[Po4a-commits] r2587 - in /trunk: Po4aBuilder.pm po/bin/LINGUAS po/bin/Makefile po/bin/Makevars po/bin/POTFILES.in po/pod.cfg

barbier at users.alioth.debian.org barbier at users.alioth.debian.org
Sun Sep 23 19:55:24 UTC 2012

Author: barbier
Date: Sun Sep 23 19:55:24 2012
New Revision: 2587

URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/po4a/?sc=1&rev=2587
Revert "    * Build.PL: Convert to the po4a-build build system."

We want to add --porefs=counter options to po4a options, it is easier
to do that with po/pod.cfg.  This will also push back addenda in
translations, which had been discarded when switching to po4a-build.


Modified: trunk/Po4aBuilder.pm
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/po4a/trunk/Po4aBuilder.pm?rev=2587&op=diff
--- trunk/Po4aBuilder.pm (original)
+++ trunk/Po4aBuilder.pm Sun Sep 23 19:55:24 2012
@@ -10,8 +10,9 @@
 sub ACTION_build {
     my $self = shift;
-    $self->depends_on('po4a_build');
+    $self->depends_on('docs');
     $self->depends_on('distmeta'); # regenerate META.yml
+    $self->depends_on('man');
@@ -23,15 +24,6 @@
         my $current_mode = stat($file)->mode;
         chmod $current_mode | oct(200), $file;
-sub ACTION_po4a_build {
-    my $self = shift;
-    $self->depends_on('binpo');
-    $self->make_files_writable("po/pod");
-    system("./share/po4a-build -f po4a-build.conf") && die;
-    File::Path::mkpath( File::Spec->catdir( 'blib', 'manl10n' ), 0, oct(777) );
-    system ("cp -R _build/po4a/man/* blib/manl10n") && die;
 sub perl_scripts {
@@ -167,6 +159,87 @@
+sub ACTION_manpo {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $cmd = "PERL5LIB=lib perl po4a "; # Use this version of po4a
+    $cmd .= "--previous ";
+    $cmd .= "--no-translations ";
+    $cmd .= "--msgid-bugs-address po4a-devel\@lists.alioth.debian.org ";
+    $cmd .= "--package-name po4a ";
+    $cmd .= "--package-version ".$self->dist_version()." ";
+    $cmd .= "po/pod.cfg";
+    system($cmd)
+        and die;
+sub ACTION_man {
+    my $self = shift;
+    use Pod::Man;
+    use Encode;
+    # Translate binaries manpages
+    my %options;
+    $options{utf8} = 1;
+    my $parser = Pod::Man->new (%options);
+    system("PERL5LIB=lib perl po4a --previous po/pod.cfg") and die;
+    system("mkdir -p blib/man/man7") and die;
+    system("mkdir -p blib/man/man1") and die;
+    system("cp doc/po4a.7.pod blib/man/man7") and die;
+    foreach $file (perl_scripts()) {
+        $file =~ m,([^/]*)$,;
+        system ("cp $file blib/man/man1/$1.1p.pod") and die;
+    }
+    foreach $file (@{$self->rscan_dir('blib/man',qr{\.pod$})}) {
+        next if $file =~ m/^man7/;
+        my $out = $file;
+        $out =~ s/\.pod$//;
+        $parser->{name} = $out;
+        $parser->{name} =~ s/^.*\///;
+        $parser->{name} =~ s/^(.*).(1p|3pm|5|7)/$1/;
+        $parser->{section} = $2;
+        if ($parser->{section} ne "3pm") {
+            $parser->{name} = uc $parser->{name};
+        }
+        my $lang = $out;
+        $lang =~ s/^blib\/man\/([^\/]*)\/.*$/$1/;
+        if ($lang =~ m/man\d/) {
+                $parser->{release} = $parser->{center} = "Po4a Tools";
+        } else {
+                my $command;
+                $command = "msggrep -K -E -e \"Po4a Tools\" po/pod/$lang.po |";
+                $command .= "msgconv -t UTF-8 | ";
+                $command .= "msgexec /bin/sh -c '[ -n \"\$MSGEXEC_MSGID\" ] ";
+                $command .= "&& cat || cat > /dev/null'";
+                my $title = `$command 2> /dev/null`;
+                $title = "Po4a Tools" unless length $title;
+                $title = Encode::decode_utf8($title);
+                $parser->{release} = $parser->{center} = $title;
+        }
+        $parser->parse_from_file ($file, $out);
+        system("gzip -9 -f $out") and die;
+        unlink "$file" || die;
+    }
+    # Install the manpages written in XML DocBook
+    system ("cp share/doc/po4a-build.xml share/doc/po4aman-display-po.xml share/doc/po4apod-display-po.xml blib/man/man1/") and die;
+    foreach $file (@{$self->rscan_dir('blib/man',qr{\.xml$})}) {
+        if ($file =~ m,(.*/man(.))/([^/]*)\.xml$,) {
+            my ($outdir, $section, $outfile) = ($1, $2, $3);
+            system("xsltproc -o $outdir/$outfile.$section --nonet http://docbook.sourceforge.net/release/xsl/current/manpages/docbook.xsl $file") and die;
+            system ("gzip -9 -f $outdir/$outfile.$section") and die;
+        }
+        unlink "$file" || die;
+    }
 sub ACTION_postats {
     my $self = shift;

Modified: trunk/po/pod.cfg
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/po4a/trunk/po/pod.cfg?rev=2587&op=diff
--- trunk/po/pod.cfg (original)
+++ trunk/po/pod.cfg Sun Sep 23 19:55:24 2012
@@ -1,10 +1,33 @@
 [po_directory] po/pod
+[po4a_alias:docbook] docbook opt:"-M UTF-8 -L UTF-8"
 [po4a_alias:pod] pod opt:"-M UTF-8 -L UTF-8"
 [po4a_alias:man] man opt:"-M UTF-8 -L UTF-8"
+[type:docbook] share/doc//po4a-build.xml $lang:share/doc//$lang/po4a-build.xml
+[type:docbook] share/doc//po4aman-display-po.xml $lang:share/doc//$lang/po4aman-display-po.xml
+[type:docbook] share/doc//po4apod-display-po.xml $lang:share/doc//$lang/po4apod-display-po.xml
+[type: pod] po4a                            $lang:blib/man/$lang/man1/po4a.1p.pod \
+            add_$lang:?doc/addendum.$lang
+[type: pod] po4a-gettextize                 $lang:blib/man/$lang/man1/po4a-gettextize.1p.pod \
+            add_$lang:?doc/addendum.$lang
+[type: pod] po4a-normalize                  $lang:blib/man/$lang/man1/po4a-normalize.1p.pod \
+            add_$lang:?doc/addendum.$lang
+[type: pod] po4a-translate                  $lang:blib/man/$lang/man1/po4a-translate.1p.pod \
+            add_$lang:?doc/addendum.$lang
+[type: pod] po4a-updatepo                   $lang:blib/man/$lang/man1/po4a-updatepo.1p.pod \
+            add_$lang:?doc/addendum.$lang
+[type: pod] scripts/msguntypot               $lang:blib/man/$lang/man1/msguntypot.1p.pod \
+            add_$lang:?doc/addendum.$lang
+[type: pod] doc/po4a-build.conf.5.pod       $lang:blib/man/$lang/man5/po4a-build.conf.5.pod \
+            add_$lang:?doc/addendum.$lang
 [type: pod] doc/po4a.7.pod                  $lang:blib/man/$lang/man7/po4a.7.pod \
+            add_$lang:?doc/addendum.$lang
+[type: pod] doc/po4a-runtime.7.pod          $lang:blib/man/$lang/man7/po4a-runtime.7.pod \
 [type: pod] lib/Locale/Po4a/BibTeX.pm       $lang:blib/man/$lang/man3/Locale::Po4a::BibTeX.3pm.pod \
@@ -60,27 +83,3 @@
 #  deprecated, use Text instead
 #[type: pod] lib/Locale/Po4a/NewsDebian.pm   $lang:blib/man/$lang/man3/Locale::Po4a::NewsDebian.3pm.pod \
 #            add_$lang:?doc/addendum.$lang
-[type: pod] po4a                            $lang:blib/man/$lang/man1/po4a.1p.pod \
-            add_$lang:?doc/addendum.$lang
-[type: pod] po4a-gettextize                 $lang:blib/man/$lang/man1/po4a-gettextize.1p.pod \
-            add_$lang:?doc/addendum.$lang
-[type: pod] po4a-normalize                  $lang:blib/man/$lang/man1/po4a-normalize.1p.pod \
-            add_$lang:?doc/addendum.$lang
-[type: pod] po4a-translate                  $lang:blib/man/$lang/man1/po4a-translate.1p.pod \
-            add_$lang:?doc/addendum.$lang
-[type: pod] po4a-updatepo                   $lang:blib/man/$lang/man1/po4a-updatepo.1p.pod \
-            add_$lang:?doc/addendum.$lang
-[type: pod] scripts/msguntypot              $lang:blib/man/$lang/man1/msguntypot.1p.pod \
-            add_$lang:?doc/addendum.$lang
-[type: pod] doc/po4a-build.conf.5.pod       $lang:blib/man/$lang/man5/po4a-build.conf.5.pod \
-            add_$lang:?doc/addendum.$lang
-[type: pod] doc/po4a-runtime.7.pod          $lang:blib/man/$lang/man7/po4a-runtime.7.pod \
-            add_$lang:?doc/addendum.$lang
-[type: man] scripts/po4aman-display-po.1    $lang:blib/man/$lang/man1/po4aman-display-po.1 \
-            add_$lang:?doc/addendum_man.$lang
-[type: man] scripts/po4apod-display-po.1    $lang:blib/man/$lang/man1/po4apod-display-po.1 \
-            add_$lang:?doc/addendum_man.$lang

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