[Po4a-devel]Design of the (La)TeX module

Nicolas Pettiaux (AEL) nicolas.pettiaux@ael.be
Sat, 11 Dec 2004 08:40:15 +0100

On Fri, 10 Dec 2004 23:34:32 +0100, Denis Barbier wrote

THank you to contribute.

I have recently came accross several active people who will be very happy
with this tools tat will allow to ease the translation of Latex documents,
but that will also, ans thiscan even be more important, simplify greatly
the maintenance of the transaltions with respect to their respective

I am forwarding the discussion so far to the original author of the latex
documents I am translating to see if he has some comments.

THanks again to all 


Nicolas Pettiaux