[Po4a-commits] po4a/lib/Locale/Po4a LaTeX.pm,1.2,1.3
Nicolas FRAN??OIS
Sun, 27 Feb 2005 14:17:14 +0000
Update of /cvsroot/po4a/po4a/lib/Locale/Po4a
In directory haydn:/tmp/cvs-serv23437/lib/Locale/Po4a
Modified Files:
Log Message:
Update and clean command definitions.
Index: LaTeX.pm
RCS file: /cvsroot/po4a/po4a/lib/Locale/Po4a/LaTeX.pm,v
retrieving revision 1.2
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -d -r1.2 -r1.3
--- LaTeX.pm 26 Feb 2005 01:11:10 -0000 1.2
+++ LaTeX.pm 27 Feb 2005 14:17:11 -0000 1.3
@@ -84,6 +84,7 @@
# Only read the documentclass in order to find some po4a directives.
# FIXME: The documentclass could contain translatable strings.
# Maybe it should be implemented as \include{}.
+$separated_commands .= " documentclass";
$commands{'documentclass'} = sub {
my $self = shift;
my ($command,$variant,$opts,$args,$env) = (shift,shift,shift,shift,shift);
@@ -133,7 +134,7 @@
register_generic("include,0,1,,"); # file
#register_generic("includeonly,0,1,,"); # should not be supported for now
register_generic("input,0,1,,"); # file
register_generic("line,0,0,,"); # The first argument is (x,y)
@@ -150,7 +151,7 @@
register_generic("multiput,0,0,,"); # The first arguments are (x,y)(dx,dy)
-register_generic("*newcommand,0,-1,,"); # The second argument is [args]
+register_generic("*newcommand,0,-1,,2"); # The second argument is [args]
register_generic("*newcounter,0,1,,"); # The second argument is [counter]
register_generic("*newenvironment,-1,-1,,"); # The second argument is [args]
@@ -235,8 +236,14 @@
+register_generic("*ifthenelse,0,3,,2 3");
# graphics
@@ -271,28 +278,38 @@
-$command_categories{'untranslated'} .= "addtolength";
+# equations/theorems
# commands without arguments. This is better than untranslated or
# translate_joined because the number of arguments will be checked.
-foreach (qw(a appendix backslash baselineskip baselinestretch bf *bigskip
- boldmath cal
+foreach (qw(a *appendix *backmatter backslash *baselineskip *baselinestretch bf
+ *bigskip boldmath cal cdots *centering *cleardoublepage *clearpage
+ ddots dotfill em flushbottom *footnotesize frenchspacing
+ *frontmatter *glossary *hfill *hline hrulefill huge Huge indent it
+ kill large Large LARGE ldots left linewidth listoffigures
+ listoftables *mainmatter *makeatletter *makeglossary *makeindex
+ *maketitle *medskip *newline *newpage noindent nonumber *normalsize
+ not *null *onecolumn *par parindent *parskip *printindex protect ps
+ pushtabs *qquad *quad raggedbottom raggedleft raggedright right rm
+ sc scriptsize sf sl small *smallskip *startbreaks *stopbreaks
+ *tableofcontents textwidth textheight tiny today tt unitlength
+ vdots verb *vfill *vline fussy sloppy
aleph hbar imath jmath ell wp Re Im prime nabla surd angle forall
exists partial infty triangle Box Diamond flat natural sharp
clubsuit diamondsuit heartsuit spadesuit dag ddag S P copyright
pounds Delta ASCII
- cdots *centering *cleardoublepage *clearpage ddots dotfill em
- flushbottom *footnotesize frenchspacing *glossary *hfill *hline hrulefill
- huge Huge indent it kill large Large LARGE ldots left linewidth
- listoffigures listoftables *makeatletter *makeglossary *makeindex *maketitle
- *medskip *newline *newpage noindent nonumber *normalsize not *null
- *onecolumn *par parindent *parskip *printindex protect ps pushtabs
- raggedbottom raggedleft raggedright right rm sc scriptsize sf sl
- small *smallskip *startbreaks *stopbreaks *tableofcontents
- textwidth textheight tiny today tt unitlength vdots verb *vfill
- *vline fussy sloppy
- rmfamily itshape mdseries bfseries upshape slshape sffamily scshape ttfamily *normalfont
- width height depth totalheight
+ rmfamily itshape mdseries bfseries upshape slshape sffamily scshape
+ ttfamily *normalfont width height depth totalheight
*fboxsep *fboxrule
*itemi *itemii *itemiii *itemiv
*theitemi *theitemii *theitemiii *theitemiv)) {
@@ -300,18 +317,8 @@
-$separated_commands .= " documentclass begin end hbox vbox vcenter".
- " startdqi qandaquestion qandaanswer";
-foreach (qw(*makeindex *myeqnspacing *setprotcode font *frontmatter
- quad *mainmatter *backmatter chaptermark printindex qquad junit
- sunit pdfprotrudechars contentspage nunit perp)) {
- register_generic("$_,0,0,,");
-register_generic("*ifthenelse,0,3,,2 3");
-$command_categories{'translate_joined'} .= " hbox vbox vcenter".
- " shoveright zu text";
+$separated_commands .= " begin end hbox vbox vcenter";
+$command_categories{'translate_joined'} .= " hbox vbox vcenter";
# standard environments.
foreach (qw(abstract align array cases center description displaymath enumerate