[Po4a-commits] po4a/lib/Locale/Po4a TeX.pm,1.26,1.27
Nicolas FRAN??OIS
Sat, 19 Feb 2005 21:47:40 +0000
Update of /cvsroot/po4a/po4a/lib/Locale/Po4a
In directory haydn:/tmp/cvs-serv21276/lib/Locale/Po4a
Modified Files:
Log Message:
Some cleanups and more documentation.
Index: TeX.pm
RCS file: /cvsroot/po4a/po4a/lib/Locale/Po4a/TeX.pm,v
retrieving revision 1.26
retrieving revision 1.27
diff -u -d -r1.26 -r1.27
--- TeX.pm 19 Feb 2005 21:43:08 -0000 1.26
+++ TeX.pm 19 Feb 2005 21:47:37 -0000 1.27
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
This module can also be customized by lines starting with "% po4a:" in the
TeX file.
-These customization are described
+These customization are described in the B<INLINE CUSTOMIZATION> section.
@@ -144,11 +144,58 @@
in the default lists.
Note: currently, the behaviour of commands specified in the TeX files (see the
-B<INLINE CUSTIOMIZATION> section) cannot be overriden with these options.
+B<INLINE CUSTOMIZATION> section) cannot be overriden with these options.
If you don't want to translate the chapters and sections, then you can specify:
-o untranslated=chapter,section
+The TeX module can be customized with lines starting by "% po4a:".
+These lines are interpreted as commands to the parser.
+The following commands are recognized:
+=over 4
+=item % po4a: command I<command1> alias I<command2>
+Indicates that the arguments of the I<command1> command should be
+treated as the arguments of the I<command2> command.
+=item % po4a: command I<command1> I<function1>
+Indicates that the I<command1> command should be handled by I<function1>.
+=item % po4a: command <command1> x,y,z,t
+This permits a better control of the translated arguments and some
+verifications of the number of arguments.
+The meaning of the x, y, z and t is the following:
+ * x is the number of optional arguments (between [])
+ 0 - no optional argument
+ -1 - variable
+ n - maximum number of optional arguments
+ * y is the number of arguments
+ maybe x and y are not needed
+ * z indexes of the optional arguments that have to be translated
+ -1 - all optional argument should be translated
+ 0 - none
+ 1 3 7 - the 1st, 3rd and 7th arguments should be translated
+ * t indexes of the arguments that have to be translated
+It could be useful to define commands without argument as "0,0,,"
+instead of either translated or untranslated.
+=item % po4a: environment <env1> <function1>
+Indicates that the I<env1> environment should be handled by I<function1>.
+See the B<INTERNAL FUNCTIONS> section for the list of function which could be
+used for commands or environments.
# Directory name of the main file.
@@ -176,40 +223,9 @@
-=head1 INTERNAL FUNCTIONS used to write derivated parsers
-=head2 Command functions
=over 4
-=item translate_joined
-Every argument of the command is translated separately, and the command is
-reassembled with its arguments in the output document.
-=item untranslated
-No argument of the command is proposed for translation. The command is
-reassembled with its arguments in the output document.
-=head2 Environment functions
-These functions are called when a \begin command is found.
-=over 4
-=item push_environment
-This function push the environment name in a stack, and push the \begin command
-untranslated in the output document.
-This stack of environments is then used to change the behaviour of the parser
-(e.g. blocks are not re-wrapped in the verbatim environment).
-The type of PO strings is either set to the last environment of this stack or
-to the name of the command (if the string is part of a command argument).
+=item pre_trans
@@ -237,6 +253,10 @@
return $str;
+=item post_trans
sub post_trans {
my ($self,$str,$ref,$type)=@_;
my $transstr=$str;
@@ -264,10 +284,15 @@
# comment with the first translated string of the paragraph.
my @comments = ();
-# Wrapper arround Transtractor's translate, with pre- and post-processing
-# filters.
-# Comments of a paragraph are inserted as a PO comment for the first
-# translated string of this paragraph.
+=item translate
+Wrapper arround Transtractor's translate, with pre- and post-processing
+Comments of a paragraph are inserted as a PO comment for the first
+translated string of this paragraph.
sub translate {
my ($self,$str,$ref,$type) = @_;
my (%options)=@_;
@@ -315,37 +340,40 @@
-# =item get_leading_command($buffer)
-# This function returns:
-# =over 4
-# =item The command name
-# If no command is found at the beginning of the given buffer, this
-# string will be empty.
-# =item A variant
-# This indicate if a variant is used. For example, an asterisk (*) can
-# be added at the end of sections command to specify that they should
-# not be numbered. In this case, this field will contain "*". If there
-# is not variant, the field is an empty string.
-# =item An array of optional arguments
-# =item An array of mandatory arguments
-# =item The remaining buffer
-# The rest of the buffer after the removal of this leading command and
-# its arguments. If no command is found, the original buffer is not
-# touched and returned in this field.
-# =back
-# =cut
+=item get_leading_command($buffer)
+This function returns:
+=over 4
+=item A command name
+If no command is found at the beginning of the given buffer, this string
+will be empty. Only commands that can be separated are considered.
+The $separated_commands variable contains the space separated list of
+these commands.
+=item A variant
+This indicate if a variant is used. For example, an asterisk (*) can
+be added at the end of sections command to specify that they should
+not be numbered. In this case, this field will contain "*". If there
+is not variant, the field is an empty string.
+=item An array of optional arguments
+=item An array of mandatory arguments
+=item The remaining buffer
+The rest of the buffer after the removal of this leading command and
+its arguments. If no command is found, the original buffer is not
+touched and returned in this field.
sub get_leading_command {
my ($self, $buffer) = (shift,shift);
my $command = ""; # the command name
@@ -382,9 +410,6 @@
$opt .= $2
} else {
- # FIXME: an argument can contain an empty line.
- # We should change the parse subroutine (so that it doesn't
- # break entity).
die sprintf "un-balanced [";
@@ -411,9 +436,6 @@
$arg .= $2;
} else {
- # FIXME: an argument can contain an empty line.
- # We should change the parse subroutine (so that it doesn't
- # break entity).
die sprintf "un-balanced {";
@@ -426,7 +448,12 @@
return ($command,$variant,\@opts,\@args,$buffer);
-# Same as get_leading_command, but for commands at the end of a buffer.
+=item get_trailing_command($buffer)
+The same as get_leading_command, but for commands at the end of a buffer.
sub get_trailing_command {
my ($self, $buffer) = (shift,shift);
my $orig_buffer = $buffer;
@@ -459,9 +486,6 @@
$arg = $2.$arg;
} else {
- # FIXME: an argument can contain an empty line.
- # We should change the parse subroutine (so that it doesn't
- # break entity).
die sprintf "un-balanced }";
@@ -489,10 +513,6 @@
$opt = $2.$opt;
} else {
- # FIXME: an argument can contain an empty line.
- # We should change the parse subroutine (so that it doesn't
- # break entity).
- # FIXME: see ch06:267
die sprintf "un-balanced ]";
@@ -521,9 +541,14 @@
return ($command,$variant,\@opts,\@args,$buffer);
-# Recursively translate a buffer by separating leading and trailing
-# commands (those which should be translatted separately) from the
-# buffer.
+=item translate_buffer
+Recursively translate a buffer by separating leading and trailing
+commands (those which should be translatted separately) from the
sub translate_buffer {
my ($self,$buffer,@env) = (shift,shift,@_);
print STDERR "translate_buffer($buffer,@env)="
@@ -636,7 +661,12 @@
-# Overload Transtractor's read
+=item read
+Overload Transtractor's read
sub read {
my $self=shift;
my $filename=shift;
@@ -647,9 +677,15 @@
push @{$self->{TT}{doc_in}}, read_file($self, $filename);
-# Recursively read a file, appending included files.
-# Except from the file inclusion part, it is a cut and paste from
-# Transtractor's read.
+=item read_file
+Recursively read a file, appending included files.
+Except from the file inclusion part, it is a cut and paste from
+Transtractor's read.
sub read_file {
my $self=shift;
my $filename=shift
@@ -664,7 +700,7 @@
while (defined (my $textline = <$in>)) {
my $ref="$filename:$linenum";
- # FIXME: includeonly is not supported
+ # TODO: add support for includeonly
while ($textline =~ /^(.*)\\(include|input)\{([^\{]*)\}(.*)$/) {
my ($begin,$newfilename,$end) = ($1,$3,$4);
my $tag = $2;
@@ -716,57 +752,18 @@
return @entries;
-The TeX module can be customized with lines starting by "% po4a:".
-These lines are interpreted as commands to the parser.
-The following commands are recognized:
=over 4
-=item % po4a: command I<command1> alias I<command2>
-Indicates that the arguments of the I<command1> command should be
-treated as the arguments of the I<command2> command.
-=item % po4a: command I<command1> I<function1>
-Indicates that the I<command1> command should be handled by I<function1>.
-=item % po4a: command <command1> x,y,z,t
-This permits a better control of the translated arguments and some
-verifications of the number of arguments.
-The meaning of the x, y, z and t is the following:
- * x is the number of optional arguments (between [])
- 0 - no optional argument
- -1 - variable
- n - maximum number of optional arguments
- * y is the number of arguments
- maybe x and y are not needed
- * z indexes of the optional arguments that have to be translated
- -1 - all optional argument should be translated
- 0 - none
- 1 3 7 - the 1st, 3rd and 7th arguments should be translated
- * t indexes of the arguments that have to be translated
-It could be useful to define commands without argument as "0,0,,"
-instead of either translated or untranslated.
-=item % po4a: environment <env1> <function1>
-Indicates that the I<env1> environment should be handled by I<function1>.
+=item parse_definition_file
-See the B<INTERNAL FUNCTIONS> section for the list of function which could be
-used for commands or environments.
+Subroutine for parsing a file with po4a directive (definitions for
-# Subroutine for parsing a file with po4a directive (definitions for
-# newcommands).
sub parse_definition_file {
my ($self,$filename)=@_;
@@ -779,7 +776,15 @@
-# Parse a definition line ("% po4a: ")
+=item parse_definition_line
+Parse a definition line of the form "% po4a: ".
+See the INLINE CUSTOMIZATION section for more details.
sub parse_definition_line {
my ($self,$line)=@_;
$line =~ s/^%\s+po4a:\s*//;
@@ -821,6 +826,10 @@
+=item is_closed
sub is_closed {
my $paragraph = shift;
# FIXME: [ and ] are more difficult to handle, because it is not easy to detect if it introduce an optional argument
@@ -838,10 +847,15 @@
return $opening eq $closing;
-sub parse{
+=item parse
+sub parse {
my $self = shift;
my ($line,$ref);
my $paragraph = ""; # Buffer where we put the paragraph while building
@@ -861,7 +875,7 @@
# FIXME: not always, use return of parse_definition_line?
$line = "%";
} elsif ($line =~ /^([^%]*)(?<!\\)%(.*)$/) { # FIXME: even number of \ ...
- #FIXME: in Python-Doc, there is a % in a verbatim environment,which is not a comment.
+ # FIXME: in Python-Doc, there is a % in a verbatim environment,which is not a comment.
# remove comments, and store them in @comments
push @comments, $2
if length($2);
@@ -871,7 +885,7 @@
my $closed = is_closed($paragraph);
- if ($closed and $line =~ /^ *$/) {#FIXME: \s*?
+ if ($closed and $line =~ /^ *$/) {#FIXME: should it be \s*?
# An empty line. This indicates the end of the current
# paragraph.
$paragraph =~ s/(?<!\\)%$//; # FIXME: even number of \ ...
@@ -915,6 +929,12 @@
} # end of parse
+=item docheader
sub docheader {
return "% This file was generated with po4a. Translate the source file.\n".
@@ -925,6 +945,67 @@
+=head1 INTERNAL FUNCTIONS used to write derivated parsers
+Command and environment functions take the following arguments (in
+addition to the $self object):
+=over 4
+=item a command
+=item a variant
+=item an array of optional arguments
+=item an array of mandatory arguments
+=item the current environment
+The first 4 arguments are extracted from get_leading_command or
+Command and environment functions return the translation of the command
+with its arguments and a new environment.
+Environment functions are called when a \begin command is found. They are
+called with the \begin command and its arguments.
+=head2 Command functions
+=over 4
+=item translate_joined
+Every argument of the command is translated separately, and the command is
+reassembled with its arguments in the output document.
+=item untranslated
+No argument of the command is proposed for translation. The command is
+reassembled with its arguments in the output document.
+=head2 Environment functions
+=over 4
+=item push_environment
+This function push the environment name in a stack, and push the \begin command
+untranslated in the output document.
+This stack of environments is then used to change the behaviour of the parser
+(e.g. blocks are not re-wrapped in the verbatim environment).
+The type of PO strings is either set to the last environment of this stack or
+to the name of the command (if the string is part of a command argument).
# Rebuild the command with the original arguments.
sub untranslated {
my $self = shift;
@@ -973,6 +1054,9 @@
# definition of environment related commands
+# FIXME: a \begin{env} can be followed by an argument. For example:
+# \begin{important}[the law of conservation of energy]
$commands{'begin'}= sub {
my $self = shift;
my ($command,$variant,$opts,$args,$env) = (shift,shift,shift,shift,shift);
@@ -1107,9 +1191,6 @@
# push the environment in the environment stack, and do not translate
# the command
-# FIXME: a \begin{env} can be followed by an argument. For example:
-# \begin{important}[the law of conservation of energy]
-# FIXME: The environment name can be followed by a '*'
sub push_environment {
my $self = shift;
my ($command,$variant,$opts,$args,$env) = (shift,shift,shift,shift,shift);
@@ -1204,6 +1285,12 @@
=item tabular environment
+A tabular environment would have to translate every cell separately.
+=item Others
+Various other points are tagged TODO in the source.
@@ -1216,7 +1303,7 @@
=item commands
-The parser assumes all commands is followed by optional arguments (enclosed in
+The parser assumes every command is followed by optional arguments (enclosed in
[]) and then by mandatory arguments (enclosed in {}).
=item verbatim environments
@@ -1225,7 +1312,7 @@
=item Others
-Various others points are tagged FIXME in the source.
+Various other points are tagged FIXME in the source.
@@ -1243,7 +1330,7 @@
Copyright 2004 by Nicolas FRANÇOIS <nicolas.francois@centraliens.net>.
This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it
-under the terms of GPL (see COPYING file).
+under the terms of GPL (see the COPYING file).