[Pkg-zsh-commits] [zsh] branch debian updated (5ad56a4 -> 8ab0a0c)
Axel Beckert
abe at deuxchevaux.org
Sat Apr 7 13:39:45 UTC 2018
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
abe pushed a change to branch debian
in repository zsh.
from 5ad56a4 Upload to unstable as 5.4.2-4
adds ab6ac73 unposted: Post-release version bump.
adds 92ec728 unposted: add missing #autoload directive
adds e5c11eb 41616: update completion options to entr 3.8
adds 386eb37 41617: complete new tracepath options
adds 8b4d232 41618: Added some arguments autocompletion to _todo.sh.
adds 7d1877d 41608 (plus tests): restore ERR_EXIT before function.
adds 383dc2a 41558: _tmux: Complete option names for show-options and show-window-options.
adds 9a4fb22 41557: _tmux: show-environment, set-environment: Make -g,-t mutually exclusive.
adds eb6c012 41564: _tmux: Complete environment variables and their values for set-environment and show-environment.
adds 1e44c64 41566: _tmux: Complete only attached sessions for detach-session.
adds 73514c4 41567: _tmux: Complete detached sessions first for attach-session.
adds ebcea98 Fix problem with ERR_RETURN.
adds b2e44bc Make mbegin, mend, match local in zed.
adds a6c72cb 41623: Update FAQ.yo for Yodl 3
adds ef9d13c 41637: add explicit objdump completion
adds 2c4e5c4 41620 (tweaked per 41622): _mkdir: Don't offer a linux-specific option in the 'zsh' variant.
adds 1e53674 41621: _mkdir: Honour the 'command' and 'builtin' precommand modifiers.
adds 5a8155f 41633: Fix problem backgrounding function definitions.
adds ea5b389 41641: Some math operations shouldn't be lvalues.
adds 6401caa 41628 (plus 41645 by Oliver): _ps: update options
adds e44600d 41661: Need to remove tokens before using bufferwords() for (z)
adds c9df6bc 41662: exec -a arguments weren't sanitised
adds 2ef3dff 41668: New --emulate option on invocation.
adds 9f22711 41666: zpty compatibility for OpenBSD
adds ed7497e unposted: internal: Document zreaddir().
adds e8780e1 unposted: YODL compatibility fix for --emulate
adds 91484e0 41679: slight clarification on exec of builtins
adds da4146b 41688: builtin wait for all jobs should ignore STAT_NOPRINT
adds 54b3958 First go at var=([key]=value) syntax.
adds 7ca2e97 unposted: typo in doc just committed
adds ab7be42 More [key]=value tweaks
adds c2d4fa5 unposted: nodref -> noderef
adds 9429663 41709: update options in Linux sysstat completions
adds c1f789d 41710: new smartctl completion
adds 8e9fe08 41711: new dconf completion
adds b0c12e3 41724: update ethtool completion for new options
adds b138acf 41725: assorted minor updates to completion functions
adds da085b7 update completion of options for util-linux 2.30.1
adds c2a189b 41726: add + and = to option specs taking arguments and update options to 1.7.5
adds d29ad85 41723: one more case of 41627 in "while" loops.
adds 256201e 41727: run tidy -xml-config to get HTML options for completion
adds 1051d48 41728: new completion for flac and update options in metaflac completion
adds fde84f9 41729: update options for gnutls completion plus cleanup and rearrange the function
adds 2c41dc0 41731: reformat and expand doc for 41698.
adds d1914c5 41736: NO_INTERACTIVE_COMMENTS in $(...)
adds 15bed0d unposted (cf. 41707): internal: Document the count==0 case of checkrmall().
adds ced8274 unposted (cf. 41672): checkrmall: Record the 41672 bug in a TODO.
adds 101fb8d 41732: bring tmux completion in line with tmux 2.5 - removing completion of mode tables
adds 3fde9ae update options in tune2fs completion through e2fsprogs 1.43.6
adds 8ddadb8 update mtr completion through mtr 0.92
adds 85b0dd7 Updates for ksh array element syntax.
adds 9cab4c3 41755: Followup to last: minor clarification to docs.
adds 7d4b41b 41747: Don't create hash entry if just checking existence.
adds 03af5fd 41761: Ensure status from interrupt is propagated by builtin
adds 6230e82 41764 (test tweaked): allow [key]+=value when modifying arrays
adds 7a07187 41767: preserve nonzero exit status on interrupt
adds 9b4962a 41762: fix for completion in assignment to associative array element
adds 80a02c1 41772: fix bug in handling of long options with _arguments' -A option
adds 7cb5566 41773: Array index assignment tests for KSH_ARRAYS
adds a1276c8 41789: Don't save fd if -1.
adds 728f2ad Add typeset -p1, like typeset -p with newlines
adds 174e560 41787 (plus minor tweaks): use $FUNCSTACK for function nesting depth.
adds e573857 41802 (minor tweaks): use heap during shell function call.
adds 63271a4 41808: _git-cherry-pick: Typo fixes
adds e49aabc unposted: zsh/stat docs: Rephrase to avoid ambiguity due to the ambiguous relative precedence of the 'other than' and 'and' operators.
adds 69fcc22 41823: new completions for some GNU coreutils utilities
adds 1290220 41824: fix to not complete rest args from an _arguments set alongside the argument to and option in a separate set
adds 96006ea 41826: dana: fix inaccuracies in completion description wording for parameter expansion flags
adds 82c2679 41827: correct sense of description for ${...:?...} expansion
adds b84d69c 41828, 41830: skip SHFILEEXPANSION for new nodes added by stringsubst() in prefork()
adds ff3e47e 41842: aliasing documentation update
adds aeed51f unposted: rename _expand command completion to avoid clash with completer
adds 233c0e8 41835: handle multibyte characters with compset -p and -s
adds 04a7dca 41831: fix compset usage in ogg123 completion and tweak where compset -p is a better choice than -P
adds 1a3a07a 41849: handle both unexpand and expand in a single function
adds ea7178a 41853: update options for texinfo 6.5 and complete also for the pinfo info reader
adds a8c2b908 41854: also complete options for ping on Solaris, Mac OS, NetBSD and OpenBSD and for ping6
adds 61b544a 41855: completion option updates for OpenBSD 6.2 and handle macOS in rm completion
adds c68cfb1 41825/0001: _stat: Only complete 'stat' if it's provided by the zsh/stat builtin.
adds 57cfa8b 41825/0002: _stat: Complete -x options to zsh/stat's 'zstat'.
adds b3fa5c5 41877: Separate out SH_FILE_EXPANSION loop from parameter substitution.
adds 7c36add 41833 + 41838: _jq: New completion.
adds 1fb6939 41873: temporarily disable effects of ${(Z:n:)...} for parsing $(...) within the parameter value
adds 9684552 41899: handle multi-word values of $VISUAL et al., and line counting of buffer for emacs startup
adds 82b275d 41904: new deborphan and updated xrandr completions
adds ab37774 41907: further deborphan update
adds 3b0c8bd unposted: Document "typeset -p"'s optional argument in the inline synopsis.
adds dcd4f02 41902: ${(z)...} continues parsing on unmatched quote when CSH_JUNKIE_QUOTES is set
adds 3735384 41943: Completion: add --clean for vim
adds 1a5d8a6 41952: Use HGPLAIN instead of HGRCPATH in VCS_INFO_get_data_hg
adds de425db 41927: complete "typeset -p"'s optional argument for multi-line output
adds 85e56b5 41957: update git completion for git 2.14.3
adds 01523f4 41958: update util-linux completions to 2.31; new hexdump completion
adds 08e865e 41961: new ansible completion
adds 37c5e20 41960: add missing local declarations for MATCH, MBEGIN and MEND
adds 660df20 41939: docs: Move aliases corner case to the dangerous bends section. (after 41482)
adds aaa001e 41963: update completion for gnutls 3.6.1
adds 2273fe4 41965: complete new functions -W and zmodload -s options
adds bf04ffb 41866: No error unsetting nonexistent function for POSIXBUILTINS
adds 0ebf336 41971: correctly break out of certain tag loops when there are matches
adds 5498e0c 41969: _sort: Clarify option description.
adds 1bfcff1 41983: fix exclusion of long options with (-) on a normal argument
adds 7f61922 unposted: _sshfs: Make the -o option repeatable, accept "--".
adds b432d51 42004: fix parentheses in documentation
adds 2c00d21 github #19: Fix minor typo in INC_APPEND_HISTORY documentation
adds d8e3218 Specify system python in dnf completion
adds d0b2549 gitlab #1: update options for sqlite 3.21.0
adds 0993921 42019: update options in git completion to 2.15
adds e2f793e 42037: COMP_POINT for bash completion was miscalculated.
adds 487489c stat() for glob qualifiers lost information in corner case
adds 77a39b5 42031 + 42048: Make [[ -o invalidoption ]] a normal(ish) false value, rather than a syntax error.
adds 755f857 42063: getopts errors now report "+" in front of option where appropriate
adds 2bc02b4 42065: new getopts tests
adds 45f3169 unposted: fix dana's name in ChangeLog
adds 97c74dc 42110: Fix redirections between variable assignments at start of line
adds a3d9229 42113: BSD complation updates.
adds cb04ae4 add millisecond and microsecond options to TIMEFMT variable
adds aab0f6d 42123 (tweaked): take account of Dash in function names.
adds 5f33a93 42116: multibyte support for ZLE vi-mode word motion
adds dae5d1d 42412: fix a bug in 42116
adds 972cf41 * 42143: fix a pattern in _object_files
adds a9e60dc users/13148 (and workers/42060): Abort the command line when replying "[n] No" to the RM_STAR_SILENT prompt.
adds a254c18 42138: _git-revert: Complete recent commits first.
adds 4b55c0f 42146: type -w += global aliases
adds 932ed86 dana: 42145: Fix additional completion cases with option arguments.
adds 8ec3d17 33395: Improvments for function managment.
adds 349c957 dana: various OpenSSH completion improvements
adds 5f6a52c 42156: new CHECK_RUNNING_JOBS option demanded by bash groupies
adds 24152f7 42176: _tar: update long options
adds d303dfa 42175 + 42177 + 42178: avoid localized output from external commands
adds a8ad976 unposted: vcs_info: Add docstrings to the internal functions VCS_INFO_formats and VCS_INFO_set.
adds dd5ab15 42186: _apt: Fix completion of target_release names, e.g., 'apt install zsh/<TAB>'.
adds 3c24adb 42183: _objdump: support LLVM variant
adds 99cf61f 42171: prevent parameters of various parameters from becoming global
adds dd82408 42117: use anonymous function rather than define one in user namespace
adds d81bfa0 42207: support g prefixes for GNU variants on systems like macOS+Homebrew
adds f7a5211 42208: fix use of cache variables in yp completion
adds 9f8ed99 42209: fix option descriptions for non-GNU variants of tr
adds 5f68531 42209: take account of numeric options such as -4 instead of -t4
adds 1c4e760 42210: factor out completion of file modes and flags and handle _comp_priv_prefix for chflags
adds c789efb github #21: update nmcli completions to be compatible with recent version 1.8.4
adds 21a09a1 42214: use less general names on new functions for completing file flags and modes
adds 1e46f73 42188: Close flock descriptor in failure cases
adds c2cc8b0 Avoid crash copying empty hash table.
adds 1af28cb 42164: fix digits in format escapes in completion listings
adds c8e2f3c 42222: _object_files: recognize .dylib (macOS)
adds 48f0112 42221: update enscript completion for GNU enscript 1.6.6
adds ae05984 42223: new completions for sublime text and some basic Unix utilities
adds ef1f9e1 42229: update completion of GNU programs for coreutils 8.29 / gawk 4.2.0
adds 0c5f851 42230: update screen completion to 4.06.01
adds 0f0b602 42231: new completion functions for simple utilities belonging to the 'Darwin' and 'Linux' groups.
adds 36fcaeb 42245: Abort last word on interactve comment.
adds ef0aae1 42242: add [DFNO]BSD to the mix in ldconfig completion
adds ba752d2 42261: docs: Expand documentation of $histchars[1]. Joint with Matthew Martin.
adds 254d8ed unposted: Follow-up to previous: Clarify that ${histchars[1]} may be backslash-escaped even when it isn't '!'.
adds 0cfa6da Fix last commit's ChangeLog.
adds b476d89 42043: ZSH_DEBUG_CMD should not WARN_CREATE_GLOBAL
adds de6a293 42136: empty string check in %~ / %C prompt expansions
adds d8d9fee 42285: off by one fix in multiple prompts
adds b816291 42294: disable REPORTTIME in completion
adds abd0040 41839: force IFS to default for "read"
adds 4adb3c9 ChangeLog for abd00402 / 41839
adds 0ce5ff2 41924: (wi) subscript flag interaction
adds 5c65671 42243: Free stuff properly in zsh/pcre module
adds 4c85521 Fix overlapping commits
adds 1270499 42305: CVS should be git
adds b5572f9 42309: A few small updates for OpenBSD
adds aabf978 42299: correct optional argument
adds 47430bc 42317: completion option updates for commands that have had recent updates
adds 110b13e 42313: avoid null-pointer deref when using ${(PA)...} on an empty array result
adds 7589665 42322 (tweaked): Fix interactive_comments history with just a coment.
adds 2870302 42323: _git: move "local" statement out of loop
adds f62af4a Add ChangeLog entry for previous commit
adds 2cbf6b6 42332: Special case unsigned printf formats. For constants we can avoid a conversion to signed by examining the expression before passing to math eval.
adds 9d434d2 Fix confusing change log entry for foregoing commit.
adds ffacc95 42343: complete --config-option to svn more than once
adds 0c32412 42336: force single column output when getting filenames with adb ls command
adds 0236d9c 42330: ln -L and -P are POSIX, but not supported by Darwin or NetBSD
adds dd8e55c 42333: git 2.16.0 no longer accepts an empty string as a pathspec element so replace empty strings with a dot
adds 5677339 unposted: _subversion: Support subcommands with hyphens in their names, such as 'shelf-list (shelves)' from upstream 1.10 development versions.
adds c18fe51 42327: _make: complete _files
adds 2bf952b 42324: _git: handle mutually exclusive options
adds 47aa609 42355: Fix use of backslashes on here doc input.
adds fa2879f Document REPORTMEMORY is in Kb, not Mb
adds 7492f1e ChangeLog typos.
adds 5b946f6 42362: protect REPORTTIME logic from bad status
adds 1142e2d 42364: _git: fix __git_ignore_line to ignore the current word
adds 557d1d7 42399: document echo and behaviour of - and --
adds ba7de6d users/23169: only expand ~[...] under the same circumstances as other ~forms
adds 14743c0 42401: workaround for gcc -foptimize-strlen oddit.
adds 1d6954b 23180: Fix expand-or-complete with ~[...].
adds 14c17aa 42411: Assume current C librarires handle free(NULL)
adds 54ea6a8 42365: Use .zwc file if timestamp identical to source.
adds f5d0111 github #23: new kdeconnect-cli completion
adds c3133f5 github #22: Add newer C++ standard options to gcc completion
adds 7fd8e38 42453: Fix race in look up of status for wait.
adds 1219eae 42465: Pass up error status from readoutput().
adds d2350a1 42469: necessary repairs to 42465 found by "make check"
adds bc34902 42487: Fix pointer problems in compctl.
adds fc37d15 42191: new completion for otool (macOS)
adds f1a52c2 42497 (tweaked c.f. 42498): make completion after apt install work on local .deb files
adds 4977ec1 42491 based on 42000 (Andrei Shevchuk): factor ssh host completion for use for mosh and git
adds e4a8069 42501: avoid out of bound pointer (as 42487)
adds beadc29 unposted: add 'static' to a file-local variable
adds 679b71e 42518, CVE-2018-1071: check bounds when copying path in hashcmd()
adds 259ac47 42519, CVE-2018-1083: check bounds on PATH_MAX-sized buffer used for file completion candidates
adds a2459be 42521 based on 42049 (SATOH Fumiyasu): fix finding of includes in make completion
adds 383077e 42520: don't use an empty but existing option cache in netcat completion
adds 3b7d6a5 42505 (corrected): prepare for 5.5 release
adds 9bc3911 42480: optimize $#var for single-byte character sets
adds fa0105f 42538: Temporarily set umask for here document. Done while signals are queued.
adds c053c6a 42539: prevent overflow of PATH_MAX-sized buffer in spelling correction
adds 9881778 42550: new completion for ruby's gem
adds c2c9a16 42549: also handle the yumdb command in yum completion
adds de7c06a 42548: new pwgen completion
adds 1ee82c5 42564: _adb: Various improvements
adds 36e8471 42566: new strings completion
adds bdf0927 42560: silence sign-compare compiler warnings
adds 20a92b8 42570: new completion for drill and factor out DNS type completion
adds c960cd3 42567: new completion for xmlstarlet
adds 286b4c8 42569: improve lsof completion after -i and -s options
adds 4862975 42568: new shutdown completion
adds b90c59e 42571: new completion for FreeBSD jail command
adds 1bd2ecc 42572: various completion option updates
adds 3517e4a 42581(?): Fix ZLE inline history expansion.
adds f027f1d unposted: 5.4.2-test-2
new 6e1ab9a Merge tag 'zsh-5.4.2-test-2' / 'upstream' branch into 'debian' branch
new b54a7e5 Drop cherry-picked patches for CVE-2018-1071 and CVE-2018-1083
new 8ab0a0c Update changelog for new release candidate for upcoming 5.5 release
The 3 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Summary of changes:
ChangeLog | 1047 +++++++++++++++++++++-
Completion/BSD/Command/_bsd_pkg | 250 +++---
Completion/BSD/Command/_chflags | 66 +-
Completion/BSD/Command/_jail | 53 ++
Completion/BSD/Command/_jexec | 2 +-
Completion/BSD/Command/_pfctl | 135 +--
Completion/BSD/Command/_portsnap | 2 +-
Completion/BSD/Command/_sysrc | 10 +-
Completion/BSD/Type/_fbsd_architectures | 6 +
Completion/BSD/Type/_file_flags | 70 ++
Completion/BSD/Type/_nbsd_architectures | 11 +
Completion/BSD/Type/_obsd_architectures | 6 +
Completion/Base/Completer/_expand | 3 +-
Completion/Base/Utility/_arguments | 12 +-
Completion/Base/Utility/_call_program | 11 +-
Completion/Darwin/Command/_caffeinate | 12 +
Completion/Darwin/Command/_mdfind | 29 +
Completion/Darwin/Command/_mdls | 9 +
Completion/Darwin/Command/_mdutil | 19 +
Completion/Darwin/Command/_nvram | 30 +
Completion/Darwin/Command/_osascript | 34 +
Completion/Darwin/Command/_otool | 47 +
Completion/Darwin/Command/_pbcopy | 30 +
Completion/Darwin/Command/_plutil | 53 ++
Completion/Darwin/Command/_say | 85 ++
Completion/Darwin/Command/_scselect | 39 +
Completion/Darwin/Command/_scutil | 56 ++
Completion/Darwin/Command/_sw_vers | 6 +
Completion/Debian/Command/_apt | 29 +-
Completion/Debian/Command/_aptitude | 2 +-
Completion/Debian/Command/_deborphan | 42 +
Completion/Linux/Command/_chattr | 42 +
Completion/Linux/Command/_chrt | 99 +-
Completion/Linux/Command/_cryptsetup | 107 ++-
Completion/Linux/Command/_ethtool | 446 +++++----
Completion/Linux/Command/_ionice | 35 +-
Completion/Linux/Command/_ipset | 2 +-
Completion/Linux/Command/_losetup | 65 +-
Completion/Linux/Command/_lsattr | 11 +
Completion/Linux/Command/_lsblk | 1 +
Completion/Linux/Command/_mii-tool | 7 +-
Completion/Linux/Command/_modutils | 1 +
Completion/Linux/Command/_networkmanager | 373 ++++++++
Completion/Linux/Command/_nmcli | 244 -----
Completion/Linux/Command/_ss | 7 +-
Completion/Linux/Command/_sshfs | 5 +-
Completion/Linux/Command/_sysstat | 70 +-
Completion/Linux/Command/_tracepath | 9 +
Completion/Linux/Command/_tune2fs | 46 +-
Completion/Linux/Command/_valgrind | 4 +-
Completion/Linux/Command/_wipefs | 25 +
Completion/Redhat/Command/_dnf | 4 +-
Completion/Redhat/Command/_rpm | 2 +-
Completion/Redhat/Command/_scl | 2 +-
Completion/Redhat/Command/_yum | 54 +-
Completion/Solaris/Command/_prstat | 1 +
Completion/Unix/Command/_a2ps | 2 +-
Completion/Unix/Command/_adb | 94 +-
Completion/Unix/Command/_ansible | 281 ++++++
Completion/Unix/Command/_arp | 2 +-
Completion/Unix/Command/_arping | 5 +-
Completion/Unix/Command/_attr | 21 +-
Completion/Unix/Command/_awk | 1 +
Completion/Unix/Command/_cat | 2 +-
Completion/Unix/Command/_chmod | 25 +-
Completion/Unix/Command/_chown | 2 +-
Completion/Unix/Command/_cowsay | 39 +-
Completion/Unix/Command/_cp | 2 +-
Completion/Unix/Command/_cut | 2 +-
Completion/Unix/Command/_cvs | 2 +-
Completion/Unix/Command/_dconf | 71 ++
Completion/Unix/Command/_dd | 2 +-
Completion/Unix/Command/_devtodo | 2 +-
Completion/Unix/Command/_df | 7 +-
Completion/Unix/Command/_dhclient | 4 +-
Completion/Unix/Command/_dig | 11 +-
Completion/Unix/Command/_drill | 46 +
Completion/Unix/Command/_enscript | 181 ++--
Completion/Unix/Command/_entr | 18 +-
Completion/Unix/Command/_env | 5 +-
Completion/Unix/Command/_ffmpeg | 2 +-
Completion/Unix/Command/_find | 2 +-
Completion/Unix/Command/_flac | 120 +++
Completion/Unix/Command/_fmt | 2 +-
Completion/Unix/Command/_fold | 24 +
Completion/Unix/Command/_gcc | 2 +-
Completion/Unix/Command/_gem | 303 +++++++
Completion/Unix/Command/_getfacl | 22 +-
Completion/Unix/Command/_getopt | 28 +
Completion/Unix/Command/_git | 378 +++++---
Completion/Unix/Command/_gnutls | 310 ++++---
Completion/Unix/Command/_gpg | 56 +-
Completion/Unix/Command/_gsettings | 5 +-
Completion/Unix/Command/_gzip | 7 +-
Completion/Unix/Command/_head | 2 +-
Completion/Unix/Command/_hexdump | 35 +
Completion/Unix/Command/_id | 9 +-
Completion/Unix/Command/_install | 111 +++
Completion/Unix/Command/_iostat | 22 +-
Completion/Unix/Command/_jq | 34 +
Completion/Unix/Command/_last | 42 +-
Completion/Unix/Command/_ldconfig | 81 ++
Completion/Unix/Command/_less | 2 +-
Completion/Unix/Command/_ln | 54 +-
Completion/Unix/Command/_ls | 3 +-
Completion/Unix/Command/_lsof | 50 +-
Completion/Unix/Command/_make | 30 +-
Completion/Unix/Command/_metaflac | 54 --
Completion/Unix/Command/_mkdir | 41 +-
Completion/Unix/Command/_mktemp | 43 +
Completion/Unix/Command/_mosh | 23 +-
Completion/Unix/Command/_mpc | 1 +
Completion/Unix/Command/_mtr | 78 +-
Completion/Unix/Command/_mv | 42 +
Completion/Unix/Command/_netcat | 9 +-
Completion/Unix/Command/_notmuch | 8 +-
Completion/Unix/Command/_numfmt | 24 +
Completion/Unix/Command/_objdump | 176 +++-
Completion/Unix/Command/_od | 2 +-
Completion/Unix/Command/_paste | 2 +-
Completion/Unix/Command/_ping | 271 ++++--
Completion/Unix/Command/_printenv | 2 +-
Completion/Unix/Command/_prove | 1 +
Completion/Unix/Command/_ps | 100 ++-
Completion/Unix/Command/_pwgen | 19 +
Completion/Unix/Command/_readelf | 4 +-
Completion/Unix/Command/_rm | 10 +-
Completion/Unix/Command/_rsync | 9 +-
Completion/Unix/Command/_ruby | 5 +-
Completion/Unix/Command/_screen | 14 +-
Completion/Unix/Command/_seq | 28 +
Completion/Unix/Command/_setfacl | 4 +-
Completion/Unix/Command/_shutdown | 61 ++
Completion/Unix/Command/_smartmontools | 61 ++
Completion/Unix/Command/_sort | 2 +-
Completion/Unix/Command/_split | 64 ++
Completion/Unix/Command/_sqlite | 5 +-
Completion/Unix/Command/_ssh | 249 ++---
Completion/Unix/Command/_stdbuf | 30 +
Completion/Unix/Command/_strings | 73 ++
Completion/Unix/Command/_strip | 9 +-
Completion/Unix/Command/_stty | 2 +-
Completion/Unix/Command/_subversion | 58 +-
Completion/Unix/Command/_sudo | 3 +-
Completion/Unix/Command/_tail | 4 +-
Completion/Unix/Command/_tar | 10 +-
Completion/Unix/Command/_texinfo | 35 +-
Completion/Unix/Command/_tidy | 138 +--
Completion/Unix/Command/_timeout | 20 +
Completion/Unix/Command/_tmux | 282 ++++--
Completion/Unix/Command/_todo.sh | 12 +
Completion/Unix/Command/_tr | 6 +-
Completion/Unix/Command/_tracepath | 5 -
Completion/Unix/Command/_truss | 6 +
Completion/Unix/Command/_uname | 2 +-
Completion/Unix/Command/_unexpand | 43 +-
Completion/Unix/Command/_vim | 7 +-
Completion/Unix/Command/_vorbis | 2 +-
Completion/Unix/Command/_wget | 33 +-
Completion/Unix/Command/_whois | 1 +
Completion/Unix/Command/_xmlstarlet | 177 ++++
Completion/Unix/Command/_yp | 30 +-
Completion/Unix/Command/_zfs | 2 +-
Completion/Unix/Type/_bpf_filters | 2 +
Completion/Unix/Type/_directories | 2 +-
Completion/Unix/Type/_dns_types | 8 +
Completion/Unix/Type/_file_modes | 37 +
Completion/Unix/Type/_object_files | 3 +-
Completion/Unix/Type/_ssh_hosts | 41 +
Completion/Unix/Type/_tilde_files | 2 +-
Completion/X/Command/_evince | 4 -
Completion/X/Command/_kdeconnect | 33 +
Completion/X/Command/_sublimetext | 13 +
Completion/X/Command/_xrandr | 7 +-
Completion/X/Command/_xset | 2 +-
Completion/Zsh/Command/_cd | 2 +-
Completion/Zsh/Command/_stat | 41 +-
Completion/Zsh/Command/_typeset | 5 +-
Completion/Zsh/Command/_zmodload | 2 +
Completion/Zsh/Command/_zstyle | 3 +-
Completion/Zsh/Context/_brace_parameter | 10 +-
Completion/Zsh/Context/_value | 2 +-
Completion/Zsh/Type/_globquals | 5 +-
Completion/bashcompinit | 2 +-
Completion/compinit | 4 +-
Config/version.mk | 4 +-
Doc/Zsh/builtins.yo | 24 +-
Doc/Zsh/compsys.yo | 28 +-
Doc/Zsh/cond.yo | 4 +
Doc/Zsh/expn.yo | 17 +-
Doc/Zsh/grammar.yo | 48 +-
Doc/Zsh/invoke.yo | 14 +
Doc/Zsh/mod_stat.yo | 2 +-
Doc/Zsh/options.yo | 22 +-
Doc/Zsh/params.yo | 95 +-
Etc/FAQ.yo | 48 +-
Functions/Misc/allopt | 2 +-
Functions/Misc/zed | 3 +
Functions/VCS_Info/Backends/VCS_INFO_get_data_hg | 4 +-
Functions/VCS_Info/VCS_INFO_formats | 7 +-
Functions/VCS_Info/VCS_INFO_set | 2 +
Functions/Zle/edit-command-line | 10 +-
INSTALL | 2 +-
NEWS | 19 +-
README | 60 +-
Src/Modules/db_gdbm.c | 2 +-
Src/Modules/mapfile.c | 2 +-
Src/Modules/pcre.c | 35 +-
Src/Modules/system.c | 14 +-
Src/Modules/zpty.c | 7 +-
Src/Zle/compctl.c | 70 +-
Src/Zle/complete.c | 54 +-
Src/Zle/complist.c | 6 +-
Src/Zle/computil.c | 44 +-
Src/Zle/textobjects.c | 7 -
Src/Zle/zle.h | 2 +
Src/Zle/zle_thingy.c | 5 +-
Src/Zle/zle_tricky.c | 11 +-
Src/Zle/zle_word.c | 119 +--
Src/builtin.c | 118 ++-
Src/cond.c | 20 +-
Src/exec.c | 341 ++++---
Src/glob.c | 2 +-
Src/hashtable.c | 2 +
Src/hashtable.h | 1 +
Src/hist.c | 62 +-
Src/init.c | 132 ++-
Src/jobs.c | 47 +-
Src/lex.c | 24 +-
Src/loop.c | 9 +-
Src/math.c | 10 +-
Src/mem.c | 14 +-
Src/options.c | 1 +
Src/params.c | 264 +++++-
Src/parse.c | 22 +-
Src/prompt.c | 4 +-
Src/subst.c | 140 ++-
Src/utils.c | 108 ++-
Src/zsh.h | 63 +-
Test/A01grammar.ztst | 10 +
Test/A02alias.ztst | 11 +
Test/A04redirect.ztst | 62 +-
Test/B02typeset.ztst | 98 ++
Test/B07emulate.ztst | 25 +
Test/B10getopts.ztst | 81 ++
Test/C01arith.ztst | 13 +
Test/C02cond.ztst | 20 +
Test/C03traps.ztst | 69 ++
Test/C04funcdef.ztst | 17 +
Test/D04parameter.ztst | 222 +++++
Test/E01options.ztst | 22 +
Test/V10private.ztst | 2 +-
Test/W02jobs.ztst | 186 ++++
Test/X02zlevi.ztst | 29 +-
Test/X03zlebindkey.ztst | 17 +
Test/Y01completion.ztst | 15 +
Test/Y03arguments.ztst | 43 +-
configure.ac | 6 +-
debian/changelog | 9 +
debian/patches/CVE-2018-1071.patch | 34 -
debian/patches/CVE-2018-1083.patch | 37 -
debian/patches/series | 2 -
262 files changed, 9582 insertions(+), 2688 deletions(-)
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create mode 100644 Completion/BSD/Type/_fbsd_architectures
create mode 100644 Completion/BSD/Type/_file_flags
create mode 100644 Completion/BSD/Type/_nbsd_architectures
create mode 100644 Completion/BSD/Type/_obsd_architectures
create mode 100644 Completion/Darwin/Command/_caffeinate
create mode 100644 Completion/Darwin/Command/_mdfind
create mode 100644 Completion/Darwin/Command/_mdls
create mode 100644 Completion/Darwin/Command/_mdutil
create mode 100644 Completion/Darwin/Command/_nvram
create mode 100644 Completion/Darwin/Command/_osascript
create mode 100644 Completion/Darwin/Command/_otool
create mode 100644 Completion/Darwin/Command/_pbcopy
create mode 100644 Completion/Darwin/Command/_plutil
create mode 100644 Completion/Darwin/Command/_say
create mode 100644 Completion/Darwin/Command/_scselect
create mode 100644 Completion/Darwin/Command/_scutil
create mode 100644 Completion/Darwin/Command/_sw_vers
create mode 100644 Completion/Debian/Command/_deborphan
create mode 100644 Completion/Linux/Command/_chattr
create mode 100644 Completion/Linux/Command/_lsattr
create mode 100644 Completion/Linux/Command/_networkmanager
delete mode 100644 Completion/Linux/Command/_nmcli
create mode 100644 Completion/Linux/Command/_tracepath
create mode 100644 Completion/Linux/Command/_wipefs
create mode 100644 Completion/Unix/Command/_ansible
create mode 100644 Completion/Unix/Command/_dconf
create mode 100644 Completion/Unix/Command/_drill
create mode 100644 Completion/Unix/Command/_flac
create mode 100644 Completion/Unix/Command/_fold
create mode 100644 Completion/Unix/Command/_gem
create mode 100644 Completion/Unix/Command/_getopt
create mode 100644 Completion/Unix/Command/_hexdump
create mode 100644 Completion/Unix/Command/_install
create mode 100644 Completion/Unix/Command/_jq
create mode 100644 Completion/Unix/Command/_ldconfig
delete mode 100644 Completion/Unix/Command/_metaflac
create mode 100644 Completion/Unix/Command/_mktemp
create mode 100644 Completion/Unix/Command/_mv
create mode 100644 Completion/Unix/Command/_numfmt
create mode 100644 Completion/Unix/Command/_pwgen
create mode 100644 Completion/Unix/Command/_seq
create mode 100644 Completion/Unix/Command/_shutdown
create mode 100644 Completion/Unix/Command/_smartmontools
create mode 100644 Completion/Unix/Command/_split
create mode 100644 Completion/Unix/Command/_stdbuf
create mode 100644 Completion/Unix/Command/_strings
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delete mode 100644 Completion/Unix/Command/_tracepath
create mode 100644 Completion/Unix/Command/_xmlstarlet
create mode 100644 Completion/Unix/Type/_dns_types
create mode 100644 Completion/Unix/Type/_file_modes
create mode 100644 Completion/Unix/Type/_ssh_hosts
create mode 100644 Completion/X/Command/_kdeconnect
create mode 100644 Completion/X/Command/_sublimetext
create mode 100644 Test/B10getopts.ztst
create mode 100644 Test/W02jobs.ztst
delete mode 100644 debian/patches/CVE-2018-1071.patch
delete mode 100644 debian/patches/CVE-2018-1083.patch
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/collab-maint/zsh.git
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