[Pkg-zsh-commits] [zsh] branch debian updated (1ffb184 -> fad0d34)
Axel Beckert
abe at deuxchevaux.org
Wed Oct 8 00:00:05 UTC 2014
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
abe pushed a change to branch debian
in repository zsh.
from 1ffb184 Upload to unstable as 5.0.6-3
adds 93d923b unposted: update version to 5.0.6-dev-0 for new commits post release
adds 40d559d Update notes on use of .distfiles
adds 711e142 33057: %e in prompts shows evaluation / execution depth
adds e01739d 33069: remove internal quoting before lookup when expanding aliases in an unquoted word
adds 5b57f28 33070: add %(e..) based on %e
adds 839a72d 33077: SHTTY = -1 when closing it in closem()
adds 4d0d6e8 Further tweaking of the descriptor leak regression test that sometimes hangs
adds 7c7f00e 33081: suppress unnecessary error message
adds 6d9635b 33088: indentation in $PS4
adds a3b1e3f 33100: check $fd more rigorously in "exec {fd}<&-"
adds 2bff41d 33091: improve documentation for ttyctl
adds ed8602e 33108: stgit --patch completion
adds 3518783 33110: document use of $IFS[0] for variable padding
adds c61a927 33061: More useful setopt / unsetopt completion
adds 4414e54 33116: followup to 32580 to prevent double-locking with shared or incremental history
adds 5a9f3ac 33118: record original param unset state when treating empty the same as unset, to avoid incorrect NO_UNSET errors
adds b7ba628 clarify ${(~j.|.)array} example
adds 956829c 33122: typo from 32891 caused incorrect matches for pcre_match -n
adds 8bf3595 users/19059 based on users/19058: remove ineffiency with multiple * matches
adds add8d94 33132: use ip on Linux to get interface names
adds 246404a Add $functypestack special parameter in zsh/parameter
adds 03e53c8 33143: POSIX_ARGZERO more closely matches bash et al.
adds 6ec8cfd 33149: vcs_info examples: fix typo
adds ffd439b 33151: completion git: support aliases when \n exist
adds 5e40996 33147: vcs_info git: detect revert or cherry-pick with multiple commits
adds 06e03e7 33148: vcs_info quilt: refactor standalone detection
adds d5f574e 33145: vcs_info git: fix applied-string name
adds 089123f 33150: completion git: fix send-email --confirm values
adds 78dd672 33136: P glob qual appends words when negated
adds cd09b81 33137: _path_files: complete # to introduce a glob flag
adds 2c2d4f9 33188: vcs_info git: set rrn before using it
adds 9c29a4f 33184: vcs_info git: consider patches for rebase
adds 08e5191 users/19097: remove $functypetrace in favour of ref to $zsheval_context
adds e1ba30a 33205: keep array of completions and array of display strings in sync when filtering for matches
adds b4c7f0e 33206: fix compdescribe doc
adds f4aae44 33209: allow dummy zsh.texi if yodl not available. Removes catastrophic make failure so rest of make can finish.
adds 0c7a3d6 33212: try to put /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions in default fpath
adds 16db797 33213: try to get fixed fpath dir right this time
adds e171c19 33214 (modified further): test prefixes for site fpath better
adds 7c6e267 33208: improve report on paths at end of configuration
adds 64e2b44 33217: vcs_info: use `--ignore-submodules=dirty` with diff/diff-index
adds efffe08 users/19113: reorganised cryptsetup completion function
adds 88f358a 33198: new augeas completion
adds 2a0e49f 33218: complete m4a files for mplayer
adds 8e83bdd unposted: add dvipdf to _dvi command list
adds 5378f6a 33221 (including 33173 from Anthony Heading): _perforce tweak. Complete directories when handling unmaintained files for add. Rationalise code and comments around this.
adds 9b63839 unposted: mention /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions default in NEWS
adds b603137 unposted: mention numeric output with underscore separators
adds cc09ec3 unposted: more NEWS tweaks while I'm there.
adds 8560d4f 33179: _git: updates for Git 2.0.0
adds 56116a7 33176: _git: Add missing --list to git-tag
adds d338cc5 33178: _git: updates for Git 2.1.0
adds 9370269 33177: _git: fix typo in git-apply
adds 95a6d96 33180: _git: add missing --3way option
adds 5a2668a 33223: discard stderr except when _complete_debug is in progress.
adds f59511c 33224: complete directory as second btrfs argument
adds d8f7b4b 33238: correct return values
adds d9a059e unposted: tweak last change to NEWS a bit
adds 691a7e4 users/19143: fix depth glob search with trailing slashes
adds 1fb5742 33212: improve log entry
adds b9ee56e 33252: complete more notmuch subcommands
adds d19d9c1 33242: tokens following if, for, repeat, while aren't in command position
adds 7cabee5 33256: fix prompttrunc() counting of %{ %} spans
adds 60e31a4 33268: interactive shells treat SIGPIPE like SIGHUP if and only if SHTTY is disconnected
adds 546203a 33276: safer import of numerical variables from environment
adds f2aaea5 users/19183: improve unlikely error case with fdopen in history code
adds 4a52920 33277: Fix VCS_INFO_reposub's command expansion
adds cf6b0f5 33285: apply function definition redirections at execution
adds 8cb67e7 33286: handle redirections for multiply named functions
adds 32473f5 Merge branch 'master' of git://git.code.sf.net/p/zsh/code
adds 15222bc Fix some compiler warnings in Zle
adds 0557c22 33294: $functions[func_with_redir] plus extra tests
adds 8727049 33298: make lexrestore() more signal-safe
adds 5e51689 33312: document redirections applied to function definitions
adds 3aa5544 33284: Completion/Unix/Command/_*magick: Add JPEG 2000 file extensions
adds c080bd5 33319: fix parens in example from 33312
adds dad5063 33315: fix pattern to match freebsd10 and later
adds f168137 33325: fix ksh autoloads with redirections on function definitions
adds 7adc786 tiny typo
adds 57252dc 33320 (cf. PWS 33311): revert 33069, fix lexing of bangchar during completion
adds fb707c0 33332: test safer numeric import from environment
adds 64d32d8 Update source distribution information for 5.0.7.
adds 8cbff0b remove "major" from README
adds 00a654a 33323: fix bug in removing math functions and complete -M option to functions
adds 859cccb Make 5.0.6-dev-1
adds 7eb949a Fix some typos in the documentation
adds 7666ceb 33343: Variant anonymous function synax with arguments. Don't expand arguments as if in command position. Test.
adds a778215 unposted: comments in previous commit were reversed
adds 3175079 33345: fix anonymous function complex command handling. Longstanding problem caused simple anonymous function incorrectly to reset the overall "complext" state, causing wordcode to be diverted into execsimple(), which caused a crash 'cos ist wasn't simple.
adds 74e26bf 33346: another bit of the 33345 repair
adds a65fb06 33354: when backgrounding a pipeline, close all pipe descriptors in the parent
adds 43c8bc8 unposted (discussed offline): update README for integer import vulnerability
adds 49a3086 33365: avoid buffer overflow for very long fds in >& fd syntax
adds 208bded unposted: 5.0.7
adds 9982ab6 unposted: ChangeLog entry for 33365
new 1c3f90e Merge commit '9982ab6fb5266298c056326ed265fc8560202603' into debian
new 2d47042 Drop all cherry-picked patches
new 79478c6 Add prelimiary changelog entry for new upstream release 5.0.7
new fad0d34 Drop debian/copyright stanza for cherry-picked patches
The 4 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Summary of changes:
ChangeLog | 370 +++++++++++++++++-
Completion/Base/Utility/_call_program | 17 +-
Completion/Base/Utility/_describe | 2 +-
Completion/Base/Widget/_complete_debug | 2 +
Completion/Linux/Command/_btrfs | 3 +-
Completion/Linux/Command/_cryptsetup | 175 ++++-----
Completion/Unix/Command/_augeas | 58 +++
Completion/Unix/Command/_dvi | 2 +-
Completion/Unix/Command/_git | 70 +++-
Completion/Unix/Command/_graphicsmagick | 2 +-
Completion/Unix/Command/_imagemagick | 2 +-
Completion/Unix/Command/_notmuch | 3 +
Completion/Unix/Command/_perforce | 15 +-
Completion/Unix/Command/_quilt | 425 +++++++++------------
Completion/Unix/Command/_stgit | 11 +
Completion/Unix/Command/_sysctl | 9 +-
Completion/Unix/Type/_mime_types | 4 +-
Completion/Unix/Type/_net_interfaces | 27 +-
Completion/Unix/Type/_path_files | 22 +-
Completion/X/Command/_mplayer | 2 +-
Completion/Zsh/Command/_setopt | 22 +-
Completion/Zsh/Command/_typeset | 15 +-
Completion/Zsh/Command/_unsetopt | 10 -
Config/defs.mk.in | 1 +
Config/version.mk | 4 +-
Doc/Makefile.in | 6 +-
Doc/Zsh/builtins.yo | 36 +-
Doc/Zsh/contrib.yo | 22 +-
Doc/Zsh/expn.yo | 29 +-
Doc/Zsh/grammar.yo | 9 +
Doc/Zsh/mod_computil.yo | 12 +-
Doc/Zsh/mod_parameter.yo | 8 +
Doc/Zsh/mod_zutil.yo | 2 +-
Doc/Zsh/options.yo | 4 +-
Doc/Zsh/params.yo | 2 +-
Doc/Zsh/prompt.yo | 7 +
Doc/Zsh/zle.yo | 2 +-
Etc/FAQ.yo | 2 +-
Etc/zsh-development-guide | 16 +-
Functions/VCS_Info/Backends/VCS_INFO_get_data_git | 131 ++++---
Functions/VCS_Info/VCS_INFO_quilt | 8 +-
Functions/VCS_Info/VCS_INFO_reposub | 7 +-
Misc/vcs_info-examples | 2 +-
NEWS | 33 +-
README | 12 +-
Src/Modules/parameter.c | 55 ++-
Src/Modules/pcre.c | 2 +-
Src/Zle/compcore.c | 2 +
Src/Zle/compctl.c | 2 +-
Src/Zle/zle_refresh.c | 3 +-
Src/builtin.c | 4 +-
Src/exec.c | 187 ++++++++-
Src/glob.c | 24 +-
Src/hashtable.c | 15 +-
Src/hist.c | 21 +-
Src/init.c | 37 +-
Src/jobs.c | 4 +-
Src/lex.c | 110 +++---
Src/params.c | 39 +-
Src/parse.c | 290 +++++++++-----
Src/pattern.c | 10 +
Src/prompt.c | 38 +-
Src/signals.c | 15 +-
Src/subst.c | 15 +-
Src/utils.c | 44 ++-
Src/zsh.h | 4 +-
Src/zsh.mdd | 3 +
Src/ztype.h | 9 +
Test/A04redirect.ztst | 78 +++-
Test/A05execution.ztst | 36 +-
Test/C01arith.ztst | 4 +
Test/C04funcdef.ztst | 10 +
Test/D02glob.ztst | 7 +
Test/V07pcre.ztst | 9 +
configure.ac | 36 +-
debian/changelog | 11 +
debian/copyright | 8 -
...uble-locking-with-shared-or-incremental-history | 44 ---
...-pick-87270496-make-lexrestore-more-signal-safe | 136 -------
debian/patches/series | 2 -
80 files changed, 1978 insertions(+), 959 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 Completion/Unix/Command/_augeas
delete mode 100644 Completion/Zsh/Command/_unsetopt
delete mode 100644 debian/patches/cherry-pick-4414e54e-prevent-double-locking-with-shared-or-incremental-history
delete mode 100644 debian/patches/cherry-pick-87270496-make-lexrestore-more-signal-safe
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/collab-maint/zsh.git
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