revert INC_APPEND_HISTORY behaviour.
      adds  d7ca50c   32715: doc formatting fixes
      adds  37ccdf5   32719: minor doc issues
      adds  4f4d2b8   32737, 32736 (32741), 32735, 32734, 32733, 32732 (32739): Strict compilation fixes
      adds  6336347   fix my own merge conflict with grammar changes
      adds  e1fbf76   32765: fix build when not MULTIBYTE_SUPPORT
      adds  d1da134   32766: bracechardots() agrees with xpandbraces() about what constitutes a {C1..C2} pattern, thus preventing crash
      adds  e6d7d7b   32767: another spot to tweak bracechardots()
      adds  d6698d8   32666: shell emulation doc addition
      adds  b5198b1   32768 with further modifications: LOCAL_LOOPS option.
      adds  522908c   32779: fix a typo in options.yo
      adds  0853bcf   32781: source behaves like . w.r.t. path search
      adds  920db69   32789: --enable-zsh-valgrind allows analysis of heap allocation
      adds  e0dccff   32799: resource NTHR not well handled on NetBSD
      adds  fa4c71b   32812: put contents at start of manual
      adds  c8e5be9   32823: complete file instead of Perl script after -
      adds  d13c6dc   32833: complete Python and Ruby arguments as for Perl
      adds  8088a45   32821: Update _gcc as of GCC 4.8.3 for generic options and x86
      adds  0b62bde   32819: Update for axi-cache completion
      adds  d5886eb   32818: gzip completion: --rsyncable option is missing
      adds  d6c759f   32815: aptitude completion missing resolver options
      adds  2abc853   32814: Add some more recent dpkg options
      adds  f6b3229   Attempt to improve doc for assignment
      adds  71e0947   32837: improved installation location support for help directories
      adds  7d5db0d   32863: completion for mpc insert command
      adds  4e54648   32866: new replace-argument ZLE function. Also a couple of read-from-minibuffer fixes: don't pass numeric argument to recursive edit, and hide the minibuffer edit from the undo history.
      adds  fbcf719   32848: fix words array before using _normal for script arguments
      adds  c971346   32849: new completion for Linux ss (netstat alternative)
      adds  a8a59f9   32863: missed ChangeLog entry
      adds  b63ff19   32882 (cf. Augie Fackler 32879): correct reload of backslash-continuation lines from history, fix bad history write of events ending with backslashes
      adds  2693d85   32891: CASE_MATCH for =~ when using pcre; fix pcre_match with empty string
      adds  4054f1a   force retention of whitespace in "fc" item prototype
      adds  933a0c4   32898 (credit Jun T.): fix offset_start initialization bug in 32891
      adds  0702cda   Resolve conflict with origin/master
      adds  52d4cd2   Resolve conflict with origin/master
      adds  35176b4   32895: Match more shared library names.
      adds  f33270e   Merge branch 'master' of git://git.code.sf.net/p/zsh/code
      adds  341d443   users/18981: improved tmux function completion
      adds  6076c47   unposted: replace-argument can take negative prefix to count from end
      adds  f642918   32903: new empty (unset) elements in the special parameter hash tables are special themselves
      adds  77119af   unposted (see 32892): 'fc -I' is an error
      adds  2f0efe9   32853: redefine VARARR() to use heap rather than stack allocation
      adds  e439bd1   32910: quiet update of timestamp files
      adds  33351b1   32817: Add completion for moosic
      adds  a7d7c77   32816: Add completion for bpython and variants
      adds  efde0a1   32911: Expand bpython completion to bpython2 and bpython3
      adds  05ce4f2   unposted: Fix copy and paste error in the current changelog entry's date
      adds  0f20ffd   Merge branch 'master' of git://git.code.sf.net/p/zsh/code
      adds  0442410   32593: update --vga option in _qemu
      adds  d3d0910   32918: add %. to ztrftime for use in prompts
      adds  15db636   %P at start of TCP function system prompt causes %-style prompt subst
      adds  51c0ccd   missed updates to calls to ztrftime()
      adds  417cb94   32931: with NO_NOMATCH, a subscript glob qualifier on a not-matching pattern returns the original pattern
      adds  b79ef8c   32932: add hmkarray() and use to fix leak
      adds  ebc2789   user/19006: document position of RC_EXPAND_PARAM in parameter subst
      adds  1f396db   32944: read -qs is handled correctly by current code
      adds  b8751cb   32949 (wip 32928, 32937): Add :^ syntax for zipping two arrays
      adds  3d97186   unposted: Fix formatting error in ChangeLog
      adds  b516dc3   unposted: remove unused variables
      adds  6116f1d   32954 plus new test: [[ ... = ...(#q...) ]] shouldn't force a glob. The (#q...) expression should simply be removed to leave a normal pattern as before
      adds  ef3fd47   32954: Missed the doc change.
      adds  22ee3a4   32958: bitwise logic fix
      adds  c810a07   Rename _SuSEconfig to _SUSEconfig
      adds  6fc3b67   32971: negative argument with %(l..) and with %<< or %>> calculates space available before right margin
      adds  349fe90   mention 32971 in NEWS, clarify RPROMPT behavior in docs
      adds  1973bbd   unposted: Fix typo in Doc/Zsh/expn.yo
      adds  f8ae47f   unposted: updates for 5.0.5-dev-1 and subsequent 5.0.6 release

No new revisions were added by this update.

Summary of changes:
 .gitignore                                         |   1 +
 ChangeLog                                          | 920 ++++++++++++++++++++-
 Completion/Base/Completer/.distfiles               |   1 +
 Completion/Base/Completer/_expand_alias            |   5 +-
 Completion/Base/Completer/_extensions              |  33 +
 Completion/Base/Core/_description                  |  16 +-
 Completion/Base/Core/_main_complete                |  13 +
 Completion/Darwin/Command/.distfiles               |   8 +-
 Completion/Darwin/Command/_system_profiler         |  20 +
 Completion/Debian/Command/_apt                     |  66 +-
 Completion/Debian/Command/_aptitude                |   2 +
 Completion/Debian/Command/_axi-cache               |   8 +-
 Completion/Debian/Command/_dpkg                    |  12 +
 Completion/Linux/Command/.distfiles                |   2 +
 Completion/Linux/Command/_btrfs                    | 334 ++++++--
 Completion/Linux/Command/_modutils                 |   2 +-
 Completion/Linux/Command/_ss                       |  98 +++
 Completion/Unix/Command/.distfiles                 |   3 +
 Completion/Unix/Command/_bpython                   |  46 ++
 Completion/Unix/Command/_bzr                       |  16 +-
 Completion/Unix/Command/_gcc                       | 864 ++++++++++++++++---
 Completion/Unix/Command/_git                       | 279 +++++--
 Completion/Unix/Command/_gzip                      |   1 +
 Completion/Unix/Command/_hg                        |  12 +-
 Completion/Unix/Command/_ip                        |   2 +-
 Completion/Unix/Command/_man                       |   2 +-
 Completion/Unix/Command/_moosic                    | 487 +++++++++++
 Completion/Unix/Command/_mpc                       |   5 +-
 Completion/Unix/Command/_nm                        |   2 +-
 Completion/Unix/Command/_npm                       |  20 +-
 Completion/Unix/Command/_od                        |  71 ++
 Completion/Unix/Command/_perforce                  |   6 +-
 Completion/Unix/Command/_perl                      |  23 +-
 Completion/Unix/Command/_pgrep                     | 173 +++-
 Completion/Unix/Command/_php                       |   5 +-
 Completion/Unix/Command/_python                    |  42 +-
 Completion/Unix/Command/_qemu                      |   2 +-
 Completion/Unix/Command/_rm                        |  10 +-
 Completion/Unix/Command/_ruby                      | 117 ++-
 Completion/Unix/Command/_ssh                       |   4 +-
 Completion/Unix/Command/_tmux                      |   5 +-
 Completion/Unix/Command/_zfs                       |   6 +-
 Completion/Unix/Type/_path_files                   |   5 +-
 Completion/X/Command/_x_utils                      |   2 +-
 Completion/Zsh/Command/_typeset                    |   4 +-
 Completion/Zsh/Command/_zstyle                     |   2 +
 Completion/Zsh/Context/_brace_parameter            |   3 +
 Completion/Zsh/Type/_globquals                     |   7 +-
 Completion/Zsh/Type/_parameters                    |   5 +
 Completion/openSUSE/Command/.distfiles             |   2 +-
 .../openSUSE/Command/{_SuSEconfig => _SUSEconfig}  |   0
 Completion/openSUSE/Command/_zypper                | 179 +++-
 Config/defs.mk.in                                  |   2 +-
 Config/version.mk                                  |   4 +-
 Doc/Makefile.in                                    |  13 +-
 Doc/Zsh/arith.yo                                   |  21 +
 Doc/Zsh/builtins.yo                                |  20 +-
 Doc/Zsh/calsys.yo                                  |  21 +-
 Doc/Zsh/compat.yo                                  |   2 +-
 Doc/Zsh/compsys.yo                                 |  34 +-
 Doc/Zsh/cond.yo                                    |  37 +-
 Doc/Zsh/contrib.yo                                 | 158 +++-
 Doc/Zsh/expn.yo                                    |  81 +-
 Doc/Zsh/grammar.yo                                 |  61 +-
 Doc/Zsh/mod_pcre.yo                                |  11 +-
 Doc/Zsh/mod_regex.yo                               |   1 +
 Doc/Zsh/mod_sched.yo                               |   2 +-
 Doc/Zsh/mod_zutil.yo                               |  10 +-
 Doc/Zsh/options.yo                                 |  90 +-
 Doc/Zsh/params.yo                                  |  37 +-
 Doc/Zsh/prompt.yo                                  |  40 +-
 Doc/Zsh/roadmap.yo                                 |   1 -
 Doc/Zsh/tcpsys.yo                                  |   4 +
 Doc/Zsh/zle.yo                                     |  87 +-
 Doc/zman.yo                                        |   6 +-
 Doc/zsh.yo                                         |   1 +
 Doc/ztexi.yo                                       |   1 -
 Etc/.distfiles                                     |   4 +
 Etc/FAQ.yo                                         |   2 +-
 Functions/Misc/zcalc                               |   7 +-
 Functions/TCP/tcp_output                           |   3 +
 Functions/VCS_Info/Backends/VCS_INFO_detect_hg     |   2 +-
 Functions/VCS_Info/Backends/VCS_INFO_get_data_git  |  33 +-
 Functions/VCS_Info/Backends/VCS_INFO_get_data_svn  |  30 +-
 Functions/Zle/.distfiles                           |   3 +
 Functions/Zle/expand-absolute-path                 |  19 +
 Functions/Zle/read-from-minibuffer                 |   9 +
 Functions/Zle/replace-argument                     |  48 ++
 Functions/Zle/zcalc-auto-insert                    |   8 +
 Misc/vcs_info-examples                             |   4 +
 NEWS                                               |  20 +
 README                                             |   6 +-
 Src/Builtins/rlimits.c                             |  25 +-
 Src/Builtins/sched.c                               |   2 +-
 Src/Modules/datetime.c                             |   2 +-
 Src/Modules/parameter.c                            |  30 +-
 Src/Modules/pcre.c                                 |  11 +-
 Src/Modules/stat.c                                 |   2 +-
 Src/Modules/zutil.c                                | 159 ++--
 Src/Zle/compcore.c                                 |  14 +
 Src/Zle/compctl.c                                  |   4 +-
 Src/Zle/complist.c                                 |  19 +-
 Src/Zle/compresult.c                               |   2 +-
 Src/Zle/computil.c                                 |  10 +-
 Src/Zle/iwidgets.list                              |   1 +
 Src/Zle/zle_hist.c                                 |   4 +
 Src/Zle/zle_main.c                                 |  66 +-
 Src/Zle/zle_misc.c                                 |  28 +-
 Src/Zle/zle_params.c                               |   2 +-
 Src/Zle/zle_refresh.c                              |   9 +-
 Src/Zle/zle_tricky.c                               |   5 +-
 Src/Zle/zle_utils.c                                |  52 +-
 Src/Zle/zle_vi.c                                   |  37 +-
 Src/builtin.c                                      |  54 +-
 Src/compat.c                                       |   2 +-
 Src/cond.c                                         |  24 +-
 Src/exec.c                                         |  52 +-
 Src/glob.c                                         | 305 +++++--
 Src/hist.c                                         |  78 +-
 Src/init.c                                         |  24 +-
 Src/jobs.c                                         |  32 +-
 Src/lex.c                                          |  10 +-
 Src/loop.c                                         |  20 +-
 Src/math.c                                         |  35 +-
 Src/mem.c                                          | 125 ++-
 Src/mkmakemod.sh                                   |   4 +-
 Src/options.c                                      |   3 +
 Src/params.c                                       | 186 ++++-
 Src/parse.c                                        |  45 +-
 Src/pattern.c                                      |   8 +-
 Src/prompt.c                                       |  24 +-
 Src/prototypes.h                                   |   2 +-
 Src/signals.c                                      |  10 +-
 Src/subst.c                                        |  73 +-
 Src/utils.c                                        | 119 ++-
 Src/watch.c                                        |   2 +-
 Src/zsh.h                                          |  32 +-
 Src/zsh.mdd                                        |   2 +-
 Src/zsh_system.h                                   |  14 +-
 Test/.distfiles                                    |   1 +
 Test/A07control.ztst                               |   6 +-
 Test/B08shift.ztst                                 |  33 +
 Test/C01arith.ztst                                 |  16 +
 Test/C02cond.ztst                                  |   8 +
 Test/C04funcdef.ztst                               |   5 +
 Test/D02glob.ztst                                  |  39 +
 Test/D04parameter.ztst                             |  76 ++
 Test/D09brace.ztst                                 |  15 +
 Test/E01options.ztst                               |  44 +-
 Test/X02zlevi.ztst                                 |  57 ++
 Test/comptest                                      |  42 +-
 Test/ztst.zsh                                      |   6 +-
 Util/helpfiles                                     |  36 +-
 configure.ac                                       |  23 +-
 154 files changed, 5979 insertions(+), 1093 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 Completion/Base/Completer/_extensions
 create mode 100644 Completion/Darwin/Command/_system_profiler
 create mode 100644 Completion/Linux/Command/_ss
 create mode 100644 Completion/Unix/Command/_bpython
 create mode 100644 Completion/Unix/Command/_moosic
 create mode 100644 Completion/Unix/Command/_od
 rename Completion/openSUSE/Command/{_SuSEconfig => _SUSEconfig} (100%)
 create mode 100644 Functions/Zle/expand-absolute-path
 create mode 100644 Functions/Zle/replace-argument
 create mode 100644 Functions/Zle/zcalc-auto-insert
 create mode 100644 Test/B08shift.ztst

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/collab-maint/zsh.git

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