[Po4a-commits] "po4a/lib/Locale/Po4a Text.pm,1.26,1.27"

Nicolas FRANÇOIS nekral-guest at alioth.debian.org
Sun Jul 19 18:42:53 UTC 2009

Update of /cvsroot/po4a/po4a/lib/Locale/Po4a
In directory alioth:/tmp/cvs-serv13635/lib/Locale/Po4a

Modified Files:
Log Message:
	* NEWS, lib/Locale/Po4a/Text.pm: Avoid the translation of some
	markup: title and horizontal rules.

Index: Text.pm
RCS file: /cvsroot/po4a/po4a/lib/Locale/Po4a/Text.pm,v
retrieving revision 1.26
retrieving revision 1.27
diff -u -d -r1.26 -r1.27
--- Text.pm	19 Jul 2009 17:50:40 -0000	1.26
+++ Text.pm	19 Jul 2009 18:42:50 -0000	1.27
@@ -467,6 +467,50 @@
                 $self->{indent} = $indent;
                 $self->{bullet} = "";
+        } elsif ($markdown and
+                 (not defined($self->{verbatim})) and
+                 ($line =~ m/^(={4,}|-{4,})$/) and
+                 (defined($paragraph) )and
+                 ($paragraph =~ m/^[^\n]*\n$/s) and
+                 (length($paragraph) == (length($line)+1))) {
+            # XXX: There can be any number of underlining according
+            #      to the documentation. This detection, which avoid
+            #      translating the formatting, is only supported if
+            #      the underlining has the same size as the herder text.
+            # Found title
+            $wrapped_mode = 0;
+            my $level = $line;
+            $level =~ s/^(.).*$/$1/;
+            my $t = $self->translate($paragraph,
+                                     $self->{ref},
+                                     "Title $level",
+                                     "wrap" => 0);
+            $self->pushline($t);
+            $paragraph="";
+            $wrapped_mode = 1;
+            $self->pushline(($level x (length($t)-1))."\n");
+        } elsif ($markdown and
+                 ($line =~ m/^(#{1,6})( +)(.*?)( +\1)?$/)) {
+            my $titlelevel1 = $1;
+            my $titlespaces = $2;
+            my $title = $3;
+            my $titlelevel2 = $4||"";
+            # Found one line title
+            do_paragraph($self,$paragraph,$wrapped_mode);
+            $wrapped_mode = 0;
+            $paragraph="";
+            my $t = $self->translate($title,
+                                     $self->{ref},
+                                     "Title $titlelevel1",
+                                     "wrap" => 0);
+            $self->pushline($titlelevel1.$titlespaces.$t.$titlelevel2."\n");
+            $wrapped_mode = 1;
+        } elsif ($markdown and
+                 ($paragraph eq "") and
+                 ($line =~ /^((\*\s*){3,}|(-\s*){3,}|(_\s*){3,})$/)) {
+            # Horizontal rule
+            $wrapped_mode = 1;
+            $self->pushline($line."\n");
         } elsif ($line =~ /^-- $/) {
             # Break paragraphs on email signature hint

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