[Po4a-devel][CVS] po4a/t 21-dia.t,NONE,1.1

Martin Quinson po4a-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org
Tue, 25 May 2004 17:35:56 +0000

Update of /cvsroot/po4a/po4a/t
In directory haydn:/tmp/cvs-serv4654/t

Added Files:
Log Message:
Dia module from Jordi

--- NEW FILE: 21-dia.t ---
#! /usr/bin/perl
# DIA module tester.


use strict;
use warnings;

my @tests;

mkdir "t/tmp" unless -e "t/tmp";

my $diff_po_flags = " -I '^# SOME' -I '^# Test' ".
  "-I '^\"POT-Creation-Date: ' -I '^\"Content-Type:' -I '^\"Content-Transfer-Encoding:'";

$tests[0]{'run'}  = '../po4a-gettextize -f dia -m data-21/extract.dia -p tmp/dia_extract.po';
$tests[0]{'test'} = "diff -u $diff_po_flags data-21/extract.po-ok tmp/dia_extract.po";
$tests[0]{'doc'}  = 'get only needed strings';

$tests[1]{'run'}  = '../po4a-translate -f dia -m data-21/transl.dia -p data-21/transl.po -l tmp/transl.dia';
$tests[1]{'test'} = 'diff -u data-21/transl.dia-ok tmp/transl.dia';
$tests[1]{'doc'}  = 'test translations with new-lines';

use Test::More tests =>4; # tests * (run+validity)

for (my $i=0; $i<scalar @tests; $i++) {
    chdir "t" || die "Can't chdir to my test directory";

    my ($val,$name);

    my $cmd=$tests[$i]{'run'};

    $name=$tests[$i]{'doc'}.' runs';
    ok($val == 0,$name);
    diag(%{$tests[$i]{'run'}}) unless ($val == 0);

    SKIP: {
    	skip ("Command don't run, can't test the validity of its return",1)
	     if $val;
    	$name=$tests[$i]{'doc'}.' returns what is expected';
        ok($val == 0,$name);
	unless ($val == 0) {
	    diag ("Failed (retval=$val) on:");
	    diag ($tests[$i]{'test'});
	    diag ("Was created with:");
	    diag ($tests[$i]{'run'});

#    system("rm -f tmp/* 2>&1");

    chdir ".." || die "Can't chdir back to my root";
