[Po4a-commits] "po4a/lib/Locale/Po4a Man.pm,1.204,1.205"

Nicolas FRANCOIS nekral-guest at alioth.debian.org
Sun May 11 10:47:25 UTC 2008

Update of /cvsroot/po4a/po4a/lib/Locale/Po4a
In directory alioth:/tmp/cvs-serv30465/lib/Locale/Po4a

Modified Files:
Log Message:

Index: Man.pm
RCS file: /cvsroot/po4a/po4a/lib/Locale/Po4a/Man.pm,v
retrieving revision 1.204
retrieving revision 1.205
diff -u -d -r1.204 -r1.205
--- Man.pm	14 Mar 2008 23:40:03 -0000	1.204
+++ Man.pm	11 May 2008 10:47:22 -0000	1.205
@@ -649,38 +649,38 @@
         my ($l, $t, $c) = ($1, $2, $3);
         $line = $l;
         unless ($allow_generated) {
-        # Check for comments indicating that the file was generated.
-        if ($c =~ /Pod::Man/) {
-            warn wrap_mod("po4a::man", dgettext("po4a", "This file was generated with Pod::Man. Translate the pod file with the pod module of po4a."));
-            exit 254;
-        } elsif ($c =~ /generated by help2man/)    {
-            warn wrap_mod("po4a::man", dgettext("po4a", "This file was generated with help2man. Translate the source file with the regular gettext."));
-        } elsif ($c =~ /with docbook-to-man/)      {
-            warn wrap_mod("po4a::man", dgettext("po4a", "This file was generated with docbook-to-man. Translate the source file with the sgml module of po4a."));
-            exit 254;
-        } elsif ($c =~ /generated by docbook2man/) {
-            warn wrap_mod("po4a::man", dgettext("po4a", "This file was generated with docbook2man. Translate the source file with the sgml module of po4a."));
-            exit 254;
-        } elsif ($c =~ /created with latex2man/)   {
-            warn wrap_mod("po4a::man", dgettext("po4a",
-                "This file was generated with %s. ".
-                "You should translate the source file, but continuing anyway."
-                ),"latex2man");
-        } elsif ($c =~ /Generated by db2man.xsl/)  { 
-            warn wrap_mod("po4a::man", dgettext("po4a","This file was generated with db2man.xsl. Translate the source file with the xml module of po4a."));
-            exit 254;
-        } elsif ($c =~ /generated automatically by mtex2man/)  {
-            warn wrap_mod("po4a::man", dgettext("po4a",
-                "This file was generated with %s. ".
-                "You should translate the source file, but continuing anyway."
-                ),"mtex2man");
-                 $c =~ /DO NOT EDIT/i || $c =~ /generated/i) {
-            warn wrap_mod("po4a::man", dgettext("po4a",
-                "This file contains the line '%s'. ".
-                "You should translate the source file, but continuing anyway."
-                ),$l."\\\"".$c);
-        }
+                # Check for comments indicating that the file was generated.
+                if ($c =~ /Pod::Man/) {
+                    warn wrap_mod("po4a::man", dgettext("po4a", "This file was generated with Pod::Man. Translate the pod file with the pod module of po4a."));
+                    exit 254;
+                } elsif ($c =~ /generated by help2man/)    {
+                    warn wrap_mod("po4a::man", dgettext("po4a", "This file was generated with help2man. Translate the source file with the regular gettext."));
+                } elsif ($c =~ /with docbook-to-man/)      {
+                    warn wrap_mod("po4a::man", dgettext("po4a", "This file was generated with docbook-to-man. Translate the source file with the sgml module of po4a."));
+                    exit 254;
+                } elsif ($c =~ /generated by docbook2man/) {
+                    warn wrap_mod("po4a::man", dgettext("po4a", "This file was generated with docbook2man. Translate the source file with the sgml module of po4a."));
+                    exit 254;
+                } elsif ($c =~ /created with latex2man/)   {
+                    warn wrap_mod("po4a::man", dgettext("po4a",
+                        "This file was generated with %s. ".
+                        "You should translate the source file, but continuing anyway."
+                        ),"latex2man");
+                } elsif ($c =~ /Generated by db2man.xsl/)  { 
+                    warn wrap_mod("po4a::man", dgettext("po4a","This file was generated with db2man.xsl. Translate the source file with the xml module of po4a."));
+                    exit 254;
+                } elsif ($c =~ /generated automatically by mtex2man/)  {
+                    warn wrap_mod("po4a::man", dgettext("po4a",
+                        "This file was generated with %s. ".
+                        "You should translate the source file, but continuing anyway."
+                        ),"mtex2man");
+                } elsif ($c =~ /THIS FILE HAS BEEN AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED.  DO NOT EDIT./ ||
+                         $c =~ /DO NOT EDIT/i || $c =~ /generated/i) {
+                    warn wrap_mod("po4a::man", dgettext("po4a",
+                        "This file contains the line '%s'. ".
+                        "You should translate the source file, but continuing anyway."
+                        ),$l."\\\"".$c);
+                }
         if ($line =~ m/^[.']*$/) {

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