[Po4a-commits] "po4a/lib/Locale/Po4a Xml.pm,1.97,1.98"

Nicolas FRANCOIS nekral-guest at alioth.debian.org
Mon Mar 2 21:44:37 UTC 2009

Update of /cvsroot/po4a/po4a/lib/Locale/Po4a
In directory alioth:/tmp/cvs-serv10085/lib/Locale/Po4a

Modified Files:
Log Message:
	* NEWS, lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm: Added foldattributes option.
	Useful to simplify strings and avoid typos when attributes shall
	not be translated.

Index: Xml.pm
RCS file: /cvsroot/po4a/po4a/lib/Locale/Po4a/Xml.pm,v
retrieving revision 1.97
retrieving revision 1.98
diff -u -d -r1.97 -r1.98
--- Xml.pm	2 Mar 2009 12:24:56 -0000	1.97
+++ Xml.pm	2 Mar 2009 21:44:35 -0000	1.98
@@ -115,15 +115,21 @@
 # @save_holders is a stack of references to ('paragraph', 'translation',
-# 'sub_translations') hashes, where:
-# paragraph is a reference to an array (see paragraph in the
-#           treat_content() subroutine) of strings followed by references.
-#           It contains the @paragraph array as it was before the
-#           processing was interrupted by a tag instroducing a
-#           placeholder.
-# translation is the translation of this level up to now
-# sub_translations is a reference to an array of strings containing the
-#                  translations which must replace the placeholders.
+# 'sub_translations', 'open', 'close', 'folded_attributes') hashes, where:
+# paragraph         is a reference to an array (see paragraph in the
+#                   treat_content() subroutine) of strings followed by
+#                   references.  It contains the @paragraph array as it was
+#                   before the processing was interrupted by a tag instroducing
+#                   a placeholder.
+# translation       is the translation of this level up to now
+# sub_translations  is a reference to an array of strings containing the
+#                   translations which must replace the placeholders.
+# open              is the tag which opened the placeholder.
+# close             is the tag which closed the placeholder.
+# folded_attributes is an hash of tags with their attributes (<tag attrs=...>
+#                   strings), referenced by the folded tag id, which should
+#                   replace the <tag po4a-id=id> strings in the current
+#                   translation.
 # If @save_holders only has 1 holder, then we are not processing the
 # content of an holder, we are translating the document.
@@ -141,6 +147,26 @@
 	my %holder = %$holder_ref;
 	my $translation = $holder{'translation'};
 	$translation .= $line;
+	while (    %{$holder{folded_attributes}}
+	       and $translation =~ m/^(.*)<([^>]+) po4a-id=([0-9]+)>(.*)$/s) {
+		my $begin = $1;
+		my $tag = $2;
+		my $id = $3;
+		my $end = $4;
+		if (defined $holder{folded_attributes}->{$id}) {
+			# TODO: check if the tag is the same
+			$translation = $begin.$holder{folded_attributes}->{$id}.$end;
+			delete $holder{folded_attributes}->{$id};
+		} else {
+			# TODO: It will be hard to identify the location.
+			#       => find a way to retrieve the reference.
+			die wrap_mod("po4a::xml", dgettext("po4a", "'po4a-id=$id' in the translation does not exist in the original string (or 'po4a-id=$id' used twice in the translation)."));
+		}
+	}
+# TODO: check that %folded_attributes is empty at some time
+# => in translate_paragraph?
 	if (   (scalar @save_holders)
 	    or ($translation =~ m/<placeholder\s+type="[^"]+"\s+id="(\d+)"\s*\/>/s)) {
 		$holder{'translation'} = $translation;
@@ -279,6 +305,14 @@
 specifies that the lang attribute will only be translated if it's into an
 E<lt>aaaE<gt> tag, and it's into a E<lt>bbbE<gt> tag.
+=item B<foldattributes>
+Do not translate attributes in inline tags.
+Instead, replace all attributes of a tag by po4a-id=<id>.
+This is useful when attributes shall not be translated, as this simplifies the
+strings for translators, and avoids typos.
 =item B<break>
 Space-separated list of tags which should break the sequence.
@@ -396,9 +430,11 @@
 	# Initialize the stack of holders
 	my @paragraph = ();
 	my @sub_translations = ();
+	my %folded_attributes;
 	my %holder = ('paragraph' => \@paragraph,
 	              'translation' => "",
-	              'sub_translations' => \@sub_translations);
+	              'sub_translations' => \@sub_translations,
+	              'folded_attributes' => \%folded_attributes);
 	@save_holders = (\%holder);
@@ -411,6 +447,7 @@
+	$self->{options}{'foldattributes'}=0;
@@ -1239,6 +1276,10 @@
+	if ($options =~ m/i/ and $self->{options}{'foldattributes'}) {
+		$options .= "f";
+	}
 	$translate_options_cache{$path} = $options;
 	return $options;
@@ -1304,7 +1345,8 @@
 				if ($tag_types[$type]->{'beginning'} eq "") {
 					# Opening inline tag
 					my $cur_tag_name = $self->get_tag_name(@tag);
-					if ($self->get_translate_options($self->get_path($cur_tag_name)) =~ m/p/) {
+					my $t_opts = $self->get_translate_options($self->get_path($cur_tag_name));
+					if ($t_opts =~ m/p/) {
 						# We enter a new holder.
 						# Append a <placeholder ...> tag to the current
 						# paragraph, and save the @paragraph in the
@@ -1324,11 +1366,13 @@
 						# Then we must push a new holder
 						my @new_paragraph = ();
 						@sub_translations = ();
+						my %folded_attributes;
 						my %new_holder = ('paragraph' => \@new_paragraph,
 						                  'open' => $text[0],
 						                  'translation' => "",
 						                  'close' => undef,
-						                  'sub_translations' => \@sub_translations);
+						                  'sub_translations' => \@sub_translations,
+						                  'folded_attributes' => \%folded_attributes);
 						push @save_holders, \%new_holder;
 						@text = ();
@@ -1336,6 +1380,20 @@
 						# (for the current holder)
 						# is empty.
 						@paragraph = ();
+					} elsif ($t_opts =~ m/f/) {
+						my $tag_full = $self->join_lines(@text);
+						my $tag_ref = $text[1];
+						if ($tag_full =~ m/^<\s*\S+\s+\S.*>$/s) {
+							my $holder = pop @save_holders;
+							my $id = 0;
+							foreach (keys %{$holder->{folded_attributes}}) {
+								$id = $_ + 1 if ($_ >= $id);
+							}
+							$holder->{folded_attributes}->{$id} = $tag_full;
+							push @save_holders, $holder;
+							@text = ("<$cur_tag_name po4a-id=$id>", $tag_ref);
+						}
 					push @path, $cur_tag_name;
 				} elsif ($tag_types[$type]->{'beginning'} eq "/") {

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