[Po4a-devel] po4a 0.19 tomorrow?

Danilo Piazzalunga danilopiazza@libero.it
Tue, 9 Nov 2004 02:04:06 +0100

Alle 23:20, luned=EC 8 novembre 2004, Denis Barbier ha scritto:
> Due to last minute commits, I did not release 0.19 yet.
> I will do tomorrow night.  Please do not change strings so that
> translators can polish their translations.  Take care that PO files
> have to be UTf-8 encoded because msgids contain some non-ASCII
> characters.

I checked the Italian files, and they look correctly encoded.
I've fixed some fuzzies and added a couple of strings. I'm sorry I have =20
almost no time to translate... :-(

Danilo Piazzalunga <danilopiazza@libero.it> +--------------------+
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