[Pkg-zsh-commits] [zsh] branch upstream updated (f0068ed -> 11189c6)
Axel Beckert
abe at deuxchevaux.org
Sun Aug 30 20:22:08 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
abe pushed a change to branch upstream
in repository zsh.
from f0068ed unposted: release 5.0.8
adds c818ee8 unposted: Update version to 5.0.8-dev-0 for new developments
adds 72ecc2e Adrien Vergé: 35352: completion for new Redhat package manager
adds 52cace8 35356: factor out completion of tty devices
adds 93e72ed 35353: print -x and print -X expand tabs
adds aab6bdc 35357: FreeBSD needs HAVE_POSIX_OPENPT for zpty
adds 099e717 35359: Improved math parsing and errors.
adds 9dc173e unposted: Typo fix
adds 83ac36c 35271: New completion: beep.
adds ce9d3fd 35270: _describe: Document a known issue described in 35229 (which is the same thread as 35127 and 34768)
adds 6b4d6ea users/20243: turn off GLOB_ASSIGN in completion system.
adds 4dc4e23 GLOB_ASSIGN should only affect scalar assignments
adds 897ad46 35369: better GLOB_ASSIGN testing
adds bfac7f0 35374: tab expansion with double width characters
adds 4804a7c 35360 (replacing 35357): fix for configuring zpty on FreeBSD without pty.ko loaded
adds 2abba72 35386: expand tabs where useful in builtins outputing function.
adds 229bc3c 35350: extend "fc -I" to cover listing of "internal" history events only
adds a253ada 35163: move "show-ambiguity" style to _setup so that more precise context can be applied
adds ac26faf 35412: fix for - flag when formating strings with printf
adds e8cf611 35216: _git-checkout: do not call __git_commits twice
adds 40446a9 35416: Turn on MULTIBYTE in all emulations.
adds 5ff536f 35418: fix usage synopsis for _describe to be clear that a single description is used
adds 370e7f7 35442: document MULTIBYTE is always on by default when available
adds f1923bd Add non-metafied character length handling.
adds 806f73a 35467: complete files for non-GNU du
adds 9f3dc66 35469: test UNDO_CHANGE_NO to determine whether to start over or use the next history event
adds 54c2c44 _gdb: Allow 'core' to occur anywhere in a coredump filename
adds 19b37ef 35482: be consistent about how argzero is allocated
adds 2cfe892 35493: erase $_ when the command line is an assignment
adds e55c167 35476: Allow setting $0 when POSIX_ARGZERO is not set
adds 2e1bb72 35490: silence errors and avoid blank match due to missing local
adds 2c30182 35521: sort matches numerically and use pfiles on Solaris
adds 8ebb4e6 35504: complete % placeholders for git log --format
adds deb2ec7 35510: use consistent formatting for git subcommands
adds 0a0ba5e 35487, 35496: don't reinstate previous incremental search string when search direction changes
adds 98687fa 35474, 35492: support the bracketed paste mode of newer terminal emulators
adds aea461e 35528: allow for IPREFIX
adds b2de9b5 35527: use list-separator style in cases where separator was hardcoded
adds dd78520 35531: fallback on file completion
adds 09e1b24 35545: enhance narrow-to-region to return LBUFFER and RBUFFER
adds f91644c 35554: Document narrow-to-region -l and -r.
adds ea0f612 35558: narrow-to-region: Use unique parameter names for new feature
adds 7d588bc 33566: regex module fix for unmatched parentheses
adds bf098bc 35529: fix filename completion after java -jar
adds fbc6489 35568: use symlinks in /proc/$$/path on Solaris and procstat on FreeBSD
adds 2118390 unposted: add missing (void) argument list to bracketedestring()
adds a68d22e 35573: turn off POSIX_BUILTINS in completion.
adds 39b2898 various posts: Implement assignment parsing for typeset.
adds 7b46509 35590: tweak and test text output from typeset
adds 77130df 35514: [[:foo:]] tests in completion should be more specific
adds 0d7be4a 35550: fix backspace in interactive menu-select
adds b16d754 35604: create empty arrays in typeset with array=()
adds 9265e49 typeset silent on repeated typeset x=()
adds 42b9037 35613: Handle array slices in typeset
adds 77a0278 35615: fix completion after tyepset
adds 2f0213d 35626: update POSIX_CD to note that it is on in ksh and sh emulations
adds 420bfcf 35623: All is_array assignments should be treated as having a value.
adds b7aecf6 Don't require MULTI_FUNCDEF in _main_complete. Although it gets set there, _main_complete is parsed to the end first.
adds ef08028 35634: handle failure of gettempname() in namedpipe()
adds eb08892 35635: a bit more consistency about making elements local
adds 811027a 35642: signal queueing in zcontext_save_partial()
adds 93e5234 35643: Redirections after typeset assignments were broken.
adds fbc97e7 35623: fix menu-selection where initial selection would not be displayed without scrolling
adds 44c56f3 35627: make reverse-menu-complete start with the last match in menu selection
adds 6e57de8 35637: remove the now unused module hook for reverse-menu-complete
adds 7bc47c9 35660: prompt_adam1_setup: avoid perl, fix help
adds 7708849 35655: APPEND_CREATE option for POSIX copmatible NO_CLOBBER
adds d01a8a4 unposted: fix formatting typo in options list.
adds dce1f33 35667: fix command substitution that starts but doesn't finish in alias
adds 2afdb39 35668: Improved fix for command/proc subst starting in alias.
adds 96fa41a 35663: zpool completion fix needed after completion change
adds 38145b2 35665: better handling for command line completion match handling
adds 439764a 35673: Improve _zargs
adds acb05d1 35674: make an undo event for initial buffer contents
adds a257525 35681: fix day of month initialisation
adds f2b2271 Turning case parsed as multiple alternatives back into text.
adds 290354f 35688: Improved attempt to turn case wordcode into text.
adds 26d5d2e 35692: cfp_matcher_range used wrong raw character
adds e81f61e 35441: Make devs' ChangeLog generator scripts discoverable
adds b28ccc4 35696: _ps1234: complete colors for %F{ and %K{
adds 0b946c1 35697: _ps1234, _date_formats: Complete strftime formats for %D{}
adds 68a5a5f 35704: compadd -E 0 should imply -J and -2
adds a9add3d 35694: fix handling of history modifiers applied across all elements of an array parameter value
adds ef3db71 35709: explain :s/// modifier contexts.
adds f56e23e unposted: alphabetize ${(b)...} flag
adds 04675ec unposted: remove compiler error in completion code
adds 396f689 35718: new calendar style date completion
adds 1b4bdcd 35700: complete OS specific date format specifiers and put % in a prefix
adds 39bc7a2 35727: support OpenBSD for diff options
adds 5c56540 35729: new compadd completion
adds bada2f9 35749: (c.f. Jun T: 35732): fix exclusion list for flags/modifiers
adds 5951ac1 35748: fixes to prompt spec completion where it contains date formats
adds e402747 35745: ztrftime: Pass everything unhandled to the system strftime()
adds 3af55c8 35751: Fix ERR_RETURN and ERR_EXIT in "else"
adds 41888ae unposted: Make V09 set a known timezone
adds 2833299 35708: add UNDO_LIMIT_NO
adds 9152ff3 35760: Add ZTST_skip to test system
adds 541e7ad unposted: another ZTST_skip
adds 653761f 35761: Make sure to skip alternate format extension test properly
adds 08f084e unposted: notes on ZTST_unimplemented and ZTST_skip.
adds ccd612f unposted: Typo
adds 8024de7 35779: completion: _git-config: remove extraneous "local expl"
adds 778db04 35774: fix double formatting of date explanation message
adds 81bfb1a 35756: use the actual colours in the completion list for terminal colours
adds 5911aca 35737: (tweaked c.f. Peter: 35759): use new undo limit for minibuffer and beep when limit is reached
adds 35ffe36 35769: edit-command-line: Go to the right byte offset
adds ca2ab5e 35775: New zsh-specific yodl vim syntax highlighting.
adds 40a6f1d 35790: zyodl.vim: Be compatible with Vim 6.
adds b230e6d 35789: (tweaked c.f. Bart: 35791): duplicate glob qualifier handling from _path_files so it is called once and not for each file pattern
adds b6a2f11 unposted: _ps1234: Fix ternary test char completion
adds a0862f6 35799: with NO_EXEC, parse parameter subscript expressions
adds e63065e 35805: tests for 35799
adds f3e8f4c 35581, 35582: output array assignments with spaces inside the parens
adds 045bd4e 35823: fix handling of MARK and CURSOR, clean up documentary comment
adds a1f8d4f 35826: add getsparam_u() to return unmetafied string, use it for a number of references to non-special params
adds cd690f4 fix another test for 35581
adds 30dd372 users/20324: add (D) flag for tilde-fied completion listing
adds 855ceea 35939: fix select polling in ztcp and zsocket
adds aee8aeb 35814: POSTEDIT needs to be unmetafied
adds a925d03 35815: fix for lack of startup output from newer nslookup
adds b4aff3b 35824: allow highlighting of just pasted text and put text from bracketed paste in cut buffers
adds 7351fea 35866: complete also for pigz and allow for NetBSD gzip
adds c55fe21 35867: new patchutils (interdiff etc) completion
adds 346fcf9 35753: allow for numbers after the ( in ternary expressions and fix backslash quoting
adds 9a82a86 35793: avoid undefined behaviour shifting signed number
adds 49ff2e0 35854: ensure history character unget doesn't recurse infinitely
adds 28a962f 35849: close fd's from process substitution after fork
adds bbd4cae 35872: protect against NULL pointers in unmeta
adds 53fe58a 35873: add original test for process substitution deadlock from 35847
adds 8f8b82b 35883: Don't attempt to back up over history if expanding alias
adds acf1fa6 35879: fix for subcommands that don't have a second subcommand
adds 0f02b27 35864: add sysopen, sysseek and systell to system module
adds bfc5c04 35865: document %^ prompt expansion
adds a8e18dc 35807: edit-command-line: Fix for non-7bit-data (after 35769)
adds 7f5ee59 35809: zyodl.vim: Fix nested parentheses
adds 80759c2 35810: FAQ += edit-command-line
adds 84495e3 35882: read-command has ZLE_NOTCOMMAND
adds f3130bf 35896: index zle_highlight
adds 771381c 35908: fix $((...)) completion in expand-or-complete widget
adds dd8079e 35809: fix $((...)) completion by _expand widget.
adds b3aa3b7 35910: Don't add to raw lex buffer if lex stopped.
adds 1629d5b add RPS2 handling to "prompt bart", update help text, clean up indentation whitespace
adds 77af941 faster method of generating list of python modules
adds 679d52f 35901: complete full names as removing later components was broken for aliases and unwanted in any case
adds d470453 35274: completion: Add FreeBSD's watch(1)
adds e0980e9 35937: wait for process IDs instead of job numbers in parallel mode
adds 2d41e44 _arguments docs: Bring all option descriptions to one place
adds a98260b _arguments docs: Divide into subsections
adds 96cc9e0 Merge branch 'master' of git://git.code.sf.net/p/zsh/code
adds 6fd8872 35947: update discussion of module wrappers, some examples
adds c0a8017 35953: fix handling of command substitution in math context
adds 77a8cd7 35960 (tweaked): complete correct options for OpenBSD's find
adds 3d9a807 35963: simplify condition found by coverity to include tautology
adds f4723a0 35957: fix _make-expandVars()
adds d90f921 35970: completion: fix typos in _git and _brace_parameter
adds 32669e7 unposted: Typo fix.
adds 8bbfbfe unposted (c.f. Bart: 35902): use - after zle -U in case $key is -
adds db7b2f1 35986: add ssh option UpdateHostKeys
adds 764c48f 35972: allow for Directive=Value format in .ssh/config
adds 31c1ebe 35973: new systat and vmstat completions
adds 8ce0320 35989: _ssh: update to 6.9
adds fb0b648 unposted: _ssh: use the -q option for the = suffix
adds 2fc05d5 35991: _ssh: add ssh option FingerprintHash
adds d09dc45 35928: '%-m' should work even if not supported by strftime(3)
adds b0ebabd 35929: protect FDT_PROC_SUBST by #ifdef
adds 1e0ba96 35954: Doc: sysopen -u is not optional
adds 1122d83 36008: trap: Fix listing of traps created under non-alias non-canonical signal spelling
adds 249999c 36025: Fix completion aftoer "foo=bar; setopt ".
adds 17d52d6 Fix retying variables in opposite order. Now gives an error. Add test.
adds ce12868 unposted: add tests for outputting traps specified via aliases
adds 9958684 36022 fix bug that some loop constructs could not be interrupted, revise signal queueing
adds a88415c 36026: zero freed pointers in zftp cleanup_() in case the module is re-loaded after unloading
adds df5f825 36033: a few more queue_signals() to protect global state changes
adds ade35d3 35885: document closing fd's opened with sysopen
adds 9728f53 36039: Restart socket commands on EINTR
adds cbdb3cf not quite posted: check for error return before EINTR
adds fe924b2 36045: make effect of failures in wait test clearer
adds 783ce79 36046: _tmux: Update command line options
adds 742f4da 36048: _tmux: Update options for supported commands
adds e2495da 36062: _tmux: Add support for new sub-commands
adds 75530dc 36063: _tmux: Remove dead code
adds ab23499 36050: _tmux: Don't unset, set empty in local scope
adds ca53f8a 36058: _tmux: No need to unset local variables
adds c7c1541 36057: _tmux: Replay all arguments when dispatching to new _tmux()
adds ad7ef9c 36054: _tmux: "local -x" serves no purpose
adds 1afcae5 36049: _tmux: options => session_options
adds 8208f5f 36056: Add helper script to check state of _tmux completion
adds 61ba1a9 36052: _tmux: Remove old sub-commands and their aliases
adds 761044e 36064: _tmux: Add new command aliases
adds 4dbc1af 36047: _tmux: Fix options with changed scope
adds 333df34 36051: _tmux: Remove support for old options
adds 5fc821c 36059: _tmux: Add new session options
adds 5c19edb 36055: _tmux: Add support for new server options
adds e3df5df 36061: _tmux: Add support for new window options
adds b6d44f6 36060: _tmux: Update TODO
adds 5d10851 36070: _tmux: Update bell-action and prefix options
adds 8d849b9 36069: _tmux: Fix \ooo display in completion list
adds c6136b9 36075: Disable ‘local’ keyword in script to make data retrieval work
adds a07f74f Don't rely on implicit value when saving background process status
adds 6fa8708 36083: set array value when consistently retying scalar and array
adds 93ca77f 36079: do not allow update_job() and its helpers to run the signal queue while we are processing a job exit.
adds 45424e7 36084: use zrealloc() consistently
adds 321116c unposted: replace multi-byte curly-quotes with plain quotes in ChangeLog entry
adds bde9191 36067: fix typo and format in the documentation
adds 0f224e7 35952: bind escape in vi mode so it is a full key sequence and later keys aren't dropped
adds 3183cbd 36044: deactivate-region widget for escape in visual mode
adds 5ee4cc8 36096: special . mark in vi mode
adds 1af2e6e 36090: keep signals queued for preprompt()
adds a01f29c 36092: return the zpty master file descriptor in $REPLY for use with "zle -F" etc.
adds 128bf38 36104: change order of child_block() and dont_queue_signals() to resolve yet another race condition
adds c21a3fd 36108: list of major changes so far since 5.0.8
adds c5abf2b 36077: vcs_info: stop exporting everything
adds 46a46a9 36078: vcs_info: Adjust documentation for no longer exporting
adds 8815500 36116: _git: various fixes
adds f6c3a2f 36117: _wget: complete headers for --header and add --no-use-server-timestamps
adds 6472541 36118: _imagemagick: complete all files if image files didn't match
adds aa72253 36120: _sort: Fix syntax error
adds b386bba 36119: _strftime: Add completion for zsh/datetime's strftime builtin
adds f17eb26 35834: strip a final newline from pasted text: inserting is hard to tell apart from accepting it
adds 4f509c6 36125: don't set history context in get-line
adds cf77e28 36127: assorted minor completion function changes
adds 51d2c66 36106: fix const parameter to bindkey
adds 8e0b5e0 Wieland Hoffmann: 36123: protect against word splitting in __git_is_committish_range
adds f158e5c 36113: ip(8) may add suffixes which is not good for completion matches
adds 832130c 36131: make use of undo limits; call mkundoent() when $UNDO_CHANGE_NO is referenced for a clear change number marking the current state
adds 422dae7 unposted: _subversion: Complete property names for propdel
adds 5f8a18a unposted: fix minor typos
adds 9a4e1bf 36146: avoid mix of -/ and -g with _files as that just overrides user preferences
adds 019dbbf Revert 36118
adds 0204f5e 36091: _ncftp: search XDG_DATA_HOME for bookmarks saved by lftp
adds 5d019f4 36180: avoid infinite job stop/continue loop on "wait PID" for a background job
adds 795e6eb 36195, 36196: wrapper of bracketed-paste for compatibilty with url-quote-magic and other self-insert wrapper widgets
adds 3f171fd 36177: _setopt: complete printexitvalue both ways
adds a62e968 36183: _ssh: update to 7.0
adds a190d68 Merge branch 'master' of git://git.code.sf.net/p/zsh/code
adds 3b3ce2b Reorder commit-log entries for international date line.
adds 2f28080 unposted: mention bracketed-paste-magic in url-quote-magic comments
adds 1d2dd33 36165: simplify file-patterns default to a single pattern
adds bd89f38 unposted: use of $f in zmv
adds c5a13d2 unposted (cf. 36200): back out _expand backslash handling change from 34961.
adds fb063f9 36172: _imagemagick: Use $formats a bit more correctly
adds c799e01 36186: FAQ (3.24): Update for bracketed paste
adds fa573a3 36109: bracketed-paste: change quoting style
adds ad98fab 36158: _sshfs: Fix completion of and after -o
adds 769c6cb unposted: _sshfs: Fix completion of options with values
adds 9a369d3 36209: vcs_info: avoid grep error message when file is missing
adds c239a7b 36212: save and restore HISTNO along with other editor state, for sanity of "zle undo"
adds 2372daa 36216: Simpler handling of UNDO_LIMIT_NO
adds 0575f03 36216: Missed message number
adds 770beb5 36218: use unmetafied file name for mkdir system call
adds 8141a3d 36222: unmetafy output from strftime
adds 5292d60 Revert "36222: unmetafy output from strftime"
adds f8164fb 36227: attempt to fix metafication problem with ztrftime.
adds 34be0f1 36232: Unmeta needed in chdir() in zchdir()
adds 9982edb unposted: typo in ChangeLog
adds 0c5f6e9 36208: _subversion: Complete a few more option switches
adds 8ed6bc0 36241: Test for ztrftime fix, 36227 / f8164fb6.
adds ea5d100 36148: _git-log: Complete flags after positional argument
adds d70e714 36236: _git-log: complete 'git rm'd files
adds a4c41ff 36236: _git-log: Complete multiple revspecs
adds 663fa40 36237: __git_objects: Complete HEAD:foo correctly in worktree subdir
adds a69994e 36247: __git_objects: Complete HEAD:./foo correctly in worktree subdir
adds a85ba2e 36243: fix a few problems of "_pids -m pattern"
adds a2efa4d 36250: add notes on bracketed paste mode to README
adds 364e171 36250: ChangeLog tweaked further
adds 61afb8d 36262: Replace fix for missing unmeta in chdir().
adds 06e1542 unposted: update version from 5.0.8 to 5.1 in descriptive text
adds c0df344 36264: glob and pattern variable pathbuf is metafied.
adds f4c37a7 36265 plus FAQ: fix alias expansion after "function"
adds e5d5a76 Test for 36265, no alias expansion after "function"
adds 881474e unposted: fix up for 5.0.8-test-2
adds 8abe149 36256: local options should remain in effect for "emulate -L" even if additional option settings are applied
adds 2ed3b84 36266: preserve emulation and setopt context for init and finish functions, handle vi modes
adds 1cfe4ca 36273: teach endofline() and endoflinehist() about invicmdmode() cursor placement.
adds 43079e5 36274: clear virangeflag when getvirange() has an error (the next keystroke is not a motion/selection).
adds 2e69ece users/20455: do not use posix_openpt() on OpenBSD
adds 2bc4680 Merge branch 'master' of https://git.code.sf.net/p/zsh/code
adds 3698baa unposted: replace version 5.0.9 with 5.1 in FAQ
adds fdf48d8 36277: _git: Updated for git-clone 2.4.5.
adds 2663a03 unposted: update to 5.0.8-test-3
adds caaed16 36282: discard stderr of "hang" test
adds 8186e9c 36285: update 36025, context cannot be command and redirect at the same time, redirect wins
adds 85645fd 36288: refine 36825, slightly different test for redirect context
adds 51f5898 cf. Axel Beckert 36292: discard even more extraneous stderr in "hang" test
adds 63b1dcd 36304: _git-cat-file: Fix regression in 36237
adds d6ca3bc unposted: _subversion: Avoid SHORT_LOOPS
adds 9ca9a09 36302: attr: Fix compilation with libcap 2.24
adds 095dd71 36314: Avoid using short_loops syntax in distributed files
adds 946e5d8 users/20466 plus comment: change test for skipping strftime extensions.
adds 945136e users/20475: document cdr stores unique entry of most recent use
adds d2e920d 36306: _subversion: Complete --show-item values
adds 2f4b690 36321: _debcheckout: New completion.
adds 11189c6 Relase zsh 5.1
No new revisions were added by this update.
Summary of changes:
ChangeLog | 1159 +++++++++++++++++++++
Completion/BSD/Command/_systat | 88 ++
Completion/BSD/Command/_watch-snoop | 13 +
Completion/Base/Completer/_expand | 2 +-
Completion/Base/Core/_main_complete | 17 +-
Completion/Base/Core/_setup | 10 +-
Completion/Base/Utility/_describe | 7 +
Completion/Debian/Command/_debcheckout | 21 +
Completion/Linux/Command/_btrfs | 265 +++--
Completion/Linux/Command/_sshfs | 31 +-
Completion/Redhat/Command/_dnf | 278 +++++
Completion/Unix/Command/_adb | 26 +-
Completion/Unix/Command/_beep | 50 +
Completion/Unix/Command/_clay | 2 +-
Completion/Unix/Command/_du | 2 +-
Completion/Unix/Command/_find | 43 +-
Completion/Unix/Command/_gdb | 8 +-
Completion/Unix/Command/_git | 320 +++---
Completion/Unix/Command/_gzip | 63 +-
Completion/Unix/Command/_ifconfig | 2 +-
Completion/Unix/Command/_imagemagick | 9 +-
Completion/Unix/Command/_java | 66 +-
Completion/Unix/Command/_kvno | 3 +-
Completion/Unix/Command/_last | 4 +-
Completion/Unix/Command/_make | 132 +--
Completion/Unix/Command/_mh | 7 +-
Completion/Unix/Command/_ncftp | 8 +-
Completion/Unix/Command/_patchutils | 106 ++
Completion/Unix/Command/_pgrep | 8 +-
Completion/Unix/Command/_ps | 5 +-
Completion/Unix/Command/_rm | 2 +-
Completion/Unix/Command/_sort | 2 +-
Completion/Unix/Command/_ssh | 156 ++-
Completion/Unix/Command/_stty | 2 +-
Completion/Unix/Command/_subversion | 38 +-
Completion/Unix/Command/_tmux | 666 ++++++------
Completion/Unix/Command/_vim | 2 +-
Completion/Unix/Command/_vmstat | 83 ++
Completion/Unix/Command/_watch | 9 +
Completion/Unix/Command/_wget | 41 +-
Completion/Unix/Command/_zcat | 2 +-
Completion/Unix/Command/_zpool | 2 +-
Completion/Unix/Type/_date_formats | 106 ++
Completion/Unix/Type/_dates | 126 +++
Completion/Unix/Type/_diff_options | 52 +-
Completion/Unix/Type/_email_addresses | 5 +-
Completion/Unix/Type/_files | 68 +-
Completion/Unix/Type/_find_net_interfaces | 19 +-
Completion/Unix/Type/_pdf | 2 +-
Completion/Unix/Type/_pids | 4 +-
Completion/Unix/Type/_ps1234 | 109 --
Completion/Unix/Type/_python_modules | 6 +-
Completion/Unix/Type/_ttys | 19 +
Completion/X/Type/_x_font | 4 +-
Completion/Zsh/Command/_compadd | 52 +
Completion/Zsh/Command/_fc | 48 +-
Completion/Zsh/Command/_print | 17 +-
Completion/Zsh/Command/_setopt | 5 +-
Completion/Zsh/Command/_strftime | 12 +
Completion/Zsh/Command/_zmodload | 2 +-
Completion/Zsh/Command/_zpty | 7 +-
Completion/Zsh/Context/_brace_parameter | 4 +-
Completion/Zsh/Function/_zargs | 64 +-
Completion/Zsh/Type/_command_names | 4 +-
Completion/Zsh/Type/_directory_stack | 6 +-
Completion/Zsh/Type/_file_descriptors | 70 +-
Completion/Zsh/Type/_globquals | 11 +-
Completion/Zsh/Type/_ps1234 | 170 +++
Completion/compinit | 2 +
Config/version.mk | 4 +-
Doc/Zsh/.vimrc | 4 +
Doc/Zsh/builtins.yo | 211 ++--
Doc/Zsh/compsys.yo | 151 ++-
Doc/Zsh/compwid.yo | 4 +-
Doc/Zsh/contrib.yo | 52 +-
Doc/Zsh/expn.yo | 51 +-
Doc/Zsh/grammar.yo | 3 +-
Doc/Zsh/mod_system.yo | 63 ++
Doc/Zsh/mod_zpty.yo | 9 +
Doc/Zsh/options.yo | 45 +-
Doc/Zsh/params.yo | 23 +
Doc/Zsh/prompt.yo | 11 +-
Doc/Zsh/zle.yo | 47 +-
Etc/FAQ.yo | 46 +-
Etc/zsh-development-guide | 53 +-
Functions/Misc/nslookup | 3 +-
Functions/Misc/zargs | 4 +-
Functions/Misc/zed | 17 +-
Functions/Prompts/prompt_adam1_setup | 7 +-
Functions/Prompts/prompt_bart_setup | 43 +-
Functions/VCS_Info/Backends/VCS_INFO_get_data_bzr | 2 +-
Functions/VCS_Info/Backends/VCS_INFO_get_data_git | 4 +-
Functions/VCS_Info/Backends/VCS_INFO_get_data_hg | 2 +-
Functions/VCS_Info/Backends/VCS_INFO_get_data_p4 | 2 +-
Functions/VCS_Info/Backends/VCS_INFO_get_data_svk | 2 +-
Functions/VCS_Info/Backends/VCS_INFO_get_data_svn | 2 +-
Functions/VCS_Info/VCS_INFO_formats | 4 +-
Functions/VCS_Info/VCS_INFO_hook | 4 +-
Functions/VCS_Info/VCS_INFO_quilt | 6 +-
Functions/VCS_Info/VCS_INFO_set | 6 +-
Functions/VCS_Info/vcs_info | 9 +-
Functions/VCS_Info/vcs_info_lastmsg | 2 +-
Functions/VCS_Info/vcs_info_printsys | 2 +-
Functions/Zle/bracketed-paste-magic | 225 ++++
Functions/Zle/edit-command-line | 15 +-
Functions/Zle/incremental-complete-word | 2 +-
Functions/Zle/narrow-to-region | 90 +-
Functions/Zle/read-from-minibuffer | 5 +-
Functions/Zle/smart-insert-last-word | 12 +-
Functions/Zle/url-quote-magic | 6 +
NEWS | 52 +-
README | 35 +-
Src/Builtins/sched.c | 3 +-
Src/Modules/attr.c | 6 +-
Src/Modules/curses.c | 2 +-
Src/Modules/datetime.c | 15 +-
Src/Modules/files.c | 2 +-
Src/Modules/newuser.c | 2 +-
Src/Modules/regex.c | 38 +-
Src/Modules/socket.c | 9 +-
Src/Modules/stat.c | 7 +-
Src/Modules/system.c | 183 +++-
Src/Modules/system.mdd | 2 +-
Src/Modules/tcp.c | 9 +-
Src/Modules/zftp.c | 8 +-
Src/Modules/zpty.c | 5 +-
Src/Zle/compcore.c | 10 +-
Src/Zle/compctl.c | 2 +-
Src/Zle/complete.c | 16 +-
Src/Zle/complist.c | 97 +-
Src/Zle/compresult.c | 83 +-
Src/Zle/computil.c | 2 +-
Src/Zle/iwidgets.list | 4 +-
Src/Zle/zle.h | 6 +-
Src/Zle/zle_bindings.c | 2 +-
Src/Zle/zle_hist.c | 23 +-
Src/Zle/zle_keymap.c | 8 +-
Src/Zle/zle_main.c | 20 +-
Src/Zle/zle_misc.c | 91 +-
Src/Zle/zle_move.c | 47 +-
Src/Zle/zle_params.c | 3 +
Src/Zle/zle_refresh.c | 15 +-
Src/Zle/zle_tricky.c | 53 +-
Src/Zle/zle_utils.c | 51 +-
Src/Zle/zle_vi.c | 2 +
Src/builtin.c | 484 ++++++---
Src/compat.c | 9 +-
Src/context.c | 4 +
Src/exec.c | 253 ++++-
Src/glob.c | 34 +-
Src/hashtable.c | 81 +-
Src/hist.c | 13 +-
Src/init.c | 10 +-
Src/input.c | 17 +-
Src/jobs.c | 26 +-
Src/lex.c | 23 +-
Src/loop.c | 41 +-
Src/math.c | 21 +-
Src/options.c | 5 +-
Src/params.c | 74 +-
Src/parse.c | 146 ++-
Src/pattern.c | 25 +-
Src/prompt.c | 10 +-
Src/signals.c | 26 +-
Src/subst.c | 10 +-
Src/text.c | 135 ++-
Src/utils.c | 387 ++++++-
Src/watch.c | 7 +-
Src/zsh.h | 115 +-
Test/A01grammar.ztst | 43 +
Test/A05execution.ztst | 8 +-
Test/A06assign.ztst | 27 +-
Test/B01cd.ztst | 14 +-
Test/B02typeset.ztst | 210 +++-
Test/B03print.ztst | 21 +-
Test/C01arith.ztst | 22 +-
Test/C02cond.ztst | 9 +-
Test/C03traps.ztst | 51 +
Test/C04funcdef.ztst | 13 +
Test/D01prompt.ztst | 2 +-
Test/D03procsubst.ztst | 34 +
Test/D04parameter.ztst | 14 +
Test/D07multibyte.ztst | 33 +
Test/D08cmdsubst.ztst | 5 +
Test/E01options.ztst | 35 +-
Test/V09datetime.ztst | 74 ++
Test/ztst.zsh | 11 +
Util/check-tmux-state | 220 ++++
Util/zyodl.vim | 81 ++
configure.ac | 2 +-
190 files changed, 7832 insertions(+), 1973 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 Completion/BSD/Command/_systat
create mode 100644 Completion/BSD/Command/_watch-snoop
create mode 100644 Completion/Debian/Command/_debcheckout
create mode 100644 Completion/Redhat/Command/_dnf
create mode 100644 Completion/Unix/Command/_beep
create mode 100644 Completion/Unix/Command/_patchutils
create mode 100644 Completion/Unix/Command/_vmstat
create mode 100644 Completion/Unix/Command/_watch
create mode 100644 Completion/Unix/Type/_date_formats
create mode 100644 Completion/Unix/Type/_dates
delete mode 100644 Completion/Unix/Type/_ps1234
create mode 100644 Completion/Unix/Type/_ttys
create mode 100644 Completion/Zsh/Command/_compadd
create mode 100644 Completion/Zsh/Command/_strftime
create mode 100644 Completion/Zsh/Type/_ps1234
create mode 100644 Doc/Zsh/.vimrc
create mode 100644 Functions/Zle/bracketed-paste-magic
create mode 100644 Test/V09datetime.ztst
create mode 100644 Util/check-tmux-state
create mode 100644 Util/zyodl.vim
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